This tutorial needs a couple things updated. First of all, KoLmafia now requires JDK7 to compile. Secondly there's the 1.10.x release of the Subversion Eclipse client.
Since mafia internally uses the 1.8.xx SVN client
Oh right... I just know that I keep my SVN install files and turn off upgrade notices immediately so that I can do my svn update in the folder without screwing up mafia's ability to do it. Knew it was a few off, but couldn't remember the exact number. Ugh.
But yeah, 1.7.xx still recommended, right? Since otherwise it messes up the svn repos...
Fire up Eclipse. Ignore all the stuff in the main interface for now. Help > Install New Software. Copy/paste this url into the box: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x
This is the error I get trying to install subclipse from the given URL. I have no idea what to do to even begin fixing this.
That shouldn't be relevant anyway?
Version of *subclipse* only affects the local repository of kolmafia itself. It should have absolutely no relation to local repositories of scripts (managed by kolmafia), whose version depends on the used svnkit.
(it's relevant for choosing an external client, of course)
Agreed. But I have found my life is a little easier if all of the SVN repositories on my system can be accessed with the same tool and I think 1.7 is the highest common denominator.