Ha. Just found it.You only allow inventory, Storage, Coinmasters, and NPCs. You don't allow the mall. As such, you can't buy twinkly (or any other kind of) wads if you don't have them yet.Either allow mafia to buy from the mall or put EatDrink in a wrapper that turns on mall purchasing and disables is again after.
Ah! Thank you so much, sorry to trouble you further but how do I allow mafia to use the mall? It always buys stuff when I tell it to![]()
The hermit tokens are virtual items which technically don't exist, making them fall into the non-tradable check. Just put an override in on the virtual item, namely $item[worthless item], to price it at the guaranteed-token price... 50 if you already have all the starters and a permit, higher if you don't.Now, to recap...
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 15 food, 0 booze, and 15 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 12500.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1250 meat. Muscle subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
food: At 0, consuming to 15 with 14047 meat.
1: painful penne pasta lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:8.0 musc:18.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:280 own:1 value:3301
2: painful penne pasta lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:8.0 musc:18.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:280 own:1 value:3301
3: painful penne pasta lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:8.0 musc:18.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:280 own:1 value:3301
4: painful penne pasta lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:8.0 musc:18.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:280 own:1 value:3301
5: painful penne pasta lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:8.0 musc:18.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:280 own:1 value:3301
spleen: At 0, consuming to 15 with 13947 meat.
Finished. You had -Ode to Booze in effect. Adventures listed above does not reflect that, but this does:
Spent 100 meat. Gained Fullness: 15. Inebriety: 0. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 38. Muscle: 96. Moxie: 0. Mysticality: 0.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
HISTORICAL:bottle of Domesticated Turkey = 2035
HISTORICAL:bottle of gin = 124
HISTORICAL:bottle of Jorge Sinsonte = 1999
HISTORICAL:bottle of Lieutenant Freeman = 1700
HISTORICAL:bottle of Pete's Sake = 3065
HISTORICAL:bottle of rum = 100
HISTORICAL:bottle of sake = 1888
HISTORICAL:bottle of tequila = 169
HISTORICAL:bottle of vodka = 124
HISTORICAL:bottle of whiskey = 125
HISTORICAL:boxed champagne = 2090
HISTORICAL:boxed wine = 100
HISTORICAL:caipifruta = 4000
HISTORICAL:cocktail onion = 2400
HISTORICAL:coconut shell = 788
HISTORICAL:cream stout = 475
HISTORICAL:CSA scoutmaster's "water" = 500
NPC STORES:day-old beer = 25
HISTORICAL:Divine = 5600
HISTORICAL:ducha de oro = 1000
HISTORICAL:fine wine = 132
HISTORICAL:fruity girl swill = 999
HISTORICAL:fuzzbump = 995
HISTORICAL:gibson = 4895
HISTORICAL:gimlet = 5700
HISTORICAL:gin and tonic = 5077
HISTORICAL:Gordon Bennett = 5650
HISTORICAL:grog = 1649
HISTORICAL:horizontal tango = 970
HISTORICAL:ice-cold fotie = 100
HISTORICAL:ice-cold Sir Schlitz = 100
HISTORICAL:Imp Ale = 100
HISTORICAL:Mad Train wine = 100
HISTORICAL:margarita = 150
HISTORICAL:martini = 209
HISTORICAL:mimosette = 4859
HISTORICAL:Mon Tiki = 5550
HISTORICAL:monkey wrench = 180
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:natto-infused sake = 420
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:natto-infused sake = 420
HISTORICAL:Neuromancer = 5700
HISTORICAL:ocean motion = 1190
NPC STORES:olive = 70
NPC STORES:overpriced "imported" beer = 100
HISTORICAL:parisian cathouse = 4300
HISTORICAL:pink pony = 1000
NPC STORES:plain old beer = 50
HISTORICAL:rabbit punch = 4338
HISTORICAL:redrum = 180
HISTORICAL:roll in the hay = 1225
