> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
Preference nextAdventure changed from None to Cyberzone 1
equip shirt zero-trust tanktop
Maximizer: Familiar Weight, -"equip Amulet of Perpetual Darkness", -"equip Buddy Bjorn", -"equip Spooky Putty ball", -"equip Spooky Putty leotard", -"equip Spooky Putty mitre", -"equip Spooky Putty snake", -"equip broken champagne bottle", -"equip dice-shaped backpack", -"equip papier-masque", -"equip papier-mitre", -"equip smoke ball", -"equip stinky fannypack", -"equip ¶5868", -"equip ¶5869", -"equip ¶5872", -buddy-bjorn, -crown-of-thrones, -shirt, 100 "bonus pantogram pants", 1079.73 "bonus lucky gold ring", 144 "bonus Snow Suit", 156.25 "bonus June cleaver", 172.31 "bonus bag of many confections", 180 "bonus Mr. Screege's spectacles", 220 "bonus Mr. Cheeng's spectacles", 225 "bonus visual packet sniffer", 26.43 "bonus rake", 26.43 "bonus tiny rake", 264.26 "bonus can of mixed everything", 291.38 "bonus aviator goggles", 500 "bonus tiny stillsuit", 528.52 "bonus KoL Con 13 snowglobe", 6.25 "bonus Powerful Glove", 87.54 "bonus Pantsgiving", 900 "bonus familiar-in-the-middle wrapper", 900 "bonus retro floppy disk", 93.84 "bonus Crown of Thrones"
equip pants pantogram pants
equip acc1 retro floppy disk
equip acc3 retro floppy disk
equip familiar familiar-in-the-middle wrapper
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
Equip Cornbeefadon with tiny stillsuit
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill Bowl Straight Up;skill Bowl Straight Up;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill Bowl Straight Up;skill Bowl Straight Up;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill Bowl Straight Up;skill Bowl Straight Up;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill Bowl Straight Up;skill Bowl Straight Up;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
Preference lastAdventure changed from An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl to Cyberzone 1
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from flaming leaflet to greenhat hacker
Encounter: greenhat hacker
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7527;it11351;it11351; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 0 to 1
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Round 0: capn castom casts SING ALONG!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7297;
Round 1: You lose 3 hit points
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Ore Hopper Feeder. Some ore pours of the feeder into the hopper of your train.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 885 to 886
You acquire an item: vinyl ore
Round 1: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297; to sk7297;sk4034;
Round 2: greenhat hacker drops 121 attack power.
Round 2: greenhat hacker drops 126 defense.
Round 2: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts BOWL STRAIGHT UP!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;
You acquire an effect: Cosmic Ball in the Air (17)
Round 3: greenhat hacker drops 123 attack power.
Round 3: greenhat hacker drops 128 defense.
Round 3: You gain 2,863 hit points
Preference _cosmicBowlingSkillsUsed changed from 6 to 7
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from -1 to 16
Round 3: capn castom casts EXTRACT!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;
You acquire an item: Source essence (3)
You gain 41 Meat.
Round 4: greenhat hacker drops 136 attack power.
Round 4: greenhat hacker drops 123 defense.
Round 4: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 4: capn castom uses the porquoise-handled sixgun!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;
Round 5: greenhat hacker takes 54 damage.
Round 5: You gain 22 Muscularity Points
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 127 attack power.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 133 defense.
Round 5: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 5: capn castom casts MICROMETEORITE!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 348 attack power.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 404 defense.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 128 attack power.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 132 defense.
Round 6: You gain 2,863 hit points
Preference _micrometeoriteUses changed from 67 to 68
Round 6: capn castom uses the Time-Spinner!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 137 attack power.
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 160 defense.
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 124 attack power.
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 129 defense.
Round 7: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 7: capn castom uses the Rain-Doh indigo cup!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;
Round 8: You gain 3,817 hit points
Round 8: greenhat hacker drops 135 attack power.
Round 8: greenhat hacker drops 134 defense.
Round 8: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 8: capn castom uses the Rain-Doh blue balls!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;
Round 9: greenhat hacker takes 44 damage.
Round 9: greenhat hacker drops 121 attack power.
Round 9: greenhat hacker drops 138 defense.
Round 9: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 9: capn castom attacks!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;attack;
Round 10: greenhat hacker takes 5975 damage.
