Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.


Using the autoBasement.ash, the first it do is to create various outfits using the maximizer.
One lil' problem with it is that one of the outfits have the Uncle Hobo's highest bough equipped in the Disembodied Hand and a chefstaff in the Main Hand. Another outfit it have created it want to put the Bough in the Main Hand but since the Bough is in the Disembodied Hand when it try to equip it on my Main Hand, Mafia tell me that "You only put on part of that outfit.".

(EDIT: Creating the outfits seem to be no problem. The gear is moved around and taken from familiars who are in my terrarium just fine when I use [equip all] in the Maximizer tab. It is when I use the Gear manager and the gear inventory in the web browser.)

The same happen when it switch from one outfit where the super-sweet boom box is is on the Disembodied Hand to one where it is in the Main Hand.

Same problem ofc happens when the Hand have the item I want equipped but is not the active familiar.

The outfits where the item need to go from the Disembodied Hand slot to a weapon slot do have another item set as Familiar item.

EDIT: Saw slyz mention the version of Mafia so thought I should add that too. v14.4 r9099
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I saw the same thing happening. r9104:
> familiar disembodied hand

Putting Yuk the Slimeling back into terrarium...
Taking - the Disembodied Hand out of terrarium...
Requests complete.

> equip familiar uncle hobo bough

Putting on Uncle Hobo's highest bough...
Equipment changed.

> equip

Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Hodgman's imaginary hamster
Shirt: BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt
Pants: Hodgman's lobsterskin pants

Acc. 1: stinky cheese eye
Acc. 2: Hodgman's bow tie
Acc. 3: Hodgman's lucky sock

Pet: Disembodied Hand (25 lbs)
Item: Uncle Hobo's highest bough

> outfit dod

Putting on outfit: DoD
You only put on part of that outfit.

> equip

Hat: sponge helmet
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: red wagon
Shirt: yak anorak
Pants: square sponge pants

Acc. 1: hardened slime belt
Acc. 2: malevolent medallion
Acc. 3: monster bait

Pet: Disembodied Hand (25 lbs)
Item: Uncle Hobo's highest bough

where the DoD outfit has Uncle Hobo's highest bough in my main hand.
Sorry to seem Bumpy or insistent and ungrateful, but anyone know if this problem is being resolved? Anyone mind elaborating as to why this is happening and / or why it is tricky or easy to fix it?
Putting on a saved outfit is something KoL does itself - and it doesn't support stealing items from non-current familiars like mafia does. Now that we track the contents of custom outfits, it's at least possible to detect that the problem is going to occur, and possibly fix it, but it's still arguably a KoL bug.
Putting on a saved outfit is something KoL does itself - and it doesn't support stealing items from non-current familiars like mafia does. Now that we track the contents of custom outfits, it's at least possible to detect that the problem is going to occur, and possibly fix it, but it's still arguably a KoL bug.

The bug happen even while the Disembodied Hand is my active familiar. It is simply the act of taking the item from the Hand and putting it my Mainhand that is failing. But, truth be told, I have not tested it within KoL but only via Mafia. Will do that and get back to you.

EDIT: Seems you are indeed right. I tested to just unequip all, put on a random weapon I only have one of (which happened to be the hilarious comedy prop), saved as an outfit. Moved the weapon to the Disemboied Hand and tried to equip the outfit. This happen not only in the relay browser but also in "vanilla KoL" so it is indeed a KoL bug. Report written so let's see what happen!

It appears you're already wearing all the parts of the outfit "Backup" which you possess or can wear.
Item NOT found: hilarious comedy prop
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I don't think I would want gear moved off my familiar for an outfit switch for normal KoL play, so I'm not even sure this is a bug. I think it falls more into the category of being inconvenient for scripting that involves lots of outfit creation and switching.
I'm pretty sure that if I put a particular item on my familiar, I would be very annoyed if KoLmafia decided to remove it. "Borrowing" items when I change familiars - taking something from the old one and putting it on the new one, only to put it back if I select the first familiar again is one thing; it's harmless if done right, and we have fixed bug reports for when it has not done it right. But removing the item from my currently equipped familiar and leaving it naked is quite another thing.

Sounds like "not a bug" to me.
In that case, the Maximizer should ignore the weapon currently used by the Disembodied hand I guess.

EDIT: Wait, we were talking about outfit switching, not about the Maximizer. Forget I said anything.

I'm pretty sure that if I put a particular item on my familiar, I would be very annoyed if KoLmafia decided to remove it.
The script that prompted the bug report is autobasement.ash. I guess it would be up to the script to remove the item from the Hand beforehand (no pun intended).
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How would it be annoying?
The outfits where the item need to go from the Disembodied Hand slot to a weapon slot do have another item set as Familiar item.
Running a second pass of the outfit-equipping, after the familiar equipment have been changed and the Mainhand skipped or left empty, would probably solve the problem as the weapon would then be in my inventory again instead of stuck on the Hand.
If I only have one of an item, and it is set to my Main hand, and the disembodied hand is the only one who can use a weapon as familiar equipment, how can it be inconvenient to have the item moved?

But, I guess it would be easier to add a few lines to the autobasement.ash script to check what weapon is used in my Mainhand and if it is the same as what the next outfit require in my mainhand, unequip it before doing an outfit change, or to always unequip the familiarequipment for me before doing an outfitchange. Or something similar.
Any behavior for the disembodied hand should also apply to the hatrack. Taking a hat off your hatrack to put on your head is clearly a bad thing.
Any behavior for the disembodied hand should also apply to the hatrack. Taking a hat off your hatrack to put on your head is clearly a bad thing.

If the hat is moved from the Hatrack to my head and then replaced with another hat, is that a bad thing to be able to do easily without having to first unequip the hat, put it on my head and then put the new hat on the hatrack?

Hmm, I'm away from my KoLMafia atm, but a thought occurs, what happen if an item used for an outfit is put in the Hand and I then want to put on the outfit? I know this is kinda reaching for straws, but assume my only frat paddle on the Hand and I then need to change to the frat outfit. Or have I missunderstood the note on the Wiki that an outfit is not completed with the use of the Hand? Is it the same with the Hatrack? Dunno if the Hatrack can be used to complete an outfit, there is no note about it on the wiki so maybe it can complete an outfit after all.

You all seem quite convinced that this is a bad thing, and maybe I'm just not optimal enough, but I just don't see the downside.
Anyway, I take it that this will never be a part of Mafia so I will try to adapt and handle a lot of stuff manually instead.
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