HISTORICAL:salty dog = 186
HISTORICAL:screwdriver = 184
HISTORICAL:shot of grapefruit schnapps = 240
HISTORICAL:shot of orange schnapps = 240
HISTORICAL:shot of tomato schnapps = 240
HISTORICAL:skeleton = 1300
HISTORICAL:slip 'n' slide = 1000
HISTORICAL:snifter of thoroughly aged brandy = 100
HISTORICAL:strawberry daiquiri = 150
HISTORICAL:strawberry wine = 150
HISTORICAL:Supernova Champagne = 360
HISTORICAL:teqiwila = 5000
HISTORICAL:teqiwila slammer = 5399
HISTORICAL:tequila sunrise = 380
HISTORICAL:tequila sunset = 4929
HISTORICAL:tequila with training wheels = 935
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:tobiko-infused sake = 410
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:tobiko-infused sake = 410
HISTORICAL:tropical swill = 999
HISTORICAL:Typical Tavern swill = 130
HISTORICAL:vodka and cranberry = 150
HISTORICAL:vodka and tonic = 4798
HISTORICAL:vodka gibson = 4988
HISTORICAL:vodka martini = 244
HISTORICAL:vodka stratocaster = 5700
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:wasabi-infused sake = 399
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:wasabi-infused sake = 399
HISTORICAL:water purification pills = 100
HISTORICAL:whiskey and soda = 420
HISTORICAL:whiskey bittersweet = 4850
HISTORICAL:whiskey sour = 189
HISTORICAL:white Canadian = 1070
HISTORICAL:wine spritzer = 325
HISTORICAL:Ye Olde Meade = 1599
HISTORICAL:yellow brick road = 5800
HISTORICAL:zmobie = 4930
HISTORICAL:coconut shell = 788
HISTORICAL:cream stout = 475
HISTORICAL:CSA scoutmaster's "water" = 500
NPC STORES:day-old beer = 25
HISTORICAL:Divine = 5600
HISTORICAL:ducha de oro = 1000
HISTORICAL:fine wine = 132
HISTORICAL:fruity girl swill = 999
HISTORICAL:fuzzbump = 995
HISTORICAL:gibson = 4895
HISTORICAL:gimlet = 5700
HISTORICAL:gin and tonic = 5077
HISTORICAL:Gordon Bennett = 5650
HISTORICAL:grog = 1649
HISTORICAL:horizontal tango = 970
HISTORICAL:ice-cold fotie = 100
HISTORICAL:ice-cold Sir Schlitz = 100
HISTORICAL:Imp Ale = 100
HISTORICAL:Mad Train wine = 100
HISTORICAL:margarita = 150
HISTORICAL:martini = 209
HISTORICAL:mimosette = 4859
HISTORICAL:Mon Tiki = 5550
HISTORICAL:monkey wrench = 180
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:natto-infused sake = 420
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:natto-infused sake = 420
HISTORICAL:Neuromancer = 5700
HISTORICAL:ocean motion = 1190
NPC STORES:overpriced "imported" beer = 100
HISTORICAL:parisian cathouse = 4300
HISTORICAL:pink pony = 1000
NPC STORES:plain old beer = 50
HISTORICAL:rabbit punch = 4338
HISTORICAL:redrum = 180
HISTORICAL:roll in the hay = 1225
HISTORICAL:salty dog = 186
HISTORICAL:screwdriver = 184
HISTORICAL:shot of grapefruit schnapps = 240
HISTORICAL:shot of orange schnapps = 240
HISTORICAL:shot of tomato schnapps = 240
HISTORICAL:skeleton = 1300
HISTORICAL:slip 'n' slide = 1000
HISTORICAL:snifter of thoroughly aged brandy = 100
HISTORICAL:strawberry daiquiri = 150
HISTORICAL:strawberry wine = 150
HISTORICAL:Supernova Champagne = 360
HISTORICAL:teqiwila = 5000
HISTORICAL:teqiwila slammer = 5399
HISTORICAL:tequila sunrise = 380
HISTORICAL:tequila sunset = 4929
HISTORICAL:tequila with training wheels = 935
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:tobiko-infused sake = 410
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:tobiko-infused sake = 410
HISTORICAL:tropical swill = 999
HISTORICAL:Typical Tavern swill = 130
HISTORICAL:vodka and cranberry = 150
HISTORICAL:vodka and tonic = 4798
HISTORICAL:vodka gibson = 4988
HISTORICAL:vodka martini = 244
HISTORICAL:vodka stratocaster = 5700
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:wasabi-infused sake = 399
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:wasabi-infused sake = 399
HISTORICAL:water purification pills = 100
HISTORICAL:whiskey and soda = 420
HISTORICAL:whiskey bittersweet = 4850
HISTORICAL:whiskey sour = 189
HISTORICAL:white Canadian = 1070
HISTORICAL:wine spritzer = 325
