Daily Info

Should I add the Tomorrow Feature? (See Post 12)

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters


This script shows you the daily information such as:
The things that Moons effects, and how they are effected
Shows Prices from Coldfront Marketplace
Stat Day
Daily Dungeon: Shows Rooms
Hermit: How many are in stock
Familiar Arena: Familiar info
Bounty Hunter Hunter: What the hunts are
Chez Snootée: Items Available
Micromicrobrewery: ' '
Current Prices on Certain Items
New Messages
Store Log

Version 6.11


"My script extracts information from other sites, So you don't have to"


1.1 - Added Mr A Prices
1.2 - No longer needs Datelib.ash, made simpler
1.3 - Separated sections for easier customization
1.3.1 - Fixed Formula
2.0 - New Look (thanks to Heeheehee) now tells you future info, tells you the stat day of that date
2.1 - Added Birthdays
2.2 - A few edits
3.0 - using the coldfront marketplace instead of item.ofloathing....which in turn changed the look a little
4.0 - added raffle items
4.1 - Improved item Checker
5.0 - New Marketplace Use
6.0 - Seperated sections into different pages, Added \"New messages" and Store log to the Events tab, Instead of aborting when you have an older version, it just Gives you a message, Added the picture of the current moons to the moon page

6.1 - Retrieves the items for price checking from .txt file, Added a submit field for new items, I Opted out "New messages" and Store log to the Events tab for the time being, Added a message to the 0 meat items.
6.11 - Fixed the code


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Nice! Works perfectly (today at least :) ).
Could be useful when I do not want to go everywhere else to check out all the info.
Wait, before you go off and report the miniature antler thingy as a bug, it's actually a slight error in your code.
write ("Miniature antlers: +"+ ceil( 1 + ( Light / 2) + Ham)+" Familiar Weight<br>");
I'm not entirely sure why you're using the call to the minimoon light, since that's already factored into moon_light(). It should just be
write ("Miniature antlers: +"+ ceil( 1 + ( Light / 2))+" Familiar Weight<br>");

Also, even if it were necessary to call the minimoon light, it would have to be
write ("Miniature antlers: +"+ ceil( 1 + ( Light + Ham) / 2)+" Familiar Weight<br>");

Also, I'm not entirely sure why datelib is needed. Wouldn't a call to numeric_modifier() suffice?
Nice One!

Might want to whack in something like this:
NO = NO.replace_string("clovers.html\"","http://www.noblesse-oblige.org/calendar/clovers.html\" target=\"_blank\"");
Thanks for the input, going to fix now

DONE! redownload, no longer requires datelib.ash
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It's very nice. I'd like it if you cut the n.o. html file into pieces so we could rearrange and delete them. Here's an example of how to do that with substring.
I'd also like if it showed clovers on the starting screen, with yellow exclamation points, above the kingdom of loathing bar.
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i think i can do the seperate sections thing. but i think that the exclamation point thing would need another script. maybe you can make mafia open up Daily INfo on start up

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Erm, I don't think that
int Dark = 9 - Light;
is correct in all instances. As mentioned, it'd probably be a better idea to use numeric_modifier(), as such:
int Dark = numeric_modifier("depleted grimacite grappling hook", "adventures");

This way, there's also less chance of getting the formula wrong ('cause if it's wrong, you can blame it on Mafia, not your script. :) )
I had an idea, to add Tomorrows Info to the script. This would include The Moon info (and something else if i can think of it). The only downside is that it would require you to download DateLib.ash. I would like to know your opinion, Vote Now!
I would have no problem with that as I already have datelib downloaded :)

Getting information on upcoming things could be interesting, especially if you want to use yoru grue or check for stat days.
Erm, by the way, I totally missed a pretty big bug in datelib, so you'd all have to redownload it.

In other news, I got bored, so I modified this script so you can supply a date, and it'll output all information available.

Requires DateLib and HTMLform.


Thanks, :D i will download and check it out

Now tells you what stat day it is. Please Go download, if you want a preview check out the snapshot
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This is excellent; really, really good! I've just got two ideas for improvement:

Any chance it could auto-populate the info for today's date, without having to click Submit each time?

How about having it in the same font as the rest of KoL, which is "font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"?