Avoiding the largest fiddliness of blood-mayo concentration, because that's all about NOT getting adventures for your food, and EatDrink is about getting the adventures, and if you just wanted to do it all as BMC, you can simulate and then run it as mayo yourself. Avoiding mayozapine, since we don't consider effects in ED (all about those adventures) and stats won't be enough to matter appreciably, especially in aftercore.
That leaves 2 mayo-types we might care about: mayoflex and mayodiol.
So, it looks like any potential handling would basically be:
1) Is your VoA higher than 1000? Consider buying and using mayoflex. Add one adventure to each food item and 1000 to the total cost. This makes tiny food better.
2) Does your best food without bonus adventure and the 1000 bonus cost have a better average than your drink average? Consider using mayodiol to turn a fullness into drunkenness.
Four things tied into potentially handing those options:
1) It means iterating over the food lists at least 3* as much, which means that executing will take at least 3* as long. Because we need to compare the pure food, mayoflex food, and pure drink. Pure food compares to both mayoflex and drink. Which means that to make this work best, you'd probably need to run drink first and recalculate food against drink on every consumption - we'd still construct the full set of potential drink items, we'd just abort the consumption after every step if the next item isn't the same as the last. This means that if you're consuming 4 different SHC drinks, it's going to redo the comparison at least 5 times - for the SHC drinks and then your filler after - and the drink consumption will take way more time.
2) The mayo minder apparently overrides whatever mayo you're manually using, which makes it significantly harder to actually control this. This means that what we'd probably do is auto-closet all mayo not of the right kind before using retrieve_item to collect the desired one. This may leave large colonies of mayo languishing in the closet. But really, isn't that where mayo belongs?
3) This means that we do the food AFTER drink rather than before, like currently, since we don't know if our food option will be better than our drink option until we are into the drink. So as listed above, we'd go through drink one item at a time until there's no space left, at which point we no longer care about mayodiol.
4) Additionally, we need to compare the bonus value from converted drink against the bonus value of the extra adventure, keeping in mind that each will run us an extra 1000 meat for the helper.
Any potential handling would also be behind a zlib variable, so that people who possess a mayo clinic but didn't want ED to take 5-10* as long to run could handle things themselves.
If you have a different scope of what you'd like the handling to be, let me know. This is just based off reading the wiki pages and the top of my head.
If that does sound good, you can send Theraze the clinic or Mr A.
Yes, it'll be fiddly and make ED run like a slow beast when enabled for a few bonus adventures. But the only change non-mayo-runners are likely to experience is that the order of consumption will probably change from EDSO to DESO. Which won't change the inputs, just the actual execution.