New Content - Implemented Familiar equipment auto-switching in Beecore


Please enlighten me... where did Bale provide enlightenment in regard to the familiar equpment swapping issue? I've scanned the thread twice and only see references to the maximizer until Veracity's post provides some options.

In post #4 I agreed with your complain in post #3, but insisted that you first sentence about the maximizer was wrong. As I suspected, communication was not happening. I assumed you understood the issue. That's why I only referred to it obliquely. If I knew you were blaming the maximizer, not merely using it as a work around I would have been blunter.

Revision 9544 does that: if KoLmafia wants to equip a "good" item on a naked familiar, if you are in Beecore, it will reject the item if it is a B item.

I'm not sure that is the best solution for the reasons that you already stated. If he's got such a thing in inventory it should probably be used. Personally I think that +5 pounds of familiar is worth a bee. Closet (or keep it in Hangks) if you don't want to use it, but I don't really mind having to personally equip my +5 equipment if I have it. Though I usually use a loathing legion helicopter or flaming familiar doppelgänger (+5 ML and fam exp) to avoid the Bees, so this doesn't actually hurt me.
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