Bug - Fixed Drink Helpers not used


Ok i queued all the drink helpers in my inventory then queued the drinks i wanted and mafia did use the first set of helpers i queued, except it didn't stop after drinking the 3 drinks needed:
Helper queued for next [B]3[/B] beverages drunk.
Drinking thermos full of Knob coffee (1 of 5)...
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 6 Strengthliness
You gain 5 Enchantedness
You gain 6 Chutzpah
You lose 1 hit point
You gain 1 Drunkenness
Drinking thermos full of Knob coffee (2 of 5)...
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 5 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 5 Enchantedness
You gain 5 Chutzpah
You lose 2 hit points
You gain 1 Drunkenness
Drinking thermos full of Knob coffee (3 of 5)...
You gain 9 Adventures
You gain 5 Beefiness
You gain 6 Enchantedness
You gain 5 Cheek
You lose 2 hit points
You gain 1 Drunkenness
Drinking thermos full of Knob coffee (4 of 5)...
You gain 7 Adventures
You gain 6 Fortitude
You gain 6 Wizardliness
You gain 5 Cheek
You lose 1 hit point
You gain 1 Drunkenness
Drinking thermos full of Knob coffee (5 of 5)...
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 5 Strengthliness
You gain 6 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 5 Roguishness
You lose 1 hit point
You gain 1 Drunkenness
Finished drinking 5 thermos full of Knob coffee.
Then it decided to continue drinking instead of trying to queue the rest of the helpers:
Drinking 1 pumpkin beer...
Finished drinking 1 pumpkin beer.
Drinking 13 distilled fortified wine...
Finished drinking 13 distilled fortified wine.
Helper queued for next 12 beverage drunk.
Helper queued for next 2 beverage drunk.
Last edited:
I don't understand.

You queued 3 drink helpers.
You queued more than 3 drinks.
KoLmafia use the three drink helpers with the first three drinks queued, and then drank the rest of the drinks.

I THINK that's what you said. In any case, that's exactly how it behaves for me.

If that is a correct description of what it did for you, what was the bug?
If that is incorrect, can you explain in little words and short sentences, just as I did, exactly what you did, what you expected KoLmafia to do, and what it did instead, please?

i queued 17 helpers for 19 drinks. 3-shot glasses, 12-crimbco mugs, and 2-champagne flutes. It queued the 3 shot glasses and drank all the drinks, but it didn't try to queue the rest.
So... FReq multiple types of helpers allowed, or is it a bug that it allowed the queueing but didn't actually plan on using beyond the first type? Should it have given a message when the second helper type was attempted to be added to the queue?
r12755 | veracity0 | 2013-09-30 14:19:26 -0400 (Mon, 30 Sep 2013) | 3 lines

When requeuing food and booze after a consumption failure, take into account
helper items and successful consumption of part of the consumed item.

r12743 | veracity0 | 2013-09-29 00:04:02 -0400 (Sun, 29 Sep 2013) | 4 lines

Keep an actual "queue" of food/booze/spleen items to be consumed.
ItemManager Food/Booze/Spleen panel shows the queue, rather than the list of
"usable" items filtered to show only those that have things queued.
I believe that you can now "queue" consumption helpers just as if they were food or booze.