EoD Softcore Ascension Script

Because I have a tome of Smithness I crafted a Light that Never Goes Out and a Sheila Take a Crossbow. I did also craft a Hand in Glove but quickly put it away where it couldn't be equipped because it was too strong.

As for those lines setting mpAutoRecoveryItems and hpAutoRecoveryItems, I would just comment them out. All they do is overwrite the players own choices in Universal Recovery.

I would move the day pulls and default equipment into a simple map file. Next step would be to write a relay script to set-up and edit the file. If the file format is simple and published people will write improved setup and editing scripts as they feel the need.

I thing we could get away with no more than 4 or 5 different CCS scripts for each class. They can be cross referenced against each stage of the quest to deliver a simple mechanism for controlling combat.

Day 4 report ...

My first problem was that cli_execute("summon 2") did not work because I don't know the demon name. I just commented that code out and continued. Because Greenspun's Guide has a decreasing effect you should do the Nun's quest before the Filthworms and Dooks.

Later I had problems with obtaining the healing items at the hippy store because I had buy from coinmaster turned off. I'll provide some code to get around that. I manually traded my stuff in and purchased what I needed.

Finally I ran out of adventures while trying to get something from Belowdecks. The script the proceeded to attempt to do the entryway anyway and got stuck in an endless loop trying to use the Skeleton key. I broke out of that and it went to completion. I haven't looked at the code for this yet.
Alright, I am guessing those gave you more ML which made it harder for your guy to kill them?

Yeah, I think I will just comment that out and put a note to uncomment it if you have never set up universal recovery.

The pulls need a lot of work. It would be awesome if I could get something set up like that but it would take a lot of time as I don't know anything about the relay browser so it would be a massive learning experience x). So, I don't see that happening in the near future but I do think it would be best to move to a file format.

For the CCS, that might be possible but still would be kinda annoying to try n figure it all out. I think it would be best to just have people use WHAM if they are a mysticality class and probably even for a muscle class. But I don't mind having simple CCS scripts if people want to just use those instead.

I guess I need to add in a check to see if the person has that demon or not and have it proceed accordingly. Also, Greenspun's Guide has an increasing effect. It gets stronger the closer to the end it gets. That is why I activate it around the end of the 11 quest only to be used at the nuns.

I can fix the coinmaster thing by just turning it on and then putting it back to your default setting.

Yeah, the end of day 4 likes to get stuck in infinite loops when you run out of adventures. I am trying to iron those out.

Anyways, thanks a lot for your feed back :). I will make those changes after I get some sleep.
@Eliteofdelete >> What I meant was that the script by default tries to use a familiar I didnt have.
It was just a matter of editing the default familiar, and it worked.

I'll try day 2 as soon as I get home.
Thanks for that update. I wanted to use it on an old account I use for testing and has been a while since I tried any scripts for auto ascending.
I would suggest adding something that checks for remaining adventures before drinking a nightcap.
It won't allow me to go to day 2, and that's ok since it's obviously not designed for the accounts current level.
I'll truly check it out once I ascend this account, but it did drink me drunk with 374 adventures left.
If using the script from point 0 I'm sure this doesn't matter, but not everyone will be trying to use this script with out doing some manual adventuring, or from scratch on a new ascension.
I may just ascend the account manual to try the script from scratch.
Alright, I am guessing those gave you more ML which made it harder for your guy to kill them?
No the two items I had gave no ML increases. Maybe something to do with healing? It was actually Universal Recovery aborting because it couldn't remove beaten up.
The pulls need a lot of work. It would be awesome if I could get something set up like that but it would take a lot of time as I don't know anything about the relay browser so it would be a massive learning experience x). So, I don't see that happening in the near future but I do think it would be best to move to a file format.
I'll be happy to look into this.
Have a look at your messages as well
Day report.

I had to change a default accesory as I haven't ascended with a Disco bandit before, but that was just me being lazy not to change any default items
So far, no problems

Name: patochaos
Class: Disco Bandit

Lv: 10
HP: 69 / 88
MP: 47 / 69

Mus: 85 (60), tnp = 110
Mys: 69 (59), tnp = 2
Mox: 185 (92), tnp = 52

Advs: 28
Meat: 17,746

Full: 15 / 15
Drunk: 24 / 19
Spleen: 0 / 15
Thanks for that update. I wanted to use it on an old account I use for testing and has been a while since I tried any scripts for auto ascending.
I would suggest adding something that checks for remaining adventures before drinking a nightcap.
It won't allow me to go to day 2, and that's ok since it's obviously not designed for the accounts current level.
I'll truly check it out once I ascend this account, but it did drink me drunk with 374 adventures left.
If using the script from point 0 I'm sure this doesn't matter, but not everyone will be trying to use this script with out doing some manual adventuring, or from scratch on a new ascension.
I may just ascend the account manual to try the script from scratch.

