

Active member
Hey, it's titled Community Support. :)
[11] Spooky Forest
Encounter: the Baiowulf
Round 0: Theraze loses initiative!
You lose 9 hit points
You acquire an item: consolation ribbon
Daww :(
I've still not seen a single Ultrarare. I'd be really really irritated if I found one and lost...
I've had 2 over the years all on multis I only mess with occcasionally :/ one baio and one plat express card.
I think Bale said his sister had like 6 or something and he had never seen one :p

I have never seen one either.
The closest I've ever come was the April Fools' Day joke back in 2006. I was so annoyed at the supposed error that I submitted a bug report.
I've only seen one UR, and it was that one.. I kind of wish I chose to get the ribbon. Congrats!
Heh. Suppose that is partially true... the ribbons only show if you suck enough to die to your UR monster, which will only happen if you're still relatively weak, so they're a unique badge of shame. But I'd still rather have the talisman. :)
I'm on my second account now; the first (same name), was deactivated for inactivity back in the day. Shortly after returning, I wondered why it was I hadn't picked up a new Crazy Bastard Sword; that thing had been kinda nifty (or so I thought at the time, mostly 'cause of the name). So I looked it up to make sure I was adventuring in the right place to get one, and... doh. Could've kept that damn account from being deactivated if I'd known. :(

* Edit to add; of course I have not seen a single UR since.
I've never gotten an ultra rare on three accounts. My son, on the other hand has gotten two Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shields and a Tiny Plastic Naughty Sorceress, the latter just from casually eating eggs.