Equipping specific wapon type


Equipping specific weapon type

Is there a way to have mafia search/equip for a specific weapon type? I'm working on a script that will run all free fights, and if the character is a Seal Clubber, then they will need a club to fight infernal seals. I don't want to assume people have a specific weapon, and there's so many to choose from.
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Of course it's that simple.

Is there a way to equip only the weapon from the maximizer?

Also, I'm sure this exists somewhere in the forums, and if there is please point me to it. Is there a way to use an item against a specific monster without setting it up in the CCS?

I think I know how to do it, but appreciate some help with it.
How can I record what shirt a player is wearing?

In the script I'm working on, it will have players equip the "PARTY HARD T-shirt" for the adventures at TNP. I need/want to switch the shirt back to the previous shirt. Can anyone help with this?