Feature Conditions - Set/Remove

There must have been some difference in how goal items were processed back then... Here's an example of how it's working now:
> inv wumpus hair

wumpus hair (2)

> conditions clear

Conditions list cleared.

> conditions set 7 wumpus hair

Condition set: wumpus hair (7)
wumpus hair (5)

> conditions check

You need 3 more wumpus hair to continue.
Conditions list validated against available items.

> conditions check

You need 1 more wumpus hair to continue.
Conditions list validated against available items.

> conditions check

Conditions list validated against available items.

> inv wumpus hair

wumpus hair (2)
Note that the two items in inventory were subtracted from the goal as soon as it was added, and then again for each "conditions check", resulting in no goals at all by the end.
Looking at RuntimeLibrary, we already have remove_item_condition (and add_item_condition with a negative value works the same way), or am I misunderstanding this?
That only works with item goals... if you want to remove a choice adventure, for example, you're stuck with reading in the condition list, saving it to a map, and trying to reconstruct it minus the choice adventure after wiping it... But hey, at least now we can throw it into a map instead of just being stuck. :)