That is really strange. It shouldn't do any over capping if you have greater than 135 adventures. The specific code that handles this case can be seen here
 else if (my_adventures() < 135 && my_inebriety() == 19 && pulls_remaining() == -1) {
If it doesn't meet that then it should have stopped. If you can paste the last bit of the session log that did the over capping, and some beforehand, I could try to figure it out more.

Overall, it should be able to do casual ascensions. I did it after crimbo farming on a few of my accounts but they had already gone through day one.

@Gnocchi Masala: I don't have any healing taking place during combat, all of it happens out of combat. During that specific instance, I have the script heal you too full HP too so I am not sure why they had trouble getting through it. I am guessing you ended up above 50 ML or didn't have as much hp?

@patchaos: Seems like it going mostly well then :). Thanks for the feedback everyone.
else if (my_adventures() < 135 && my_inebriety() == 19 && pulls_remaining() == -1) {
I spotted this earlier but forgot to mention it ... you need pulls_remaining() <= 0 even on a hardcore run I never saw it return -1.

I wasn't talking about healing during combat just ordinary everyday Universal Recovery running and fixing stuff. I was losing 90+ HP per turn and I had around 80 HP. I was nearly always losing initiative and I was doing about 100 pts of damage in 2 hits.

I completed the run on day 5 using only 17 turns. I had the same trouble with the skeleton key so I raided the hermit for clovers. You probably need to advise people to set Mafia's Ronin preference to get clovers.
That is really strange. It shouldn't do any over capping if you have greater than 135 adventures. The specific code that handles this case can be seen here
 else if (my_adventures() < 135 && my_inebriety() == 19 && pulls_remaining() == -1) {
If it doesn't meet that then it should have stopped. If you can paste the last bit of the session log that did the over capping, and some beforehand, I could try to figure it out more.

Spent 59742 meat. Gained Fullness: 15. Inebriety: 19. Spleen: 15.Adventures: 258. Muscle: 112. Moxie: 277. Mysticality: 0.
> Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
> ******************************************
> Now, to recap...
> ******************************************
> Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).<br>Consuming up to 15 food, 19 booze, and 15 spleen<br>Considering food from inventory Hagnk's Coinmasters NPCs the mall. Per-item budget cap is 250000.0.<br>Retrieval cap is 20000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.<br>An adventure has the value of <b>725 meat</b>. Moxie subpoint is 1.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 0.0.<br>food: At 0, consuming to 15 with 200000 meat.<br>0: <b>milk of magnesium</b> price: 609 value: 6641.0<br>0: <b>milk of magnesium</b> price: 609 value: 3016.0<br>0: <b>potion of the field gar</b> price: 7675 value: 10450.0<br>1: <b>fishy fish lasagna</b> lev:10 gain:3.0 adv:19.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:50.5 meat:3650 own:0 value:3375<br>2: <b>fishy fish lasagna</b> lev:10 gain:3.0 adv:19.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:50.5 meat:3650 own:0 value:3375<br>3: <b>fishy fish lasagna</b> lev:10 gain:3.0 adv:19.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:50.5 meat:3650 own:0 value:3375<br>4: <b>fishy fish lasagna</b> lev:10 gain:3.0 adv:19.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:50.5 meat:3650 own:0 value:3375<br>5: <b>fishy fish lasagna</b> lev:10 gain:3.0 adv:19.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:50.5 meat:3650 own:0 value:3375<br>drink: At 0, consuming to 19 with 200000 meat.<br>1: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>2: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>3: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>4: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>5: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>6: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>7: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>8: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>9: <b>Paint A Vulgar Pitcher</b> lev:1 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:11.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2790 own:0 value:2592<br>10: <b>can of Swiller</b> lev:10 gain:1.0 adv:3.0 musc:12.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:170 own:0 value:2005<br>spleen: At 0, consuming to 15 with 200000 meat.<br>1: <b>agua de vida</b> lev:4 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2600 own:0 value:709<br>2: <b>agua de vida</b> lev:4 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2600 own:0 value:709<br>3: <b>agua de vida</b> lev:4 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:2600 own:0 value:709<br>4: <b>carrot juice</b> lev:1 gain:3.0 adv:4.5 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:1350 own:0 value:637<br>choc: Checking non-filling crimbo chocolates - all 3 kinds<br>Best find was chocolate stolen accordion with a value of -720. That's no good, so not consuming and moving on.<br>Finished. You had Milk of Magnesium-Ode to Booze in effect. Adventures listed above does not reflect that, but this does:<br>Spent 59742 meat. Gained Fullness: 15. Inebriety: 19. Spleen: 15.Adventures: 258. Muscle: 112. Moxie: 277. Mysticality: 0.<br>Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).<br>

