CounterChecker do not complain about there being a newer version so I assume I have the newest. Just got this.
Then the script go and get the tasty tarts, so it is still working. Just thought I should mention the "WARNING: Unreachable code (CounterChecker.ash, line 334)" part =)
The line number 'might' be out of sync as (I think) I'm using a modified version (to favor certain SR during a run), but the warning is in a part that have not been fiddled with.
Thanks for an awsome script
Visit to Island: Barrrney's Barrr in progress...
WARNING: Unreachable code (CounterChecker.ash, line 334)
Checking for updates (running CounterChecker ver. 1.49995)...
Running CounterChecker version: 1.49995 (current)
Checking counters now.
Searching for "tasty tart"...
Search complete.
3 tasty tarts are currently selling for 3,200 meat each.
BaleCC_next => Haunted Pantry
Then the script go and get the tasty tarts, so it is still working. Just thought I should mention the "WARNING: Unreachable code (CounterChecker.ash, line 334)" part =)
The line number 'might' be out of sync as (I think) I'm using a modified version (to favor certain SR during a run), but the warning is in a part that have not been fiddled with.
Thanks for an awsome script