Feature - Implemented Encyclopedia should let you look at all the images of a Monster


Staff member
I recently added the hostile intelligent alien to monsters.txt:

hostile intelligent alien	2023	sgalienb1.gif,sgalienb2.gif,sgalienb3.gif,sgalienb4.gif,sgalienb5.gif,sgalienb6.gif,sgalienb7.gif,sgalienb8.gif,sgalienb9.gif,sgalienb10.gif	Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 0 Init: -10000 P: humanoid
Notice that it has 10 different possible images. I believe that Monster Manuel will pick one at random to show you.

In the Monster section of the Encyclopedia, I believe we pick the first one.

I would like to modify the HTML we generate for monsters with multiple images. Perhaps like this:

For a monster with only one image:


For a monster with multiple images:

                     [image 1]
[left arrow (disabled)] 1/10 [right arrow (enabled)]

If you click on right arrow:

                    [image 2]
[left arrow (enabled)] 2/10 [right arrow (enabled)]

I know you can put dynamic links into an HTML panel; look at the Mini Browser. I believe it is done with an HTMLEditorKit - technology I know essentially nothing about.

How hard can it be? :)
Well, that was easy. Rather than adding links in the hand-crafted HTML, I added a new navigation toolbar on the bottom of the frame. Revision 17955.

Try it with the hostile intelligent alien or any Dreadsylvanian monster to see how it works.

I'm going to leave this open because I have another idea, which probably only applies to a single monster.

I'd like it if Ed the Undying could not only cycle through images (which would immediately work by adding the variants to monsters.txt), but would also adjust the displayed stats to correspond to the appropriately decrepit image.

I'll look at this tomorrow.
Oh! That's NEAT!! I wonder if I should add something like this to my Manuel Improvement relay...

I note that this doesn't yet work for Slime Tube monsters. Intention to fill those in? I can't think of anything else (besides Ed) that might be missing in the following list...

> ashq foreach m in $monsters[] if(count(m.images) > 1) print(m);

C. H. U. M.
Cinco de Mayo reveler
cold bugbear
cold ghost
Cold hobo
cold skeleton
cold vampire
cold werewolf
cold zombie
Elf Hobo
factory-irregular skeleton
guard turtle
High-Ranking Warbear Officer
hostile intelligent alien
hot bugbear
hot ghost
Hot hobo
hot skeleton
hot vampire
hot werewolf
hot zombie
Normal hobo
Servant of Lord Flameface
sexy sorority ghost
sexy sorority skeleton
sexy sorority vampire
sexy sorority werewolf
sexy sorority zombie
sleaze bugbear
sleaze ghost
Sleaze hobo
sleaze skeleton
sleaze vampire
sleaze werewolf
sleaze zombie
space beast
spooky bugbear
spooky ghost
Spooky hobo
spooky skeleton
spooky vampire (Dreadsylvanian)
spooky werewolf
spooky zombie
stench bugbear
stench ghost
Stench hobo
stench skeleton
stench vampire
stench werewolf
stench zombie
stumbling-drunk congoer (female)
stumbling-drunk congoer (male)
Thinknerd Moving Robot
Thinknerd Packing Robot
Thinknerd Sorting Robot
toxic beastie
VYKEA viking (female)
VYKEA viking (male)
Warbear Foot Soldier
Warbear Officer
Last edited:
In order to fill in the Slime Tube monsters, we just need to add the alternate .gif files to list of potential images. I.e., it's just a matter of editing monsters.txt.

I'm out for the evening, gaming. I'll do it tomorrow, back at my dev computer.
All the slime tube monsters - Slime, Slime Hand, Slime Mouth, Slime Construct, Slime Colossus - now let you look at all 8 images.
I'd like them also to all show you the Manuel entries for "Slime Tube Monster".
So, not perfect yet - but close. ;)
Revision 17962 lets Slime, Slime Hand, Slime Mouth, Slime Construct, and Slime Colossus show the factoids for "Slime Tube Monster".
It appears that get_all_properties() believes MonsterDescriptionFrame to be a user property. Also, thanks for making the encyclopedia more awesome !