uneffect Ode to Booze

drink 1 Slippery Knob
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 31 Cheek
You acquire an effect: Gutterminded (duration: 10 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
> You are not a disco bandit or already have the skill
> You are not a disco bandit or already have the skill
> You are not a disco bandit or already have the skill
> You are not a disco bandit or already have the skill
> You are not a disco bandit or already have the skill
> You are not a disco bandit or already have the skill

[61403] Friar Ceremony Location
> We have finished the Friar's Quest.

maximize adventures -tie
> Seems like you have too many adventures or not enough drunkeness to end the day. Please look into that.
Last edited:
Woops got my first stuck on day 3

[482] The Typical Tavern Cellar (row 5, col 4)
Encounter: If it's Tiny, is it Still a Mansion?
Baron found in row 5, column 4
Putting Rolando Rivas the Leprechaun back into terrarium...
You need 1 more Baron von Ratsworth's monocle to continue.

And it just stayed there. I restarted and it stopped here

[489] Twin Peak
Encounter: Lost in the Great Overlook Lodge
Unsupported choice adventure #606
choice 3: Follow the faint sound of music (need jar of oil)
choice 6: Leave the hotel (flee)
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Ran it a second time, same thing. it seems it didnt have the 12 bubblin' crudes to make teh jar of oil, so it got lost.

After the third time it worked.

Then it gets stuck getting cans of paint.

Did not have enough Stench Resistance to do Twin Peak, will pick it up later.
You need 2 more can of black paint to continue.

Day 3 acting weird for me indeed


Seems it just got stuck in twin peaks.
Had to do the black market quest plus twin peaks by myself

Then it finished

Name: patochaos
Class: Disco Bandit

Lv: 12
HP: 67 / 89
MP: 86 / 86

Mus: 86 (83), tnp = 35
Mys: 86 (83), tnp = 114
Mox: 213 (128), tnp = 205

Advs: 18
Meat: 25,352

Full: 15 / 15
Drunk: 19 / 19
Spleen: 0 / 15
Last edited:

maximize adventures -tie
> Seems like you have too many adventures or not enough drunkeness to end the day. Please look into that.

Yeah, it didn't overdrink as seen by the end. It left you at 19 inebriety.

@Gnocchi: -1 is used for casual, it is the value pulls return when you can interact.

As for the oil peak, I am still not sure why your guy had trouble with it. I guess there is some problem with the amount of hp you had or something =\.

Lastly, it does get clovers. I execute the breakfast command before item pulls.
 //Day 5
	else if (EoD_Ascend_Day == "5") {
		if (get_property("eod_astral_item") == "food") {
Woops got my first stuck on day 3

[482] The Typical Tavern Cellar (row 5, col 4)
Encounter: If it's Tiny, is it Still a Mansion?
Baron found in row 5, column 4
Putting Rolando Rivas the Leprechaun back into terrarium...
You need 1 more Baron von Ratsworth's monocle to continue.

And it just stayed there. I restarted and it stopped here

[489] Twin Peak
Encounter: Lost in the Great Overlook Lodge
Unsupported choice adventure #606
choice 3: Follow the faint sound of music (need jar of oil)
choice 6: Leave the hotel (flee)
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Ran it a second time, same thing. it seems it didnt have the 12 bubblin' crudes to make teh jar of oil, so it got lost.

After the third time it worked.

Then it gets stuck getting cans of paint.

Did not have enough Stench Resistance to do Twin Peak, will pick it up later.
You need 2 more can of black paint to continue.

