Daily Info

Should I add the Tomorrow Feature? (See Post 12)

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters
i'll try to do these things

How does the HTML for the Font work?

I got the whole show the info automatically part down. I will post it as soon as i get the whole font info


OK done...posting it now

Also if you would like some older versions just Pm me and i will see what i can do
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Today, running v8541 i received the following error when running relay_Daily_Info.ash:

Begin index -1 out of bounds (relay_Daily_Info.ash, line 43)

After i commented out the few lines looking up the Mr. prices, it ran fine. Then i see it uses items.ofloathing.org for prices. You should probably either change the url or remove the option. Thanks for a great script!
once again there is a new update....now you can add more things to the price checker...check line 55 for the settings

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Not sure if it's just me, but the prices were returning blank for me today.
Current Prices:

Item Today's Quantity Sold Today's PPU PPU Difference from Yesterday % Change

Mr. Accessory 0 0 0

twinkly wad 0 0 0

Travoltan trousers 0 0 0 -1%
Erm, yeah. Meant to post yesterday that it seems like the Coldfront Marketplace is down, but I apparently never actually submitted it. (Also somewhat evident in your snapshot. =P) Maybe a check to see if visit_url("http://kol.coldfront.net/market/kolmarket.html") returns the empty string, at which point stop attempting to render the market data?
Yeah... after I noted it being down, I checked his screenshot, blinked a few times, and pondered whether that was behaviour as designed or just not noticed. I'd thought it was working before. :) Good to know I'm not just crazy. Though it can still be a contribuiting factor.
The marketplace is not in fact down, the snapshot was taken right after rollover so the prices where not up. i used the marketplace because that was the only thing available. i am only displaying the information from the place. it isn't really my fault that for some reason the marketplace resets
Maybe it isn't down... but RIGHT NOW the marketplace is still giving me the same 0 0 0 results that I posted getting a few hours back. It hasn't been giving results for a minimum of 3 hours, if not all day. What heeheehee suggested is that if the marketplace site doesn't give data for whatever reason, just skip displaying the blank information. :)

The Marketplace resets after rollover. it does not update til someone buys an item. so if no one has bought that item that day it does no update....here is a new

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i'm a bit confused as to how this works. how do i get to that page you keep showing snapshots of?

1) Download the script in the first post to the "relay" folder in your mafia installation folder
2) Launch mafia and log in
3) Open up the relay browser
4) Pick DailyInfo from the drop down menu in the top corner
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While i have your attention, here is a minor fix to the %Changes thing not displaying.

Replace this, on lines 55-66
 foreach i in $items[ 194, 1450, 1792] {
   string Mall = visit_url ("http://kol.coldfront.net/index.php/content/view/245?search="+i+"&action=Search");
string Prices = substring ( Mall, index_of ( Mall , "% Change" ) , index_of ( Mall , "</STRONG>" ) );
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("/images/arrowdown.gif", "http://kol.coldfront.net/images/arrowdown.gif");
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("/images/arrowup.gif", "http://kol.coldfront.net/images/arrowup.gif");
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("/images/arrowsame.gif", "http://kol.coldfront.net/images/arrowsame.gif");
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("% Change", "");
   write ("<br>"+Prices);

   write("</STRONG></TD><TD class='sectiontableentry1' ALIGN=RIGHT>-1%</TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>");
with this
 foreach i in $items[ 194, 1450, 1792] {
   string Mall = visit_url ("http://kol.coldfront.net/index.php/content/view/245?search="+i+"&action=Search");
string Prices = substring ( Mall, index_of ( Mall , "% Change" ) , index_of ( Mall , "</TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>" ) );
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("/images/arrowdown.gif", "http://kol.coldfront.net/images/arrowdown.gif");
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("/images/arrowup.gif", "http://kol.coldfront.net/images/arrowup.gif");
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("/images/arrowsame.gif", "http://kol.coldfront.net/images/arrowsame.gif");
	 Prices = Prices.replace_string ("% Change", "");
   write ("<br>"+Prices);

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1) Download the script in the first post to the "relay" folder in your mafia installation folder
2) Launch mafia and log in
3) Open up the relay browser
4) Pick DailyInfo from the drop down menu in the top corner

thanks very much for this information. i had no idea i was supposed to move it there
Just wondering, is
actually useful? Commenting it out appears to not affect the display: everything's showing 0/0/0 for me right now... stupid fail-buy days. Heh...

It's causing an additional server hit per item, without actually being processed in any way, if I understand it properly?
err woops meant to remove that...put that there for testing

also the whole 0% thing isn't really my problem, my script just bring the information in from other locations
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Yeah, I know that's their site not getting anything bought yet today. :) Eventually I'll come up with some way of making it display NO DATA or (better) skipping those entries entirely. But I haven't cared about it enough to work through it yet. :)
Well if looking at the page uses a server hit, we might as well print on the page....i was going to make it so that you can Toggle the sections
Yes/no? If it's just displaying 0 as its data, that's not accurate... The actual prices of the items hasn't dropped 100%, it's just displaying that there was a lack of accurate information. If that's the case, printing NO DATA or NO SALES TODAY or even skipping those entries gives a more accurate look to someone who isn't aware (as I wasn't) of how the Coldfront's KoL marketplace tracking apparently works. :D
If you enter a valid item-ID, but one that isn't in the Coldfront marketplace system yet for whatever reason (the frisbee -ITOM for example) the script stops the print-out at the prior item and the rest of the information isn't shown (i.e. raffle prizes and food items and so on).

Would it be possible to add some kind of error handling for this case so that the script doesn't abort? The error message printed in the CLI-window said something similar to "Index out of bounds" (shall check more specifically later on today).