HISTORICAL:Ye Olde Meade = 1599
HISTORICAL:yellow brick road = 5800
HISTORICAL:zmobie = 4930
HISTORICAL:vodka martini = 244
HISTORICAL:vodka stratocaster = 5700
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
HISTORICAL:wasabi-infused sake = 399
HISTORICAL:Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher = 695
OTHER WAYS:wasabi-infused sake = 399
HISTORICAL:water purification pills = 100
HISTORICAL:whiskey and soda = 420
HISTORICAL:whiskey bittersweet = 4850
HISTORICAL:whiskey sour = 189
HISTORICAL:white Canadian = 1070
HISTORICAL:wine spritzer = 325
HISTORICAL:Ye Olde Meade = 1599
HISTORICAL:yellow brick road = 5800
HISTORICAL:zmobie = 4930
HISTORICAL:a little sump'm sump'm = 989
HISTORICAL:backwoods screwdriver = 975
HISTORICAL:bloody beer = 120
HISTORICAL:bloody mary = 130
HISTORICAL:bottle of Calcutta Emerald = 1974
HISTORICAL:bottle of Definit = 2000
HISTORICAL:bottle of Domesticated Turkey = 2035
HISTORICAL:bottle of gin = 124
HISTORICAL:bottle of Jorge Sinsonte = 1999
HISTORICAL:bottle of Lieutenant Freeman = 1700
HISTORICAL:bottle of Pete's Sake = 3065
HISTORICAL:bottle of rum = 100
HISTORICAL:bottle of sake = 1888
HISTORICAL:bottle of tequila = 169
HISTORICAL:bottle of vodka = 124
HISTORICAL:bottle of whiskey = 125
HISTORICAL:boxed champagne = 2090
HISTORICAL:boxed wine = 100
HISTORICAL:caipifruta = 4000
HISTORICAL:coconut shell = 788
HISTORICAL:cream stout = 475
HISTORICAL:CSA scoutmaster's "water" = 500
NPC STORES:day-old beer = 25
HISTORICAL:Divine = 5600
HISTORICAL:ducha de oro = 1000
HISTORICAL:fine wine = 132
HISTORICAL:fruity girl swill = 999
HISTORICAL:fuzzbump = 995
HISTORICAL:gibson = 4895
HISTORICAL:gimlet = 5700
HISTORICAL:gin and tonic = 5077
HISTORICAL:Gordon Bennett = 5650
HISTORICAL:grog = 1649
HISTORICAL:horizontal tango = 970
HISTORICAL:ice-cold fotie = 100
HISTORICAL:ice-cold Sir Schlitz = 100
HISTORICAL:Imp Ale = 100
HISTORICAL:Mad Train wine = 100
HISTORICAL:margarita = 150
HISTORICAL:martini = 209
HISTORICAL:mimosette = 4859
zlib eatdrink_accordionGet = true
zlib eatdrink_accurateMake = true
zlib eatdrink_ate_choco = Boozember 5:0
zlib eatdrink_ate_fancy = Boozember 5:0
zlib eatdrink_ate_vitac = Boozember 5:0
zlib eatdrink_autosellWhileRonin = false
zlib eatdrink_avoid_astral_energy_drink = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_astral_hot_dog = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_astral_pilsner = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_booze-soaked_cherry = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_giant_marshmallow = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_gin-soaked_blotter_paper = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_sponge_cake = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_wet_stew = true
zlib eatdrink_budget = 50000
zlib eatdrink_considerCostWhenOwned = true
zlib eatdrink_costOfPull = 3000
zlib eatdrink_fav_pr0n_chow_mein = true
zlib eatdrink_fav_rockin'_wagon = true
zlib eatdrink_fav_twinkly_wad = true
zlib eatdrink_favUse = false
zlib eatdrink_getBartender = 30000
zlib eatdrink_getChef = 5000
zlib eatdrink_gloriousLunch = true
zlib eatdrink_hardcoreServants = 0
zlib eatdrink_loopCount = 3
zlib eatdrink_make = true
zlib eatdrink_maxAge = 2.0
zlib eatdrink_minimumAverage = 1.0
zlib eatdrink_minimumQuality = 0
zlib eatdrink_noNoodles = false
zlib eatdrink_ode = true
zlib eatdrink_pause = 0
zlib eatdrink_piePriority = true
zlib eatdrink_priceFlexibility = 1.5
zlib eatdrink_priceOfNontradeables = 999999999
zlib eatdrink_priceOfQuestItems = 10
zlib eatdrink_priceOfUnknowns = 999999999
zlib eatdrink_shrug = true
zlib eatdrink_simConsume = true
zlib eatdrink_simLevel = 0
zlib eatdrink_simRonin = false
zlib eatdrink_stepMeat = -1
zlib eatdrink_suppressNoMilk = true
zlib eatdrink_suppressOverdrink = true
zlib eatdrink_valueOfNonPrimeStat = 2
zlib eatdrink_valueOfPrimeStat = 10
Checking for updates (running EatDrink ver. 3.2)...
