New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2018 new content


Thread for new content from crimbo 2018

so far I found
Unknown item found: primitive candy cane (10021, 545445592)
10021     primitive candy cane 545445592 tradcane.gif food t 0
primitive candy     cane 1 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item primitive candy cane
You     acquire an item: primitive candy cane
some more things

Unknown item found: antique beer (10066, 336712990)
10066 antique beer 336712990 beer.gif drink t 0
antique beer 3 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item antique beer
Unknown item found: antique Canadian lantern (10047, 546753533)
10047 antique Canadian lantern 546753533 canadianlantern.gif offhand t,d 500
antique Canadian lantern 0 Mys: 60
# Item antique Canadian lantern: +15% more Item Drops in the Canadian Wildlife Preserve
Item antique Canadian lantern Item Drop: +15, Cold Resistance: +3
Unknown item found: beaver punch (cherry) (10046, 598400291)
10046 beaver punch (cherry) 598400291 perf_negroni.gif drink t,d 45
beaver punch (cherry) 3 4 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item beaver punch (cherry)
Unknown item found: beaver punch (papaya) (10044, 861669377)
10044 beaver punch (papaya) 861669377 perf_negroni.gif drink t,d 45
beaver punch (papaya) 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item beaver punch (papaya)
Unknown item found: beaver punch (peach) (10045, 294278386)
10045 beaver punch (peach) 294278386 perf_negroni.gif drink t,d 45
beaver punch (peach) 3 4 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item beaver punch (peach)
Unknown item found: beavermouth (10043, 120789894)
10043 beavermouth 120789894 wine2.gif drink t,d 30
beavermouth 3 1 crappy 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item beavermouth
Unknown item found: Crimbo dog sweater (10032, 272370509)
10032 Crimbo dog sweater 272370509 crimbodogsweater.gif familiar t,d 75
Item Crimbo dog sweater Familiar Weight: +5
Unknown item found: grilled mooseflank (10039, 509041041)
10039 grilled mooseflank 509041041 grilledsteak.gif food t,d 50
grilled mooseflank 3 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item grilled mooseflank
Unknown item found: mooseflank (10038, 903542956)
10038 mooseflank 903542956 jarl_steak.gif none t,d 30
# Item mooseflank
Unknown item found: moosemeat pie (10040, 696433451)
10040 moosemeat pie 696433451 pie.gif food t,d 50
moosemeat pie 3 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item moosemeat pie Effect: "Moose-Warmed Belly", Effect Duration: 50
2428 Moose-Warmed Belly pie.gif 1c0d1491fdcc277b29cc6e77d04db08c eat 1 moosemeat pie
Effect Moose-Warmed Belly Cold Resistance: +5
Unknown item found: muskox-skin cap (10048, 465975830)
10048 muskox-skin cap 465975830 oxhat.gif hat t,d 500
muskox-skin cap 150 Mox: 60
# Item muskox-skin cap: +100% Meat Drops in the Canadian Wildlife Preserve
Item muskox-skin cap Cold Resistance: +3
Unknown item found: plastic bazooka (10037, 837373216)
10037 plastic bazooka 837373216 plasticzooka.gif weapon t,d 1000
plastic bazooka 200 Mox: 50 2-handed bazooka
# Item plastic bazooka: Quick Draw
# Item plastic bazooka: (you will nearly always win Initiative)
# Item plastic bazooka: Allows you to Super Blast your enemies
Unknown item found: portable dam (10042, 939714846)
10042 portable dam 939714846 damshield.gif offhand t,d 500
portable dam 0 Mus: 60 shield
Item portable dam Damage Reduction: 109
Unknown item found: pristine walrus tusk (10033, 334408945)
10033 pristine walrus tusk 334408945 bigtusk.gif weapon t,d 1000
pristine walrus tusk 150 Mus: 60 1-handed staff
Item pristine walrus tusk Cold Damage: +50, Muscle: +15
Unknown item found: yule pup (10030, 182176224)
10030 yule pup 182176224 yulepup.gif grow t 0
# Item yule pup
New familiar: "Yule Hound" (269) @ yulehound.gif
Unknown item found: Braindeer (10031, 287519906)
10031 Braindeer 287519906 braindeer.gif none, combat q 0
# Item Braindeer
2427	Long Winter's Napped	sleepy.gif	f75c88dafc22e34f7ba064a3a4278328
Effect	Long Winter's Napped	Weapon Damage Percent: +100, Spell Damage Percent: +100