Round 10: greenhat hacker drops 126 attack power.
Round 10: greenhat hacker drops 136 defense.
Round 10: You gain 2,863 hit points
Round 10: capn castom wins the fight!
After Battle: You remember that time at KoL Con XII, when Lord Doctor Punk taught you to play that really complicated board game.
After Battle: You gain 11 Mysteriousness
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki winks one of her tiny black eyes at you.
You gain 3420 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella gives you some meat under the table.
You gain 11 Meat.
After Battle: Did you know that the greenhat hacker has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
You acquire an effect: Ooh, Bitter! (10)
You acquire an item: glitched malware
After Battle: Vicki lays... well, something. It's tiny and fuzzy and brown.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 46 to 47
After Battle: Vicki's completely nonexpressive face does something that you've chosen to interpret as a smile. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 628 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 391 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 380 Chutzpah
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf (2)
After Battle: You gain 2 Wizardliness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 13 to 12
Preference _juneCleaverSleaze changed from 21 to 22
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 0 to 1
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference _lastCombatWon changed from false to true
Preference familiarSweat changed from 298 to 299
Preference lastAdventureContainer changed from place.php?whichplace=speakeasy to place.php?whichplace=cyberrealm
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 512 to 513
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from greenhat hacker to parental controls
Encounter: parental controls
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7407;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;attack; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 1 to 2
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 16 to 15
Round 0: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7542;
Round 1: You lose 2 hit points
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Water Tower, Fizzy. Carbonated water bubbles and fizzes as it fills your tanker car!
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 886 to 887
You acquire an effect: Carbonated (8)
Round 1: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 1: You lose 341 hit points
Round 1: You gain 2,870 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;
Round 2: parental controls takes 10 damage.
You gain 57 Meat.
Round 2: You lose 341 hit points
Round 2: You gain 2,870 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 3: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 3: You lose 341 hit points
Round 3: You gain 2,870 hit points
Round 3: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 4: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You lose 341 hit points
Round 4: You gain 2,870 hit points
Round 4: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 5: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 5: You lose 341 hit points
Round 5: You gain 2,870 hit points
Round 5: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 6: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 6: You gain 2,870 hit points
Round 6: capn castom wins the fight!
You acquire an item: 1 (3)
After Battle: Vicki roots through the local filesystem and fetches you some extra data.
You acquire an item: 1
After Battle: You think about the first night of KoL Con VI, when you managed to successfully coordinate a dinner for a group of like forty people.
After Battle: You gain 7 Magicalness
You acquire an item: brick
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki looks at you straight-on, so you can see both of her eyes, and winks.
You gain 3388 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella gives you some meat under the table.
You gain 12 Meat.
After Battle: Did you know that the parental controls has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
You acquire an effect: Ooh, Sweet! (10)
After Battle: Vicki lays... well, something. It's tiny and fuzzy and brown.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 47 to 48
After Battle: Vicki's completely nonexpressive face does something that you've chosen to interpret as a smile. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 615 Strengthliness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 365 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 431 Roguishness
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
After Battle: You gain 2 Enchantedness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 12 to 11
Preference _juneCleaverHot changed from 21 to 22
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 1 to 2
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 299 to 300
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 513 to 514
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Encounter: parental controls
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 2 to 3
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 15 to 14
Round 0: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7542;
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Viewing Platform. As your train passes the viewing platform, the crowd shouts and cheers inspiring you!
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 887 to 888
Round 1: You gain 273 Strongness
Round 1: You gain 279 Enchantedness
Round 1: You gain 351 Sarcasm
Round 1: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 1: You lose 342 hit points
Round 1: You gain 2,878 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;
Round 2: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 2: You lose 342 hit points
Round 2: You gain 2,878 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 3: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 3: You lose 342 hit points
Round 3: You gain 2,878 hit points
Round 3: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 4: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You lose 342 hit points
Round 4: You gain 2,878 hit points
Round 4: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 5: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 5: You lose 342 hit points
Round 5: You gain 2,878 hit points
Round 5: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 6: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 6: You gain 2,878 hit points
Round 6: capn castom wins the fight!
You acquire an item: 1 (4)
After Battle: Vicki roots through the local filesystem and fetches you some extra data.
