ckb Standard Ascension

TL:DR I guess you can file this under "script is not idiot proof", but not really sure.

Oh, this is totally a screw-up on my part. The script checks for numberology 51, then if true, uses a spooky jelly to get the outfit... but using a jelly adds 1 spleen and totally changes the numberology calculation. Duh. Sorry.
I guess I got luck with my last run.
This will need an update.

@Tom Sawyer
You should not need to do anything manually. Trust in the script, it will take care of you. It believes in you. If you do even a few things manually, chances are it will make you do a lot more of them.
You need to have a fully upgraded source terminal.
It assumes you have all the skills and items it needs.
It should get spooky jelly from the forest by itself when looking for the mosquito larva. There is a very small chance you will not see any spooky monsters, but that is reasonably unlikely.

Edit: numberology fix submitted. untested.
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Hi ckb,
I dont see it listed in the fam requirements, but is the lack of the golden monkey a script breaker?
Hi ckb,
I dont see it listed in the fam requirements, but is the lack of the golden monkey a script breaker?

I believe the Golden Monkey is the only spleen familiar left in standard. It uses 1 powdered gold early to eek out a few adventures day 1. You might get lucky and survive without it, but I could not make it work easily.
For sure the script will TRY to use a Golden Monkey, so if you don't have one, it will throw an error.
Ok I have been a rather dense rock lol. Thought I had all the chips installed in the source but overlooked the cram, dram, and tram chips >.> Lets try this again the right way!
Hi ckb,

I tried running the script today but it told me I am "missing" certain skills (Grab a Cold One and Spirit of Garlic). I attempted to comment those out, but as I lack a good enough understanding of code, I think I kinda broke things by editing the scripts. In the first combat that it ran, it sent me to the relay browser without finishing the combat (maybe because I'm missing a required skill). Is there a way around this or would I be better off waiting until I perm some of those skills before trying again?

Just for reference, I have most of the skills and IotMs listed and have 96 ascensions currently.
I tried running the script today but it told me I am "missing" certain skills (Grab a Cold One and Spirit of Garlic).

The script relies in tuned spells, and very specific consumption to complete property. If you know what you are doing, you could probably work around it... but if not, you are better off getting a few more perms before trying to get it to work correctly.
I had this error message:

looking for item mizzenmast mop at location The F'c'le
with itemfind = 312,65
curmudgeonly pirate drop rate is 30, needed = 333,33
Cannot guarentee finding mizzenmast mop
Need more +item drop

Even though my character has +312% items, which is more than the +233.4% needed

error appears to be in ckb-Utils.ash (bold line altered by me).

boolean CanFind(item it, location loc) {
	print("looking for item "+it+" at location "+loc);
	print("with itemfind = "+to_string(item_drop_modifier(),"%.2f"));
	foreach mon in get_location_monsters(loc) {
		if (item_drops(mon) contains it) {
			foreach ii,dd in item_drops_array(mon) {
				if (dd.drop==it) {
					[B]float drn = 10000.0/to_float(dd.rate)-100;[/B]
					print(mon+" drop rate is "+dd.rate+", needed = "+to_string(drn,"%.2f"));
					if (drn<=item_drop_modifier()) {
						print("You will find "+it,"green");
						return true;
	print("Cannot guarentee finding "+it,"red");
	return false;
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The script is correct. Your interpretation of the numbers is in understandable confusion. That number, 312 is not +312. It is actually 100 (default) + 212 = 312. So your drop bonus is only +212, which is less than +233.

In other words the chance of you getting a mizzenmast mop to drop is 30 * 3.12 = 93.6%. To get a 100% drop chance you need 30 * 3.33.
No... it's not. I had +312%, not +212%.

for example, right now I get the following output:
> ash to_string(item_drop_modifier(),"%.2f");

Returned: 297,62

and my character has +297.62% item.

> modtrace item

type source Item Drop Penalty Item Drop Sporadic Item Drop
Item protonic accelerator pack+15.00=*+15.00
Item nicksilver spurs+20.00=*+35.00
Item gold detective badge+20.00=*+55.00
Skill Mad Looting Skillz+20.00=*+75.00
Skill Powers of Observatiogn+10.00=*+85.00
Skill Natural Born Scrabbler+5.00=*+90.00
Skill 20/20 Vision+10.00=*+100.00
Skill Thief Among the Honorable+5.00=*+105.00
Effect Peeled Eyeballs+15.00=*+120.00
Effect Sacré Mental+50.00=*+170.00
Effect items.enh+30.00=*+200.00
Effect Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric+20.00=*+220.00
Effect Singer's Faithful Ocelot+10.00=*+230.00
Familiar Rockin' Robin+67.62=*+297.62
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error appears to be in ckb-Utils.ash (bold line altered by me).