There's also the new zone itself that needs to be added to locations: The Canadian Wildlife Preserve, snarfblat=529
Maybe notable features: it allows wanderers/banishes/sniffs, the noncombat (choice 1333) is scheduled every 50 turns, most of the choices in it are conditional, and the wild reindeer combat encounter is only available if you have the yule hound as your familiar.
New monsters
New monster #2100 found in Manuel with name 'herd of wild lemmings' image     'c18lemmings.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 E:     cold P: beast'
New     monster #2102 found in Manuel with name 'wild beaver' image     'c18beaver.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 E: cold     P: beast'
New monster #2101 found in Manuel with name 'wild moose'     image 'c18moose.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 E:     cold P: beast'
New monster #2099 found in Manuel with name 'wild     walrus' image 'c18walrus.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init:     -10000 E: cold P: beast'
another item
        Unknown item found: Staff of Frozen Lard (10035, 504893266)
10035     Staff of Frozen Lard 504893266 blubberstaff.gif weapon 0
Staff of     Frozen Lard 10 Mys: 200 1-handed chefstaff
Item Staff of Frozen Lard     Spell Damage Percent: +200, Cold Spell Damage: +20, Sleaze Spell Damage:     +20, MP Regen Min: 15, MP Regen Max: 20
You     acquire an item: Staff of Frozen Lard
Found a new item with r19036

10041 balanced antler 897684030 balantler.gif weapon t,d 1000
balanced antler 150 Mus: 50 1-handed club
# Item balanced antler: Keeps beasts away
Item balanced antler Monster Level: +15

This seems to be a rare drop in the zone.

10068	hot watered rum	639942662	coffeecup.gif	drink	t,d	5
hot watered rum	3	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item hot watered rum
Eating 3 grilled mooseflank...
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 16 Fortitude
You gain 14 Mysteriousness
You gain 13 Sarcasm
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-3)
You gain 18 Adventures
You gain 14 Strongness
You gain 14 Magicalness
You gain 16 Cheek
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-3)
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 11 Strongness
You gain 19 Mysteriousness
You gain 16 Cheek
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-3)
Finished eating 3 grilled mooseflank.
Drinking 5 beaver punch (cherry)...
You gain 12 Adventures
You gain 40 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 25 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 23 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 41 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 16 Magicalness
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
Finished drinking 5 beaver punch (cherry).
From visiting the cafe (after you find the elf from the NC in the wildlife preserve)

The Crimbo Cafe	crimbo18	hot watered rum	50	ROW1030
10068	hot watered rum	639942662	coffeecup.gif	drink	t,d	5
hot watered rum	3	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item hot watered rum
The Crimbo Cafe	crimbo18	yule gruel	50	ROW1029
10067	yule gruel	129719219	soupbowl.gif	food	t,d	5
yule gruel	3	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item yule gruel

> version

KoLmafia v18.11 r19043
A bunch of new stuff today (r19044), mostly in a new shop in crimbo land:

