Hmm, I was under the impression that 1-fullness foods didn't work with the fullness->liver mayo, but now that I'm looking in to that again I don't find anything backing that up, so I must have just gotten it mixed up with the mayolus mayo.
As for this talk about the one 'best' item, what exactly do you mean by that? Only considering one type of mayo in general?
Also, something to keep in mind with the liver mayo is the opportunity cost of not being able to use the +1 adv mayo with that food, in the case of >1 fullness foods.
As for the concern of over-complication turning people away from the script, if you just keep the mayo stuff limited to user variables then it shouldn't be a big problem, since it shouldn't make it more outwardly complex to people as far as needing to provide more arguments each time. I'm all for more complexity if it means a smarter diet planner though, personally
Anyway yeah, I look forward to the first pass at mayo support!
On an unrelated note, eatdrink has been doing one thing I consider a little bit odd lately. It seems to be using 2 mojo filters every day, and using four 4-toxicity spleen items and a single 1-toxicity spleen item, but it seem like it it's using a single mojo filter to use a 1-spleen item, why isn't it doing that twice??
As for this talk about the one 'best' item, what exactly do you mean by that? Only considering one type of mayo in general?
Also, something to keep in mind with the liver mayo is the opportunity cost of not being able to use the +1 adv mayo with that food, in the case of >1 fullness foods.
As for the concern of over-complication turning people away from the script, if you just keep the mayo stuff limited to user variables then it shouldn't be a big problem, since it shouldn't make it more outwardly complex to people as far as needing to provide more arguments each time. I'm all for more complexity if it means a smarter diet planner though, personally

Anyway yeah, I look forward to the first pass at mayo support!

On an unrelated note, eatdrink has been doing one thing I consider a little bit odd lately. It seems to be using 2 mojo filters every day, and using four 4-toxicity spleen items and a single 1-toxicity spleen item, but it seem like it it's using a single mojo filter to use a 1-spleen item, why isn't it doing that twice??