You acquire an item: 1
After Battle: You remember a party at KoL Con II, when Captain Pizza taught you to play that really complicated board game.
After Battle: You gain 10 Enchantedness
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki looks at you straight-on, so you can see both of her eyes, and winks.
You gain 3065 Meat
After Battle: Some extra meat has appeared in your pouch when you weren't looking. Presumably Shadow Acapella's doing.
You gain 12 Meat.
After Battle: Did you know that the parental controls has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
You acquire an effect: Ooh, Sweet! (10)
After Battle: Vicki smiles at you, and yeah I don't know how that works either. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 607 Strengthliness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 374 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 434 Smarm
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
You acquire an item: filled mosquito
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 11 to 10
Preference _juneCleaverSpooky changed from 21 to 22
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 2 to 3
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 300 to 301
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 514 to 515
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from parental controls to rat (remote access trojan)
Encounter: rat (remote access trojan)
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 3 to 4
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 14 to 13
Round 0: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7542;
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Coal Hopper. Your train takes on coal to power the next stop.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 888 to 889
Round 1: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
You gain 55 Meat.
Round 1: You gain 2,886 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;
Round 2: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 2: You lose 1,147 hit points
Round 2: You gain 2,886 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 3: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 3: You lose 168 hit points
Round 3: You gain 2,886 hit points
Round 3: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 4: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You gain 2,886 hit points
Round 4: capn castom wins the fight!
You acquire an item: 1 (3)
After Battle: Vicki roots through the local filesystem and fetches you some extra data.
You acquire an item: 1
After Battle: You think back on KoL Con V, when you and Mad Jedediah totally stole the show at karaoke. They made you give it back, but it was still pretty Moxious.
After Battle: You gain 12 Chutzpah
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki looks at you straight-on, so you can see both of her eyes, and winks.
You gain 3226 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella tiptoes out of her hiding place and gives you some meat.
You gain 12 Meat.
After Battle: Any biology textbook will tell you that the rat (remote access trojan) 's guts are so hot, even just imagining cutting one open and crawling inside will keep you warm for hours.
You acquire an effect: Imagining Guts (10)
After Battle: Vicki lays... well, something. It's tiny and fuzzy and brown.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 48 to 49
After Battle: Vicki smiles at you, and yeah I don't know how that works either. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 642 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 366 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 400 Chutzpah
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
After Battle: You gain 2 Wizardliness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 10 to 9
Preference _juneCleaverCold changed from 22 to 23
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 3 to 4
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 301 to 302
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 515 to 516
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from rat (remote access trojan) to parental controls
Encounter: parental controls
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 4 to 5
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 13 to 12
Round 0: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7542;
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Meat Mine Sluice. It's twice as effective because your train just visited the coal hopper. The sluice opens and pours out some meat!
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 889 to 890
You gain 1,658 Meat.
Round 1: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 1: You lose 344 hit points
Round 1: You gain 2,894 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;
Round 2: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 2: You lose 344 hit points
Round 2: You gain 2,894 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 3: parental controls takes 10 damage.
You gain 59 Meat.
Round 3: You lose 343 hit points
Round 3: You gain 2,894 hit points
Round 3: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 4: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You lose 344 hit points
Round 4: You gain 2,894 hit points
Round 4: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 5: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 5: You lose 344 hit points
Round 5: You gain 2,894 hit points
Round 5: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 6: parental controls takes 10 damage.
Round 6: You gain 2,894 hit points
Round 6: capn castom wins the fight!
You acquire an item: 1 (3)
After Battle: Vicki roots through the local filesystem and fetches you some extra data.
You acquire an item: 1
After Battle: You remember a party at KoL Con VII, when YearPaige taught you to play that really complicated board game.
After Battle: You gain 11 Magicalness
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki blinks at you, except just with one eye. Oh, wait,
You gain 3839 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella slinks out of the shadows and hands you some meat she found.
You gain 13 Meat.
After Battle: Did you know that the parental controls has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
You acquire an effect: Ooh, Sweet! (10)
After Battle: Vicki lays... well, something. It's tiny and fuzzy and brown.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 49 to 50
After Battle: Vicki somehow contorts her long beak into a smile. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 579 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 391 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 459 Cheek
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
After Battle: You gain 2 Mysteriousness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 9 to 8
Preference _juneCleaverStench changed from 22 to 23
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 4 to 5
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 302 to 303
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 516 to 517
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from parental controls to botfly
Encounter: botfly
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 5 to 6
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 12 to 11
Round 0: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7542;
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Candy Factory. As your train passes the candy factory, you pick up some random candy.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 890 to 891
You acquire an item: crazy little Turkish delight
Round 1: botfly takes 10 damage.