Running EatDrink version: 3.2 (current)
Refreshing stash contents...
Stash list retrieved.
Internal checkpoint created.
Skipping favorites.
You're in ronin, so no shopping for you.
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 15 food, 0 booze, and 0 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 75000.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1500 meat. Moxie subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
Pass 1: food.
food: At 0, consuming to 15 with 48589 meat.
Searching for "potion of the field gar"...
Search complete.
Searching for "lime"...
Search complete.
Searching for "pie crust"...
Search complete.
Searching for "yellow gummi ingot"...
Search complete.
Searching for "milk of magnesium"...
Search complete.
simulating retrieval of one bag of QWOP.
simulating retrieval of one Hell ramen.
simulating retrieval of one Hell ramen.
simulating retrieval of one skeleton quiche.
0: milk of magnesium price: 809 value: 21691
1: bag of QWOP lev:6 gain:1.0 adv:5.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:1025 own:0 value:6475
2: Hell ramen lev:6 gain:6.0 adv:25.5 musc:25.5 myst:25.5 mox:25.5 meat:2500 own:1 value:6017
3: Hell ramen lev:6 gain:6.0 adv:25.5 musc:25.5 myst:25.5 mox:25.5 meat:2500 own:1 value:6017
4: skeleton quiche lev:3 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:10.0 myst:10.0 mox:10.0 meat:5990 own:1 value:5325
Pass 2: drink.
Skipping drink.
Pass 3: spleen.
Skipping spleen.
Pass 4: drink.
Skipping drink.
Spent 0 meat with additional expenditures of 809 meat. Gained Fullness: 15. Inebriety: 0. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 82. Muscle: 60. Moxie: 60. Mysticality: 60.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Now, to recap...
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 15 food, 0 booze, and 0 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 75000.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1500 meat. Moxie subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
food: At 0, consuming to 15 with 48589 meat.
0: milk of magnesium price: 809 value: 21691
1: bag of QWOP lev:6 gain:1.0 adv:5.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:0.0 meat:1025 own:0 value:6475
2: Hell ramen lev:6 gain:6.0 adv:25.5 musc:25.5 myst:25.5 mox:25.5 meat:2500 own:1 value:6017
3: Hell ramen lev:6 gain:6.0 adv:25.5 musc:25.5 myst:25.5 mox:25.5 meat:2500 own:1 value:6017
4: skeleton quiche lev:3 gain:2.0 adv:11.0 musc:10.0 myst:10.0 mox:10.0 meat:5990 own:1 value:5325
Spent 0 meat with additional expenditures of 809 meat. Gained Fullness: 15. Inebriety: 0. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 82. Muscle: 60. Moxie: 60. Mysticality: 60.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Refreshing stash contents...
Stash list retrieved.
Internal checkpoint created.
Skipping favorites.
You're in ronin, so no shopping for you.
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 0 food, 0 booze, and 15 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 75000.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1500 meat. Moxie subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
Pass 1: food.
Skipping food.
Pass 2: drink.
Skipping drink.
Pass 3: spleen.
spleen: At 0, consuming to 15 with 48589 meat.
No spleen available that's good enough. Found 3 items first. Moving on.
simulating retrieval of one Unconscious Collective Dream Jar.
simulating retrieval of one Unconscious Collective Dream Jar.
simulating retrieval of one Unconscious Collective Dream Jar.
1: Unconscious Collective Dream Jar lev:1 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:3350 own:0 value:2062
2: Unconscious Collective Dream Jar lev:1 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:3350 own:0 value:2062
Spleen value is 2062; mojo filter to get it costs 2700
3: Unconscious Collective Dream Jar lev:1 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:3350 own:0 value:2062
Pass 4: drink.
Skipping drink.
Spent 0 meat with additional expenditures of 0 meat. Gained Fullness: 0. Inebriety: 0. Spleen: 12.
Adventures: 22. Muscle: 75. Moxie: 75. Mysticality: 75.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Now, to recap...
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 0 food, 0 booze, and 15 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 75000.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1500 meat. Moxie subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
spleen: At 0, consuming to 15 with 48589 meat.