As long as you have that -100 in there, you are calculating as if your drop rate bonus is 100% lower than it really is ...
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The script is correct. Your interpretation of the numbers is in understandable confusion. That number, 312 is not +312. It is actually 100 (default) + 212 = 312. So your drop bonus is only +212, which is less than +233.

This was all very confusingly presented. Based on the script output Hellno quoted, the "- 100" was not present. That was the correction he made to fix it.

item_drop_modifier(), unsurprisingly, is the modifier to your item drops, which doesn't include the base 100%.
item_drop_modifier(), unsurprisingly, is the modifier to your item drops, which doesn't include the base 100%.

This is as I understood it, even if I forgot a 100% here or there. Solution/fix submitted.

Basically, you don't need to verify drops for the script - I put that in there mostly for testing and curiosity during my development. So it will no longer abort for any CanFind() checks unless you are me. If you do not guarantee 100% drops, the worst case is that it takes a few extra turns to complete.
ckb-HCstd: Run complete! 3/595

Ugh. I hate this script! (or at least, I hate the RNG swing that comes with it)
I completed one HC Pastamancer run and gave up on a HC Saucerer run. Feedback:


The script aborted during combat a number of times due to low HP. In all but one case I was able to finish the fight manually. A normal combat sequence went something like this:

  1. Summon Love Mosquito
  2. Use Time-Spinner
  3. Cowboy Kick
  4. Summon Love Gnats
  5. Combat aborted
Without exception the combats were at ML > 100. I understand the desire to save MP but being just a bit more aggressive with damage dealing spells or attacks would have resulted in a better experience. In many cases even swapping Summon Love Stinkbug for one of the early actions would have fixed the problem.

Aborted due to the lack of two yellow pixels for a submarine. Would you entertain the addition of farming for items when this happens rather than aborting?

Aborted with "have not fought enough digitized ninja assassins". At the time I needed one more and there was a thirty four turn wait before the next digitized monster appearance. Simply bumping +combat and then spending a few turns on the mountain would yield one much sooner.

Created a jar of oil while clearing Oil Peak, ckb-AfterAdv.ash took care of it, then tried to create it again, and failed, when starting "Clearing Twin Peak". The check in ckb-Standard.ash for whether a jar of oil already exists isn't working. Finished Twin Peak manually

The script became confused in the control room and spent several turns when it "thought" it was fighting Ed but not doing so

> ckb-Std: Killing Ed (the soon to be dying)

Visiting the Pyramid Control Room
Submitting option 2 for choice 929
Took choice 929/2: turn lower chamber, lose ratchet
Submitting option 2 for choice 929
Took choice 929/2: turn lower chamber, lose ratchet
Submitting option 2 for choice 929
Took choice 929/2: turn lower chamber, lose ratchet
Submitting option 5 for choice 929
Took choice 929/5: enter lower chamber

[554] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
> ckb-Std: Fighting Ed

equip weapon Drowsy Sword

equip acc2 pirate fledges

familiar Rockin' Robin (30 lbs)

cast 1 Drescher's Annoying Noise
You acquire an effect: Drescher's Annoying Noise (20)

cast 1 Empathy of the Newt
You acquire an effect: Empathy (5)

cast 1 Pride of the Puffin
You acquire an effect: Pride of the Puffin (10)

cast 1 Singer's Faithful Ocelot
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (10)

cast 1 Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance
You acquire an effect: Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance (10)
> ckb-Std: Attempting to heal
> Restoring MP! Currently at 285 of 285 HP, 139 of 443 MP, current meat: 60305 ... Target MP = 222.
> Try to heal MP from inventory.

use 3 psychokinetic energy blob
You gain 69 Mana Points

use 1 psychokinetic energy blob
You gain 24 Mana Points

[555] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
Encounter: The Ancient Buried Pyramid

[556] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
Encounter: The Ancient Buried Pyramid

[557] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
Encounter: The Ancient Buried Pyramid

[558] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
Encounter: The Ancient Buried Pyramid

[559] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
Encounter: The Ancient Buried Pyramid

[560] The Lower Chambers (Bomb/Rats)
Encounter: The Ancient Buried Pyramid

The script tried to fight the Wall of Bones with the tiny bowler hat equipped - passive damage source. Not terribly effective.

