eclipse setup, tricks, etc

This tutorial needs a couple things updated. First of all, KoLmafia now requires JDK7 to compile. Secondly there's the 1.10.x release of the Subversion Eclipse client.
Since mafia internally uses the 1.8.xx SVN client, does updating to the 1.10.xx or 1.9.xx SVN client fail?
Oh right... I just know that I keep my SVN install files and turn off upgrade notices immediately so that I can do my svn update in the folder without screwing up mafia's ability to do it. Knew it was a few off, but couldn't remember the exact number. Ugh.

But yeah, 1.7.xx still recommended, right? Since otherwise it messes up the svn repos...
Oh right... I just know that I keep my SVN install files and turn off upgrade notices immediately so that I can do my svn update in the folder without screwing up mafia's ability to do it. Knew it was a few off, but couldn't remember the exact number. Ugh.

But yeah, 1.7.xx still recommended, right? Since otherwise it messes up the svn repos...

Correct. If you want your external SVN client to behave with Mafia then make sure it can handle 1.7 format repositories. The last time I checked SVN was not backwards compatible and the first thing a client upgrade did was upgrade the repositories so 1.7 is the preferred (only?) choice. This is of biggest concern to script authors since it is convenient to edit and upload from the same location KoLmafia uses for the local repository.
That's the goofy thing about Subversion - the client version never matches that of the repository. SVNKit 1.8 is for SVN 1.7 oddly enough.
This is my second attempt trying to get SVN to work with eclipse, after getting mad and giving up a couple weeks ago. This time it breaks earlier in the process AND it's a different error!


This is the error I get trying to install subclipse from the given URL. I have no idea what to do to even begin fixing this.
This is the error I get trying to install subclipse from the given URL. I have no idea what to do to even begin fixing this.

What given URL?
Eclipse addons often have different installation repositories (urls) for each different eclipse release, it's very possible that you are trying to install a version of subclipse that's incompatible with your version of eclipse.

I always install from eclipse marketplace (menu: help/eclipse marketplace..., input subclipse in the find box, press enter, hit the install button in subclipse's cell).
Also, since this still tells users to manually choose the SVN 1.7 edition even though mafia has, in the past year, moved to using the SVN 1.8 edition, the directions should probably be updated to actually match up...
That shouldn't be relevant anyway?
Version of *subclipse* only affects the local repository of kolmafia itself. It should have absolutely no relation to local repositories of scripts (managed by kolmafia), whose version depends on the used svnkit.

(it's relevant for choosing an external client, of course)
That shouldn't be relevant anyway?
Version of *subclipse* only affects the local repository of kolmafia itself. It should have absolutely no relation to local repositories of scripts (managed by kolmafia), whose version depends on the used svnkit.

(it's relevant for choosing an external client, of course)

Agreed. But I have found my life is a little easier if all of the SVN repositories on my system can be accessed with the same tool and I think 1.7 is the highest common denominator.
Not sure. I'm using SVN 1.8 for everything without any problems currently, but... *shrugs* I don't commit to mafia base, though I update from it.
I use git-svn 2.7.0 with svn 1.9.3 and compile with Ant 1.9.6 and OpenJDK 1.8.0_72-b15, and everything works out-of-the-box from the command-line.

I also have an Eclipse install (Mars.1 Release, 4.5.1), although I don't really use that for much beyond debugging.
Agreed. But I have found my life is a little easier if all of the SVN repositories on my system can be accessed with the same tool and I think 1.7 is the highest common denominator.

I think jsvn from latest svnkit was that common denominator for me (unlike the official client, it can work with any workcopy version, without demanding to upgrade it)
Okay, well, I found a different version of subclipse from the one in the tutorial that would actually install, but now I'm walled trying to actually import kolmafia into Eclipse. This is the same error I got the first time I was trying to make my dev environment, after creating the svn repository but before I could actually add it to my workbench:

Sounds like you have a partial checkout of mafia that's stuck. Running svn cleanup would probably fix that.
Or a partially installed wrong version of subclipse .... that would be a real "joy" ...
Okay, three weeks later, I got un-mad at this and tried it again. Turned out the error I had was pretty simple; I had subclipse, but not *subversion*, the actual SVN client, installed for Eclipse. I guess that isn't something that it just comes with >_>

Anyway, I have a kolmafia workspace now, thanks for all the help.