10065 Toyleporter 802856742 toyleporter.gif weapon q 0
Toyleporter 100 Mox: 35 2-handed rifle
# Item Toyleporter: Locates toys and then blasts them to the Crimbo Town Toy Factory
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat bottle of Crimbognac 95000 ROW1031
Unknown item found: bottle of Crimbognac (10069, 280834842)
10069 bottle of Crimbognac 280834842 crimbognac.gif drink t 0
bottle of Crimbognac 3 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item bottle of Crimbognac
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Crimboysters Rockefeller 95000 ROW1032
Unknown item found: Crimboysters Rockefeller (10070, 479239170)
10070 Crimboysters Rockefeller 479239170 oystersroc.gif food t 0
Crimboysters Rockefeller 3 1 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item Crimboysters Rockefeller
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Crimbeau de toilette 95000 ROW1033
Unknown item found: Crimbeau de toilette (10071, 111575274)
10071 Crimbeau de toilette 111575274 potion9.gif spleen, usable t 0
Crimbeau de toilette 1 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item Crimbeau de toilette Effect: "Crimbeau'd", Effect Duration: 50
2436 Crimbeau'd potion9.gif 4e557ef03a78e4d8c186b13c464f4ceb chew 1 Crimbeau de toilette
Effect Crimbeau'd Familiar Weight: +10, Item Drop: +25, Meat Drop: +50
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Crimbo candle 237500 ROW1034
Unknown item found: Crimbo candle (10072, 957016117)
10072 Crimbo candle 957016117 crimbocandle.gif usable t 0
# Item Crimbo candle: Lights up your dwelling, giving you 3 extra Adventures per day (in December only)
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Carol of the Bulls 475000 ROW1035
Unknown item found: Carol of the Bulls (10073, 734149089)
10073 Carol of the Bulls 734149089 music.gif usable t 0
Item Carol of the Bulls Skill: "Carol of the Bulls"
182 Carol of the Bulls music.gif -1 30 10
2437 Carol of the Bulls music.gif 6508fec9bcd6052fb261808cf04441df cast 1 Carol of the Bulls
Effect Carol of the Bulls Weapon Damage Percent: +100
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Carol of the Hells 475000 ROW1036
Unknown item found: Carol of the Hells (10075, 810080798)
10075 Carol of the Hells 810080798 music.gif usable t 0
Item Carol of the Hells Skill: "Carol of the Hells"
183 Carol of the Hells music.gif -1 30 10
2438 Carol of the Hells music.gif 9201ba5d987aba1b084504833c695326 cast 1 Carol of the Hells
Effect Carol of the Hells Spell Damage Percent: +100
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Carol of the Thrills 475000 ROW1037
Unknown item found: Carol of the Thrills (10077, 140051819)
10077 Carol of the Thrills 140051819 music.gif usable t 0
Item Carol of the Thrills Skill: "Carol of the Thrills"
184 Carol of the Thrills music.gif -1 30 10
2439 Carol of the Thrills music.gif 7b5fb0ad18ebbd61b328e922caf781ba cast 1 Carol of the Thrills
Effect Carol of the Thrills Experience: +3
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Crimbolex watch 950000 ROW1039
Unknown item found: Crimbolex watch (10079, 382354277)
10079 Crimbolex watch 382354277 nicewatch.gif accessory t 0
Crimbolex watch 0 Mys: 20
Item Crimbolex watch Adventures: +5, PvP Fights: +5, Rollover Effect: "Watched Over", Rollover Effect Duration: 100, Single Equip
2440 Watched Over nicewatch.gif 79b4813f9de0406da1a39bcb051c7117
Effect Watched Over Muscle Percent: +100, Mysticality Percent: +100, Moxie Percent: +100
Crimbo Town Gift-O-Mat crimbo18giftomat Crimbo tattoo kit 950000 ROW1040
Unknown item found: Crimbo tattoo kit (10080, 478768623)
10080 Crimbo tattoo kit 478768623 c18tat.gif usable t 0
# Item Crimbo tattoo kit
Last edited:
[COLOR=olive]> ash foreach s in $strings[Muscle,Mysticality,Moxie]     { print(s+" = "+numeric_modifier(s+" Experience Percent")+" %"); }[/COLOR]

Muscle     = 0.0 %
Mysticality = 10.0 %
Moxie = 50.0 %
Returned: void

Drinking     6 bottle of Crimbognac...
You gain 22 Adventures
You gain 39     Beefiness
You gain 17 Mysteriousness
You gain 17 Smarm
You gain 3     Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain     21 Adventures
You gain 22 Muscleboundness
You gain 36 Mysteriousness
You     gain 52 Roguishness
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an     effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain 23 Adventures
You gain 20     Fortitude
You gain 37 Enchantedness
You gain 29 Roguishness
You     gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You     gain 24 Adventures
You gain 20 Muscleboundness
You gain 44     Enchantedness
You gain 20 Chutzpah
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You     lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You gain 24 Adventures
You     gain 27 Beefiness
You gain 16 Mysteriousness
You gain 22 Cheek
You     gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
You     gain 24 Adventures
You gain 12 Strengthliness
You gain 17     Mysteriousness
You gain 60 Cheek
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose     some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
Finished drinking 6 bottle of     Crimbognac.