Day 3 acting weird for me indeed


Seems it just got stuck in twin peaks.
Had to do the black market quest plus twin peaks by myself

Then it finished

Name: patochaos
Class: Disco Bandit

Lv: 12
HP: 67 / 89
MP: 86 / 86

Mus: 86 (83), tnp = 35
Mys: 86 (83), tnp = 114
Mox: 213 (128), tnp = 205

Advs: 18
Meat: 25,352

Full: 15 / 15
Drunk: 19 / 19
Spleen: 0 / 15

Twin peak will always be a terror. It has a lot of requirements and not much guidance available. There are no updates telling you where you have gone and what you have done. I am surprised it got through it at all after having trouble. Usually it is best to just do that quest by hand if it fails.

Did it abort after the "Did not have enough Stench Resistance to do Twin Peak, will pick it up later."?

Either way, that quest is a nightmare :( I will try to come up with a better way of handling it when I have some time.
Twin peak will always be a terror. It has a lot of requirements and not much guidance available. There are no updates telling you where you have gone and what you have done. I am surprised it got through it at all after having trouble. Usually it is best to just do that quest by hand if it fails.

You want twinPeakProgress.
There are no updates telling you where you have gone and what you have done.

Not completely true... there's actually quest tracking to tell you exactly what you have and haven't done, as long as you do the whole thing in mafia. Which people should be doing if they're running Ascension scripts... :)
Not completely true... there's actually quest tracking to tell you exactly what you have and haven't done, as long as you do the whole thing in mafia. Which people should be doing if they're running Ascension scripts... :)

I am not sure what you are referrng too Theraze. If you are talking about these
Then that doesn't really help in this case as it doesn't tell the details about this particular section of the quest.

Also, twinPeakProgress doesn't help either as it just tells you how many adventures you have used there which only helps if you plan on doing 40 to burn it down. This is usually 2-4 times slower than doing the non-combat objectives.
Also, twinPeakProgress doesn't help either as it just tells you how many adventures you have used there

WRONG! twinPeakProgress is a nibble bitmask with least significant bit set for the first choice and the most significant for the fourth. You can parse this with bitwise operators. If you still don't get it, here's some code I wrote for another purpose. Feel free to crib.

void comma(buffer b, string s) {
	if(length(b) > 0)
		b.append(", ");

boolean mysterious(int progress, int c) { 
	return (progress & (1 << c)) == 0;

string twinPeak() {
	int p = get_property("twinPeakProgress").to_int();
	buffer need;
	if(mysterious(p, 0)) need.comma("4 Stench Resistance");
	if(mysterious(p, 1)) need.comma("+50% Item Drop");
	if(mysterious(p, 2)) need.comma("Jar of Oil");
	// Only check for final if first three complete
	if(length(need) == 0) {
		if(mysterious(p, 3))
			return "Need +40% Initiative";
		return "Twin Peak Completed";
	return "Need " + need;

gnasirProgress and mothershipProgress do something similar.
WRONG! twinPeakProgress is a nibble bitmask with least significant bit set for the first choice and the most significant for the fourth. You can parse this with bitwise operators. If you still don't get it, here's some code I wrote for another purpose. Feel free to crib.

Ah, I was unaware of that. Searches on the wiki never brought that to light so I always just assumed it was how many adventures used. Thanks for the info and code.
Yeah, it didn't overdrink as seen by the end. It left you at 19 inebriety.

At that point no, but everything in that copy/past was hands off, all done by the script and right after completing the eatdrink.ash it did this before adventuring:
drink 1 Slippery Knob
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 31 Cheek
You acquire an effect: Gutterminded (duration: 10 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
sending me over the limit. And won't advance to day 2.
I'm going to complete the ascension this weekend and try it with a fresh start, but it did do this on 2 accounts I tried it on.
I'll turn up the verbosity when I get a fresh start in case this is some other setting in my mafia causing this.
Day 4

It got stuck as it ran out of adventures and I don't know what failed but it didn't try to eat or drink. So I just manually ate/drank and then it got stuck here

We are going to get 1 Groar's Fur at Mist-Shrouded Peak.
Restoring HP! Currently at 43 of 115 HP, 104 of 104 MP, current meat: 25379 ... Target HP = 87.
Casting Disco Nap 1 times...
You gain 40 hit points
Disco Nap was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Nap 1 times...
You gain 40 hit points
Disco Nap was successfully cast.

That area is not available.

Something has went wrong with the Trapper Quest....

so I checked and I only have 1 chunk of asbestos, so it seems it didn't complete the trapper quest. Im doing it manually but ran out of adventures.