Round 1: You gain 2,902 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;
Round 2: botfly takes 10 damage.
Round 2: You lose 1,447 hit points
Round 2: You gain 2,902 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 3: botfly takes 10 damage.
Round 3: You gain 2,902 hit points
Round 3: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 4: botfly takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You gain 2,902 hit points
Round 4: capn castom wins the fight!
You acquire an item: 1 (3)
After Battle: Vicki roots through the local filesystem and fetches you some extra data.
You acquire an item: 1
After Battle: Looking at the snowglobe reminds you of that time at KoL Con VII, when you and Meat Colin took turns doing benchpresses with SuperLimeWhatever's car. Wait, did that really happen?
After Battle: You gain 11 Fortitude
After Battle: A love stag beetle brushes up against your ankle affectionately.
Preference lovebugsMuscle changed from 172 to 179
After Battle: You gain 7 Fortitude
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki winks one of her tiny black eyes at you.
You gain 3259 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella peeks out of the shadows, checks for danger, and sidles up to you with some meat.
You gain 10 Meat.
After Battle: Familiars love playing fetch with the corpses of these things. You toss it a few times.
After Battle: Vicki makes a squeaky noise, and you see that they've laid what is probably an egg.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 50 to 51
After Battle: Vicki smiles at you, and yeah I don't know how that works either. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 614 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 403 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 402 Roguishness
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf (2)
After Battle: You gain 1 Wizardliness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 8 to 7
Preference _juneCleaverSleaze changed from 22 to 23
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 5 to 6
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 303 to 304
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 517 to 518
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from botfly to greenhat hacker
Encounter: greenhat hacker
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 6 to 7
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 11 to 10
Round 0: capn castom casts SING ALONG!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7297;
Round 1: You lose 2 hit points
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Trackside Diner. Somebody dropped some food by the tracks, you pick it up!
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 891 to 892
You acquire an item: hot buttered roll
Round 1: Oh no, a part fell off of Frafflesby!
You acquire an item: warbear whosit
Round 1: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297; to sk7297;sk4034;
You gain 71 Meat.
Round 2: greenhat hacker drops 126 attack power.
Round 2: greenhat hacker drops 134 defense.
Round 2: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts EXTRACT!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;
You acquire an item: Source essence
Round 3: greenhat hacker drops 138 attack power.
Round 3: greenhat hacker drops 135 defense.
Round 3: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 3: capn castom uses the porquoise-handled sixgun!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;
Round 4: greenhat hacker takes 54 damage.
Round 4: You gain 29 Muscularity Points
Round 4: greenhat hacker drops 138 attack power.
Round 4: greenhat hacker drops 129 defense.
Round 4: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 4: capn castom casts MICROMETEORITE!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 371 attack power.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 429 defense.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 128 attack power.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 131 defense.
Round 5: You gain 2,910 hit points
Preference _micrometeoriteUses changed from 68 to 69
Round 5: capn castom uses the Time-Spinner!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 147 attack power.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 171 defense.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 127 attack power.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 135 defense.
Round 6: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 6: capn castom uses the Rain-Doh indigo cup!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;
Round 7: You gain 3,881 hit points
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 132 attack power.
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 142 defense.
Round 7: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 7: capn castom uses the Rain-Doh blue balls!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;
Round 8: greenhat hacker takes 52 damage.
Round 8: greenhat hacker drops 141 attack power.
Round 8: greenhat hacker drops 137 defense.
Round 8: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 8: capn castom attacks!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;attack;
Round 9: greenhat hacker takes 5906 damage.
Round 9: greenhat hacker drops 130 attack power.
Round 9: greenhat hacker drops 128 defense.
Round 9: You gain 2,910 hit points
Round 9: capn castom wins the fight!
After Battle: You think about the first night of KoL Con IX, when you and BeefWizard the Sauced took turns doing benchpresses with FettuciniSeal's car. Wait, did that really happen?
