Visit to Beach: Kokomo Resort in progress...
You need a Tropical Contact High to go there.
Visit to Dungeon: Video Game Level 2 in progress...
[1240] Video Game Level 2
Nothing more to do here.
Visit to Dungeon: Video Game Level 3 in progress...
You completed the video game
Visit to RabbitHole: The Red Queen's Garden in progress...
Use a "DRINK ME" potion before trying to adventure here.
Visit to Fernswarthy's Tower: Tower Ruins in progress...
You can't get to that area.
Visit to Island: Barrrney's Barrr in progress...
You can't get to that area.
Visit to Island: The F'c'le in progress...
You can't get to that area.
Visit to Mountain: Mt. Molehill in progress...
You can't get to that area.
Visit to Mountain: The Barrel Full of Barrels in progress...
All booze in the specified rows has been collected.
Visit to MusSign: The Spooky Gravy Burrow in progress...
You need to bring an elemental gravy fairy with you.
Visit to Wormwood: The Stately Pleasure Dome in progress...
You need to be Absinthe Minded to go there.
Visit to Wormwood: The Mouldering Mansion in progress...
You need to be Absinthe Minded to go there.
Visit to Wormwood: The Rogue Windmill in progress...
You need to be Absinthe Minded to go there.
Unknown location: The Ruins of the Fully Automated Crimbo Factory (zone: Crimbo15)
Please report this missing location here:
Visit to Psychoses: The Tower of Procedurally-Generated Skeletons in progress...
You can't get to that area.
Visit to Skid Row: The Inner Wolf Gym in progress...
[1240] The Inner Wolf Gym
Nothing more to do here.
Visit to The Candy Witch and the Relentless Child Thieves: Sweet-Ade Lake in progress...
[1240] Sweet-Ade Lake
Nothing more to do here.
Visit to The Candy Witch and the Relentless Child Thieves: Eager Rice Burrows in progress...
[1240] Eager Rice Burrows
Nothing more to do here.
Visit to The Candy Witch and the Relentless Child Thieves: Gumdrop Forest in progress...
[1240] Gumdrop Forest
Nothing more to do here.
Visit to Rumpelstiltskin's Home For Children: Ye Olde Medievale Villagee in progress...
[1240] Ye Olde Medievale Villagee
Nothing more to do here.
Visit to Conspiracy Island: The Secret Government Laboratory in progress...
You need to equip your Personal Ventilation Unit.