The HC Saucerer run was a complete failure

Aborted before adventuring in the BatHole. Needed a spooky jelly. After thirteen turns adventuring in the Spooky Forest I finally got one and then ran out of turns adventuring in the BatHole and the script looped with

Ran out of adventures.
Ran out of adventures.

until I hit 'Esc'

I drank a hacked gibson

Ran out of turns again in the Defiled Nook

Drank two hacked gibsons

Aborted after opening the Temple because I'd already used my Source Terminal Extrusions on hacked gibsons

I'll see if it can resume automation after rollover

Could not continue using the script on Day Two. There are too many hard-coded assumptions regarding things
that were expected to happen on Day One.
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ckb-HCstd: Run complete! 2/553
Yea! I love this script again.

The script aborted during combat a number of times due to low HP. In all but one case I was able to finish the fight manually. A normal combat sequence went something like this:

  1. Summon Love Mosquito
  2. Use Time-Spinner
  3. Cowboy Kick
  4. Summon Love Gnats
  5. Combat aborted
Without exception the combats were at ML > 100. I understand the desire to save MP but being just a bit more aggressive with damage dealing spells or attacks would have resulted in a better experience. In many cases even swapping Summon Love Stinkbug for one of the early actions would have fixed the problem.
This is more an issue of over 100ML and stun immunity than anything else. Stinkbugs won't help because they do not stun (all the early actions are free because they also stun for the round). PMs seem to get it worse than everyone else due to the lower HP.
Now with the LOVE Tunnel and the +25% mainstat, I don't think running that much ML is necessary. I swapped out the barrel lid shield for the bankruptcy barrel in my last run and did ok. We will see how it goes.

Aborted due to the lack of two yellow pixels for a submarine. Would you entertain the addition of farming for items when this happens rather than aborting?
This happens. I don't see a big advantage of going for the yellow sub over just shoring for the boat, so the next version will do that.
Also, it is hard to farm for items like yellow pixels because that is just wasted turns and the logic to know how to do part of a quest just to get pixels is more than I want to code.

Aborted with "have not fought enough digitized ninja assassins". At the time I needed one more and there was a thirty four turn wait before the next digitized monster appearance. Simply bumping +combat and then spending a few turns on the mountain would yield one much sooner.
This is weird. Either you got really lucky and finished way faster than expected, or you lost to an assassin somewhere. Can you check that?

Created a jar of oil while clearing Oil Peak, ckb-AfterAdv.ash took care of it, then tried to create it again, and failed, when starting "Clearing Twin Peak". The check in ckb-Standard.ash for whether a jar of oil already exists isn't working. Finished Twin Peak manually
I have seen this error, and I don't know why. Sometimes things that happen in after-adventure scripts are weird for some adventures. I can remove it from ckb-AfterAdv.ash.

The script became confused in the control room and spent several turns when it "thought" it was fighting Ed but not doing so
I have never seen this issue. It could probably use some more logic here... but I have to remember to check it on my next run.

The script tried to fight the Wall of Bones with the tiny bowler hat equipped - passive damage source. Not terribly effective.
Thanks for the feedback. Another issues I have never encountered. Fixed.

The HC Saucerer run was a complete failure

Aborted before adventuring in the BatHole. Needed a spooky jelly. After thirteen turns adventuring in the Spooky Forest I finally got one and then ran out of turns adventuring in the BatHole and the script looped with

Ran out of adventures.
Ran out of adventures.

until I hit 'Esc'

I drank a hacked gibson

Ran out of turns again in the Defiled Nook

Drank two hacked gibsons

Aborted after opening the Temple because I'd already used my Source Terminal Extrusions on hacked gibsons

I'll see if it can resume automation after rollover

Could not continue using the script on Day Two. There are too many hard-coded assumptions regarding things
that were expected to happen on Day One.

Yes, the script is not very tolerant of deviations. I guess that is part of being so lean. I switched the logic a bit on finding jelly so it should get a spooky jelly early without aborting.
I double-checked the session logs and your suspicion was correct. I lost a combat to a ninja snowman assassin; the very first combat versus one.
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Thank you for your script ! I managed to do a few 2 days runs with it.

It runs rather smoothly even if I have way less skills than you. (I just had to add have_skill($skill[Bind Spice Ghost])/have_skill($skill[Blessing of the Storm Tortoise]) in ckb-Utils.ash and to do the tavern myself)
I also had to change the css for muscle class, usually weaksauce +(stinkbug)+ attack is almost as effective and not as expensive.

There's also some trouble with the love tunnel for me as an AT/DB, and there's often some conflict between the lich/dairy goat olfaction (I guess related to not getting enough xp/the right melf drop).
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ckb-HCstd: Run complete! 3/595

Ugh. I hate this script! (or at least, I hate the RNG swing that comes with it)

I have yet to pull off a 2 day hard core with the stock script. It really is a great script though, nearly hands free. Occasionally it will break in combat if it determines too many combat rounds or runs out of meat. Been running as an AT mostly. I have all the skills and nearly all the gear. Still kudos for this one!