New Content - Implemented Effect modifiers in desc_item

Kol now shows a list of effect modifiers in the desc_item.php of items that grant effects.

I'm not sure what mafia functions might be affected by this, but I thought a thread to discuss it would be a good idea.

One thing that I noticed relates to mafia's tracking of Experimental Effect G-9.
After loading the desc_effect.php, mafia saves the modifier amount as pref "_g9Effect"
The pref could now also be set by visiting desc_item.php for Experimental Serum G-9.

Does mafia have other effects which it tracks via desc_effect.php?


Staff member
Those are listed in consequences.txt. We could just add a DESC_ITEM line for each of those, but I wonder if that can be an automated thing internally.


Staff member
16634 adds DESC_ITEM values to consequences.txt for all of the DESC_EFFECT things that come from items. I didn't see a way to automatically handle those without making more changes than I wanted to make. If anyone else wants to look at it, the starting points are probably ConsequenceManager (in the DESC_EFFECT block) and likely Modifiers (where modifiers.txt is parsed).