
I keep having the same problems mentioned previously in The Haunted Bedroom, and also some weird stuff going on in the Daily Dungeon no matter how I set my adventures in Mafia. Does anyone know good settings to avoid the blackberry bush encounters? They seem like a sink. This is still an amazing piece of scripting, digitrev, so thanks much for it!
I'm getting stuck at the hidden temple altars again, on r38 with the latest mafia, all choice adventures set to not 'show in browser'
Need manually set

set choiceAdventure787=6
set choiceAdventure781=6
set choiceAdventure783=6
set choiceAdventure785=6

or so it seems
I keep having the same problems mentioned previously in The Haunted Bedroom, and also some weird stuff going on in the Daily Dungeon no matter how I set my adventures in Mafia. Does anyone know good settings to avoid the blackberry bush encounters? They seem like a sink. This is still an amazing piece of scripting, digitrev, so thanks much for it!

I'm assuming you have the ring of detect boring doors, and the eleven foot pole. If not, buy them, they're super cheap in the mall :) With those in hand, I've set my DD to: try to avoid trap using highest buffed stat, skip 6h chamber, skip 11th chamber, get fat loot token, and avoid trap with eleven foot pole. If you do all that and it still b0rks, I feel for you.

I'm still having issues with the bedroom and that stupid blackberry bush as well. Why have a choice adventure option if it doesn't work? Sure, ok, it's a nested choice adv, I get that it could be harder to fix, but is there a fix in the works even?

Regardless of issues, I'd never have made it this far without this script, thanks, digitrev!!
Hm. I honestly have no idea why the bedroom isn't working. The workaround might just be to handle the bedroom yourself manually. Given that the content is over, I probably won't be making any updates to the script.
Bedroom issue is that this script goes to a new zone every time, bedroom has a forced choice after every adventure, and if the script decides to change gear rather than keep it for the next adventure, it aborts. Just use the relay script to make sure you've finished the bedroom and it won't be a problem anymore.
Dumb question. I thought the content ran all the way until it disappears from the mountain?

Not sure of your question, nor what might be a spoiler, but there is a sequence of actions and conditions that can occur on (real world) Dec. 25 that remove the prostelyzation tracker from the character display. That suggests that some of the content has a lifespan shorter than Crimbo if the player so chooses by their actions.