After Battle: You gain 12 Muscleboundness
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki blinks at you, except just with one eye. Oh, wait,
You gain 3226 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella slinks out of the shadows and hands you some meat she found.
You gain 11 Meat.
After Battle: Did you know that the greenhat hacker has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
You acquire an effect: Ooh, Bitter! (10)
You acquire an item: glitched malware
After Battle: Vicki makes a squeaky noise, and you see that they've laid what is probably an egg.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 51 to 52
After Battle: Vicki smiles at you, and yeah I don't know how that works either. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 630 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 360 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 434 Chutzpah
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf (2)
After Battle: You gain 2 Wizardliness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 7 to 6
Preference _juneCleaverSpooky changed from 22 to 23
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 6 to 7
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 304 to 305
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 518 to 519
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from greenhat hacker to rat (remote access trojan)
Encounter: rat (remote access trojan)
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;attack; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 7 to 8
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 10 to 9
Round 0: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7542;
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Grain Silo. You spot some fermented grains (or grapes, or whatever) sitting on the loading dock and grab them.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 892 to 893
You acquire an item: bottle of whiskey (2)
Round 1: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 1: You gain 2,919 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;
Round 2: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 2: You lose 1,396 hit points
Round 2: You gain 2,919 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 3: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 3: You lose 1,160 hit points
Round 3: You gain 2,919 hit points
Round 3: capn castom casts THROW CYBER ROCK!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;
Round 4: rat (remote access trojan) takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You gain 2,919 hit points
Round 4: capn castom wins the fight!
You acquire an item: 1 (3)
After Battle: Vicki roots through the local filesystem and fetches you some extra data.
You acquire an item: 1
After Battle: You reflect on KoL Con IX, when you helped carry the kegs to an afterparty. You didn't know you were so strong!
After Battle: You gain 9 Strengthliness
You acquire an item: pet rock "Groucho" disguise
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki winks one of her tiny black eyes at you.
You gain 3000 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella looks around carefully, and once she's satisfied you're alone, she gives you some meat.
You gain 15 Meat.
After Battle: Any biology textbook will tell you that the rat (remote access trojan) 's guts are so hot, even just imagining cutting one open and crawling inside will keep you warm for hours.
You acquire an effect: Imagining Guts (10)
After Battle: Vicki makes a squeaky noise, and you see that they've laid what is probably an egg.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 52 to 53
After Battle: Vicki somehow contorts her long beak into a smile. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 612 Fortitude
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 374 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 445 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
After Battle: You gain 1 Magicalness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 6 to 5
Preference _juneCleaverHot changed from 22 to 23
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 7 to 8
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 305 to 306
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 519 to 520
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from rat (remote access trojan) to greenhat hacker
Encounter: greenhat hacker
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 8 to 9
Round 0: capn castom wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 9 to 8
Round 0: capn castom casts SING ALONG!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from to sk7297;
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Ore Hopper Feeder. Some ore pours of the feeder into the hopper of your train.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 893 to 894
You acquire an item: vinyl ore
Round 1: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 1: capn castom casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297; to sk7297;sk4034;
Round 2: greenhat hacker drops 145 attack power.
Round 2: greenhat hacker drops 135 defense.
Round 2: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 2: capn castom casts EXTRACT!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;
You acquire an item: Source essence (2)
Round 3: greenhat hacker drops 132 attack power.
Round 3: greenhat hacker drops 131 defense.
Round 3: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 3: capn castom uses the porquoise-handled sixgun!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;
Round 4: greenhat hacker takes 54 damage.
Round 4: You gain 23 Muscularity Points
Round 4: greenhat hacker drops 132 attack power.
Round 4: greenhat hacker drops 132 defense.
Round 4: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 4: capn castom casts MICROMETEORITE!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 372 attack power.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 431 defense.
You gain 42 Meat.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 132 attack power.
Round 5: greenhat hacker drops 136 defense.
Round 5: You gain 2,926 hit points
Preference _micrometeoriteUses changed from 69 to 70
Round 5: capn castom uses the Time-Spinner!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 147 attack power.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 172 defense.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 128 attack power.
Round 6: greenhat hacker drops 132 defense.
Round 6: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 6: capn castom uses the Rain-Doh indigo cup!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;
Round 7: You gain 3,901 hit points
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 129 attack power.
Round 7: greenhat hacker drops 130 defense.
