I see that there are a number of skills that can only be used in the Cyber Realm.
They all have a "RAM Cost" - as opposed to MP or blue mana or HP or whatever other skill costs we have.
7542 Throw Cyber Rock
RAM Cost: 0
7543 Brute Force Hammer
RAM Cost: 3
brute force hammer equipped
7544 Inject Malware
RAM Cost: 1
malware injector equipped
7545 Encrypted Shuriken
RAM Cost: 2
encrypted shuriken equipped
7546 Refresh HP
RAM Cost: 1
wired underwear equipped
7547 Launch Logic Grenade
RAM Cost: 0
logic grenade in inventory
7548 Deploy Glitched Malware
RAM Cost: 0
glitched malware in inventory
7554 Thrust your geofencing rapier
RAM Cost: 7
geofencing rapier equipped?
You start with 3 RAM. There is stuff which will increase it.
Item cybervisor RAM: +3
Item datastick RAM: +1
Effect Cyber Memory Boost RAM: +3
That is a modifier we support.
- Does available RAM reset each turn? (I assume so)
- If you use a skill which costs RAM, does that decrease your available RAM until end of fight? (I assume so.)
- Can you use a RAM skill against a hacker? (I don't know, although, why would you? Normal combat works fine for them.)
- Do we care enough to support this: Track RAM in combat, add/remove combat skills based on available RAM, items, and equipment?
I'm not sure I personally care about this; with the tanktop and a Mu (Prismatic Damage +1) and throwing cyber rocks, combat against processes is completely trivial. But it's not my call to tell other people how to play.