1: Unconscious Collective Dream Jar lev:1 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:3350 own:0 value:2062
2: Unconscious Collective Dream Jar lev:1 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:3350 own:0 value:2062
3: Unconscious Collective Dream Jar lev:1 gain:4.0 adv:7.5 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:3350 own:0 value:2062
Spent 0 meat with additional expenditures of 0 meat. Gained Fullness: 0. Inebriety: 0. Spleen: 12.
Adventures: 22. Muscle: 75. Moxie: 75. Mysticality: 75.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Refreshing stash contents...
Stash list retrieved.
Internal checkpoint created.
Skipping favorites.
You're in ronin, so no shopping for you.
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 0 food, 19 booze, and 0 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 75000.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1500 meat. Moxie subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
Pass 1: food.
Skipping food.
Pass 2: drink.
drink: At 0, consuming to 19 with 48589 meat.
simulating retrieval of one crystal skeleton vodka.
simulating retrieval of one CSA cheerfulness ration.
simulating retrieval of one tangarita.
simulating retrieval of one Supernova Champagne.
simulating retrieval of one CSA scoutmaster's "water".
simulating retrieval of one CSA scoutmaster's "water".
simulating retrieval of one cream stout.
simulating retrieval of one fine wine.
0: Ode to Booze price: 0 value: 28500
1: crystal skeleton vodka lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:16.0 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:7600 own:0 value:5583
2: CSA cheerfulness ration lev:6 gain:1.0 adv:4.0 musc:45.0 myst:45.0 mox:45.0 meat:1300 own:0 value:5330
3: tangarita lev:6 gain:4.0 adv:16.0 musc:0.0 myst:18.0 mox:26.0 meat:5500 own:0 value:4699
4: Supernova Champagne lev:8 gain:3.0 adv:9.0 musc:10.0 myst:10.0 mox:10.0 meat:360 own:0 value:4426
5: CSA scoutmaster's "water" lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:9.0 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:599 own:0 value:4417
6: CSA scoutmaster's "water" lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:9.0 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:599 own:0 value:4417
7: cream stout lev:3 gain:1.0 adv:2.5 musc:9.0 myst:9.0 mox:9.0 meat:199 own:0 value:3677
8: fine wine lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:2.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:4.0 meat:132 own:1 value:2908
Pass 3: spleen.
Skipping spleen.
Pass 4: drink.
Skipping drink.
Spent 0 meat with additional expenditures of 0 meat. Gained Fullness: 0. Inebriety: 19. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 86. Muscle: 139. Moxie: 169. Mysticality: 157.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Now, to recap...
Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.2).
Consuming up to 0 food, 19 booze, and 0 spleen
Considering food from inventory Coinmasters NPCs. Per-item budget cap is 75000.0.
Retrieval cap is 10000. Price will be a factor if you own it already.
An adventure has the value of 1500 meat. Moxie subpoint is 10.0. Nonprime stat subpoint is 2.0.
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
drink: At 0, consuming to 19 with 48589 meat.
0: Ode to Booze price: 0 value: 28500
1: crystal skeleton vodka lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:16.0 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:7600 own:0 value:5583
2: CSA cheerfulness ration lev:6 gain:1.0 adv:4.0 musc:45.0 myst:45.0 mox:45.0 meat:1300 own:0 value:5330
3: tangarita lev:6 gain:4.0 adv:16.0 musc:0.0 myst:18.0 mox:26.0 meat:5500 own:0 value:4699
4: Supernova Champagne lev:8 gain:3.0 adv:9.0 musc:10.0 myst:10.0 mox:10.0 meat:360 own:0 value:4426
5: CSA scoutmaster's "water" lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:9.0 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:599 own:0 value:4417
6: CSA scoutmaster's "water" lev:3 gain:3.0 adv:9.0 musc:25.0 myst:25.0 mox:25.0 meat:599 own:0 value:4417
7: cream stout lev:3 gain:1.0 adv:2.5 musc:9.0 myst:9.0 mox:9.0 meat:199 own:0 value:3677
8: fine wine lev:1 gain:1.0 adv:2.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:4.0 meat:132 own:1 value:2908
Spent 0 meat with additional expenditures of 0 meat. Gained Fullness: 0. Inebriety: 19. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 86. Muscle: 139. Moxie: 169. Mysticality: 157.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
int get_quality(item checking)
int level = -1;
switch (checking.quality)
case "crappy":
level = 0;
case "decent":
level = 1;
case "good":
level = 2;
case "awesome":
level = 3;
case "epic":
level = 4;
return level;