I would be surprised if the stuffed red and green pepper and cranberry margarita aren't both 14-16 adv and 10-30 of each stat. For sure, they're not exactly the values I've added to the wiki 

Visiting Elf Booze Drive
Elf Booze Drive buy 1000 Crimbo stockings ROW1191
10701 Crimbo stockings 690661115 crimbonets.gif pants t 0
Crimbo stockings 200 Mox: 75
Item Crimbo stockings PvP Fights: +5, Sleaze Damage: +75, Class: "Disco Bandit"
Elf Booze Drive buy 1000 poncho de azucar ROW1192
10702 poncho de azucar 206457048 sugarponcho.gif shirt t 0
poncho de azucar 200 Mox: 75
Item poncho de azucar Adventures: +5, Stench Damage: +30, Class: "Accordion Thief"
Visiting Elf Candy Drive
Elf Candy Drive buy 1000 fruit bat ROW1189
10697 fruit bat 432991577 fruitbat.gif weapon t 0
fruit bat 200 Mus: 75 1-handed club
Item fruit bat Weapon Drop: +50, Weapon Damage: +75, Class: "Seal Clubber", Single Equip
Elf Candy Drive buy 1000 tinsel orb ROW1190
10698 tinsel orb 125263581 tinselorb.gif offhand t 0
tinsel orb 0 Mus: 75
Item tinsel orb Accessory Drop: +100, Spooky Damage: +60, Class: "Turtle Tamer"
Visiting Elf Food Drive
Elf Food Drive buy 1000 snowpack ROW1193
10699 snowpack 379639584 snowpack.gif container t 0
snowpack 0 Mys: 75
Item snowpack Familiar Weight: +5, Cold Damage: +30, Class: "Pastamancer"
Elf Food Drive buy 1000 Satan hat ROW1194
10700 Satan hat 489228771 satanhat.gif hat t 0
Satan hat 200 Mys: 75
Item Satan hat Hat Drop: +50, Hot Damage: +30, Class: "Sauceror"
10673 neck wreath 712540100 wreathnecklace.gif accessory t 0
neck wreath 0 none
Item neck wreath Spooky Resistance: [+5*event(December)], Stench Resistance: [+5*event(December)], Hot Resistance: [+5*event(December)], Cold Resistance: [+5*event(December)], Sleaze Resistance: [+5*event(December)], Single Equip
10674 shining star cap 556730643 starcap.gif hat t 0
shining star cap 100 none
Item shining star cap Familiar Weight: [+10*event(December)]
10675 nativity shorts 895521295 nativityshorts.gif pants t 0
nativity shorts 100 none
Item nativity shorts Initiative: [+100*event(December)]
10721 hand-crafted candy cane 652206867 candycane.gif food t 0
hand-crafted candy cane 2 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item hand-crafted candy cane
Visiting Elf Food Drive
Elf Food Drive buy 1000 snowpack ROW1193
10699 snowpack 379639584 snowpack.gif container t 0
snowpack 0 Mys: 75
Item snowpack Familiar Weight: +5, Cold Damage: +30, Class: "Pastamancer"
Elf Food Drive buy 1000 Satan hat ROW1194
10700 Satan hat 489228771 satanhat.gif hat t 0
Satan hat 200 Mys: 75
Item Satan hat Hat Drop: +50, Hot Damage: +30, Class: "Sauceror"
Elf Food Drive buy 3000 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 ROW1195
10703 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 742976874 book4.gif usable t 0
Item The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 Skill: "Long Winter's Nap"
197 -1 0 0
197 Long Winter's Nap -1 0 0
Elf Food Drive buy 3000 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 ROW1196
10705 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 231840792 book4.gif usable t 0
Item The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 Skill: "Bowl Full of Jelly"
198 Bowl Full of Jelly soupbowl.gif 3 50 0
198 Bowl Full of Jelly soupbowl.gif 3 50 0
Visiting Elf Booze Drive
Elf Booze Drive buy 1000 Crimbo stockings ROW1191
10701 Crimbo stockings 690661115 crimbonets.gif pants t 0
Crimbo stockings 200 Mox: 75
Item Crimbo stockings PvP Fights: +5, Sleaze Damage: +75, Class: "Disco Bandit"
Elf Booze Drive buy 1000 poncho de azucar ROW1192
10702 poncho de azucar 206457048 sugarponcho.gif shirt t 0
poncho de azucar 200 Mox: 75
Item poncho de azucar Adventures: +5, Stench Damage: +30, Class: "Accordion Thief"
Elf Booze Drive buy 3000 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 ROW1197
10707 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 339097062 book4.gif usable t 0
Item The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 Skill: "Ashes and Soot"
199 Ashes and Soot ashesandsoot.gif 5 30 0
199 Ashes and Soot ashesandsoot.gif 5 30 0
Elf Booze Drive buy 3000 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 ROW1198
10709 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 749860919 book4.gif usable t 0
Item The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 Skill: "Eye and a Twist"
200 Eye and a Twist eyemartini.gif 3 50 0
200 Eye and a Twist eyemartini.gif 3 50 0
Visiting Elf Candy Drive
Elf Candy Drive buy 1000 fruit bat ROW1189
10697 fruit bat 432991577 fruitbat.gif weapon t 0
fruit bat 200 Mus: 75 1-handed club
Item fruit bat Weapon Drop: +50, Weapon Damage: +75, Class: "Seal Clubber", Single Equip
Elf Candy Drive buy 1000 tinsel orb ROW1190
10698 tinsel orb 125263581 tinselorb.gif offhand t 0
tinsel orb 0 Mus: 75
Item tinsel orb Accessory Drop: +100, Spooky Damage: +60, Class: "Turtle Tamer"
Elf Candy Drive buy 3000 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 ROW1199
10711 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 129112476 book4.gif usable t 0
Item The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 Skill: "Dimples, How Merry!"
