CounterChecker: Wormwood, Semi-rares, Dance Cards and more


OH HELL! I found the damn bug. Spinning a new release. It's so incredibly stupid.

Released CounterChecker v1.5

  • Fixed a critical bug in the cookie eating code.
  • Got tired of seeing a string of nines in the version number. Joke is too old.
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Yeah. That's all. All this time you and I have been staring at the count_counters() function, neither of us noticed that tiny little typo. The wrong slash was used.


I am not sure if you can but I have my CC set to automatically get the semi-rare that is worth the most but it adventured in the PLD after it had been cleared and there was only Chester left so it gave me the adventure with the choices of attacking him or not rather than the semi-rare. I assume there is a check for that(and if there isn't, that addition would be nice).


Active member
The sum entirety of the check is whether or not you can hobo, and whether or not the zone shows. No check for hobo clearings. But if you clear it and make it un-visitable, it should have moved on...


Nope, it aborted and when I tried to start the adventuring again (hoping it would skip it or something) it just adventured there again, it did this a good 3 or so times and then I just manually used an adventure to get past the counter and grab one of the basic semi-rares.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, it said unrecognized choice adventure which may have abort the script rather than the script doing it itself. I am going to get the most recent .jar rather than the last .exe and see if it is fixed.

EDIT2: It wasn't unrecognized, I had it stupidly set to show in browser so it aborted everything. This was all my bad XD
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Warren Jones

New member
The Synecdoche, Twin Peak semi-rare (miniature boiler) adventure does not occur after the peak has been lit. However, CounterChecker keeps trying to get it.


OH! Thank you! I had no idea why I was failing to get my semi-rare. Unfortunately I cannot think of a good way to test if the peak has been lit so I disabled that one until I or someone else can figure it out.

Released CounterChecker v1.5.1

  • Stop getting miniature boiler!


It would be nice if all of the peaks being lit was noted by KoLmafia. Feature request? Not worth it?


Active member
It takes a server hit, but you can check for:
				page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=highlands");
				if (!page.contains_text("fire1.gif") && my_adventures() > 0)
fire1, fire2, and fire3.gif are the signators for the three peaks and their relative completion levels. Additionally, they're only available during step2 of the quest since step3 is after you've finished all of them and haven't turned it in and finished is when it's done, so you'd only need the server hit during that one quest-setting state.


It is worth a feature request, so we can bail with an explanation when asked to auto-adventure there.


Active member
You can still adventure there after they've been set ablaze... I just adventured in the twin peak and oil peak during my flyering right now. The only reason for the flag-check is to reduce a potential server hit on scripted lighting and for this semi-rare check. Not to bail when people want to farm oily worms. :)
If there a setting for counter checker so it won't stop and remind me about semi-rares in HCO?

It's not like I can eat the cookie... ;)
Multiple matches against Giant's Castle.
Bad location value: "Giant's Castle" (CounterChecker.ash, line 71)
Fortune Cookie counter expired. Last semirare found 192 turns ago (on turn 278198) in Giant's Castle (Top Floor)


Yep, the "Giant's Castle" needs to be changed to "Giant's Castle (Top Floor)" for semi-rare purposes.

Well, there are apparetnly semi-rares on the other 2 floors as well: Super Weight-Gain 9000 in the "Giant's Castle (Basement)" and Possibility Potion in the "Giant's Castle (Ground Floor)". So any of the new Giant's Castle locations should get you a semi-rare, though perhaps not the one you expected.


Urgh. And unfortunately I don't know if there is any way of determining which of those locations are available. Information?

In the meantime you can download the version attached to this post. It might not work perfectly, but it does include both of the new semi-rares.
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Active member
Eventually the questL10Garbage should get additional tracking for unlocking each floor. Since those are additional steps. But that takes someone noting both the quest log and the text for the unlockings.