Feature Dropdown for hobo marketplace purchase options

I have thousands of nickels, and so whenever I'm in a stick or coat run I also raid the market for dinged up triangles as I make parts. Others grab caltrops. It would be neat if out of the box mafia could get these during autoadventuring via choice adventure preferences. Equipment is once/lifetime and food/booze are once instance, so I can see it being iffy for those, though.
How should mafia handle the non-deterministic adventuring found when using a code binder that's not full?
Ideally, having Marketplace items in your goals would override your choice settings to take you to that item. Unfortunately, there's no current support for doing that beyond items directly available from the current choice adventure. Expanding that is on my list, but don't hold your breath waiting...
Being able to put it in your goals would be a fine option, if I wanted to farm as many as I could in the process of making parts I could just enter 999 triangles as the goal.
How should mafia handle the non-deterministic adventuring found when using a code binder that's not full?
It could simply abort and say "Some glyphs are unknown to you are you get lost. You are on your own", or just use the standard message for when I use Show in Browser on a choice adv.

I see that this would be useful mostly when really farming for something, as when I worked on the Hobo Tattoo.
I may look at this once I finish working on VampOut since I'm getting familiar with custom handling for choice adventures. The marketplace should be way easier since every decision including the unknown glyphs are a separate choice adventure, and it's a simple tree.

If someone could provide the correct set of choice adventure property settings in the case where you have every hobo code for each goal it would be very helpful.
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If someone could provide the correct set of choice adventure property settings in the case where you have every hobo code for each goal it would be very helpful.

Impossible. The options change their order at random.
They're random even if you have the glyphs? I thought it was an all or nothing kind of thing, either you see all three correct choices in order, or they're all unknown and random.

If not I can just get the correct option from the page text I suppose.
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Bale you're totally wrong the options aren't random at all, the decoded choice adventures always have the same choice adventure number.
Rather than making a new thread to ask for the same thing, I figured I'd reanimate this one. I find myself farming for dinged up triangles, and going through 5 clicks and 5 page loads per triangle is still just as dull. The tattoo is another culprit for market grinding. Is there a chance of someone taking this on? Even a go to goal button, like there is for vamping out, would be great
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