201 Dimples, How Merry! dimples.gif 0 0 0
Skill Dimples, How Merry! Experience: +1
201 Dimples, How Merry! dimples.gif 0 0 0
Skill Dimples, How Merry! Experience: +1
Elf Candy Drive buy 3000 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 ROW1207
10713 The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 188125853 book4.gif usable t 0
Item The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 Skill: "Chubby and Plump"
202 Chubby and Plump chubbybar.gif 3 50 0
202 Chubby and Plump chubbybar.gif 3 50 0
Thanks MS and I appreciate the concatenation!! Not sure what sort of chunks I should do this in but I feel like I want to have a bit of spading on the skillbook effects (and do they have used variants?)Skillbooks are available in the 3 stores.
As the new equips which appeared 2 rollovers ago haven't been added they're also in the paste above so the post 2 above this can be ignored.
TBH that was all mafia's doing not mine. I just copy & pasted the block from the session log to here.Thanks MS and I appreciate the concatenation!! Not sure what sort of chunks I should do this in but I feel like I want to have a bit of spading on the skillbook effects (and do they have used variants?)
10665 tiny plastic Crimbo caroler 462322475 c20tp1.gif accessory t 0
tiny plastic Crimbo caroler 0 none
Item tiny plastic Crimbo caroler Familiar Weight: +3
You acquire an item: tiny plastic Crimbo caroler
10676 myrrh pouch 250430910 myrrhbag.gif accessory t 0
myrrh pouch 0 none
Item myrrh pouch Maximum HP: +10, Experience (Muscle): +3, Single Equip
10677 frankincenser 872254198 frankincenser.gif offhand t 0
frankincenser 0 none
Item frankincenser Maximum MP: +10, Experience (Mysticality): +3
10678 gilded trumpet 756000295 goldtrumpet.gif weapon t 0
gilded trumpet 100 Mox: 0 1-handed horn
Item gilded trumpet Maximum HP: +5, Maximum MP: +5, Experience (Moxie): +3, Single Equip
10666 tiny plastic multi-level marketer 179873392 c20tp2.gif accessory t 0
tiny plastic multi-level marketer 0 none
Item tiny plastic multi-level marketer Familiar Weight: +3
You acquire an item: tiny plastic multi-level marketer
use 1 multi-level marzipan
2611 Multi-Level Mindset mlmarzipan.gif 2ad20a3224d74d21c41abe98e63ff5fa neutral none
Effect Multi-Level Mindset Muscle Percent: +10
You acquire an effect: Multi-Level Mindset (100)
10667 tiny plastic Crimbo cheer 576679609 c20tp3.gif accessory t 0
tiny plastic Crimbo cheer 0 none
Item tiny plastic Crimbo cheer Familiar Weight: +3
You acquire an item: tiny plastic Crimbo cheer
10668 tiny plastic Mirth 484775388 c20tp4.gif accessory t 0
tiny plastic Mirth 0 none
Item tiny plastic Mirth Adventures: +3
You acquire an item: tiny plastic Mirth
10720 barrel-aged eggnog 115704459 coffeecup.gif drink t 0
barrel-aged eggnog 2 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item barrel-aged eggnog
You acquire an item: barrel-aged eggnog
198 Bowl Full of Jelly soupbowl.gif 1 50 0
200 Eye and a Twist eyemartini.gif 1 50 0
202 Chubby and Plump chubbybar.gif 1 50 0
Which skill are you talking about? All the crimbo skillbook summons are tracked and in breakfast since r20579Any tracking for daily skill use or plans to add to breakfast. (Custom daily deed needs tracking, right)?
Thank you. I missed that since they weren't happening in Breakfast for me. That could be a settings issue so I will see why my expectations ae not being met.Which skill are you talking about? All the crimbo skillbook summons are tracked and in breakfast since r20579