Round 7: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 7: capn castom uses the Rain-Doh blue balls!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;
Round 8: greenhat hacker takes 30 damage.
Round 8: greenhat hacker drops 126 attack power.
Round 8: greenhat hacker drops 127 defense.
Round 8: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 8: capn castom attacks!
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560; to sk7297;sk4034;sk7273;it8935;sk7289;it9104;it5561;it5560;attack;
Round 9: greenhat hacker takes 5765 damage.
Round 9: greenhat hacker drops 133 attack power.
Round 9: greenhat hacker drops 136 defense.
Round 9: You gain 2,926 hit points
Round 9: capn castom wins the fight!
After Battle: You think back on KoL Con IX, when everybody got really excited about your super-Moxious Disco Bandit costume.
After Battle: You gain 9 Smarm
You acquire an item: jazz soap
After Battle: Frafflesby surveys the scene from atop the throne, and gains 1 Experience.
After Battle: Vicki blinks at you, except just with one eye. Oh, wait,
You gain 3259 Meat
After Battle: Shadow Acapella peeks out of the shadows, checks for danger, and sidles up to you with some meat.
You gain 15 Meat.
After Battle: Did you know that the greenhat hacker has a very particular flavor? Go ahead, give it a try!
You acquire an effect: Ooh, Bitter! (10)
You acquire an item: glitched malware
After Battle: Vicki lays... well, something. It's tiny and fuzzy and brown.
You acquire an item: mini kiwi
Preference _miniKiwiDrops changed from 53 to 54
After Battle: Vicki smiles at you, and yeah I don't know how that works either. (+39 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 689 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 321 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 414 Cheek
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf (2)
After Battle: You gain 1 Mysteriousness
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 5 to 4
Preference _juneCleaverStench changed from 23 to 24
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 8 to 9
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 306 to 307
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 520 to 521
> Executing Free Fight/CyberRealm Overclock Fights
> Maximize: Familiar Weight
> CCS: [default]\n "if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;"
> Autoattack macro: if (monsterid 1622 || monsterid 1965);if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;endif;if (monsterid 2459 || monsterid 2460 || monsterid 2461 || monsterid 2462 || monsterid 2463 || monsterid 2470 || monsterid 2471 || monsterid 2472 || monsterid 2473 || monsterid 2474);if hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;skill Throw Cyber Rock;repeat hasskill Throw Cyber Rock;endif;endif;if hasskill Sing Along;skill Sing Along;endif;if hasskill Curse of Weaksauce;skill Curse of Weaksauce;endif;if hasskill 7273;skill 7273;endif;if hascombatitem porquoise-handled sixgun;use porquoise-handled sixgun;endif;if hasskill Micrometeorite;skill Micrometeorite;endif;if hascombatitem Time-Spinner;use Time-Spinner;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh indigo cup;use Rain-Doh indigo cup;endif;if hascombatitem Rain-Doh blue balls;use Rain-Doh blue balls;endif;while !pastround 3 && !hppercentbelow 25;use seal tooth;endwhile;while !pastround 24 && !hppercentbelow 25 && !missed 1 && !snarfblat 567;attack;endwhile;if !monsterelement cold;if hasskill Northern Explosion;skill Northern Explosion;repeat hasskill Northern Explosion;endif;endif;if hasskill 1005;skill 1005;repeat hasskill 1005;endif;if hasskill Saucegeyser;skill Saucegeyser;repeat hasskill Saucegeyser;endif;if hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;skill Weapon of the Pastalord;repeat hasskill Weapon of the Pastalord;endif;if hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;skill Cannelloni Cannon;repeat hasskill Cannelloni Cannon;endif;if hasskill Wave of Sauce;skill Wave of Sauce;repeat hasskill Wave of Sauce;endif;if hasskill Saucestorm;skill Saucestorm;repeat hasskill Saucestorm;endif;attack;repeat;
[606] Cyberzone 1
Preference lastEncounter changed from greenhat hacker to $1.00,$1.00,$1.00
Encounter: $1.00,$1.00,$1.00
Preference _cyberZone1Turns changed from 9 to 10
Preference _cyberFreeFights changed from 9 to 10
Took choice 1545/1: Get 0 (8) and suffer 5 sleaze damage
You acquire 0 (8)
You lose 6 hit points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 521 to 522