Character Info Toolbox


Staff member
My first thought is that visit_url() should not be used. The charpane loads way too often to be checking something that won't usually change.


New member
My first thought is that visit_url() should not be used. The charpane loads way too often to be checking something that won't usually change.

Any other way to get a list of outfits? My initial wading through the master function list came up fruitless. I could of course code in the list of standard outfits, but wouldn't know which ones I had without involving inventory, and that wouldn't even address custom outfits. That's why I had called that function in the first place; the only way I knew of to get the lists of standard / custom outfits was through the inventory page, and scraping those two lists.


Active member
You can use have_outfit on a list of outfits to see which ones you have I guess. I think that works with custom outfits as well.


New member
You can use have_outfit on a list of outfits to see which ones you have I guess. I think that works with custom outfits as well.

Hmmm... that'll definitely work for the standard outfits. Not so much for custom ones though ( have_outfit("Aaaaaaaa")? have_outfit("Aaaaaab")?). But I guess I can just have those configurable. Thanks very much for the new life that suggestion brings; I was getting awfully close to calling the whole thing off!


What browser are you using?

Chrome, but this happens in firefox too. If I put the familiar above the stats, the scrollbar goes away.

chit.character.avatar	true
chit.character.title	true
chit.checkversion	true
chit.disable	false
chit.effects.classicons	none
chit.effects.layout	songs,buffs,intrinsics
chit.effects.showicons	true
chit.effects.usermap	false
chit.familiar.hats	spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau
chit.familiar.pants	spangly mariachi pants,double-ice britches,BRICKO pants,pin-stripe slacks,Studded leather boxer shorts,Monster pants,Sugar shorts
chit.familiar.protect	false
chit.familiar.weapons	time sword
chit.floor.layout	update
chit.helpers.dancecard	true
chit.helpers.semirare	true
chit.helpers.wormwood	stats,spleen
chit.kol.coolimages	false
chit.quests.hide	false
chit.roof.layout	character,stats,familiar
chit.stats.layout	muscle,myst,moxie|hp,mp,axel|liver,stomach,spleen|mcd|trail
chit.stats.showbars	true
chit.toolbar.layout	trail,quests,elements
chit.toolbar.moods	true
chit.walls.layout	helpers,effects,modifiers


New member
Outfit selection brick

OK, here's the outfit selection brick, with the caching for custom outfits so it doesn't break the skills page. I don't yet have all of the standard outfits coded (function "GetStandardOutfitList()" has them hardcoded), but this should give you an idea. Instructions are in the first file on how to use this, but put the following files in the scripts folder:

File ChitBrick.Outfits.Plugin.ash:
          Brick for ChIT to display outfit selection screen.

    Created by Infinius on Kol (InfiniusDev on forums)
     Tested against Chez' ChIT (Character Info Toolbox)

Recommended installation steps:

0. Make sure ChIT is installed in mafia (run it once to be sure)
1. Make a folder called ChitBricks in mafia's script folder.
2. Make a subfolder beneath that called ChitBrickOutfits
3. Put these files in that subfolder:
	* ChitBrick.Outfits.Shared.ash
	* ChitBrick.Outfits.Caching.ash
	* ChitBrick.Outfits.Plugin.ash
4. Ensure the following code is changed in charpane.ash:

   requires changes to bakeBricks() as per
   Bale stated support in next version.
   (see bakeBricksChanges.txt)
5. Add the import for this brick to charpane.ash in the relay folder
	* import <ChitBrick.Outfits.Plugin.ash>
6. Change the line for wall layout in "vars_yourcharactername.txt" in the data folder
	* e.g.    chit.walls.layout	helpers,effects,pluginOutfits
7. re-load the relay browser
	A brick for the wall of ChIT which allows you to quickly change into a 
	standard or custom outfit from lists ("s" and "c", respectively) in the 
	character pane.
	* Thanks to Chez & Bale for creating such a visually appealing, easy to
	 modify script.
	* Thanks to Soluzar for the nudge to take a peek at ChIT in the first place.
	* Thanks to PeKaJe for the incessant scripting questions in Old CW's chat forum.

How it works:
	The rendering only works when a user is not in battle. A request is made 
	to the inventory page for the two outfit lists, and scraped for the 
	If the user is in battle (or somewhere else they can't get those lists),
	they recieve a message instead of the select lists.
	When the user selects an outfit, a raw ajax GET is made to the inventory
	page, with the outfit id. This is how the vanilla interface changes
	outfits. The problem with this is that because the selection is done
	client-side, there's no way to know/keep track of what the current
	outfit is (unless possibly by modifying the inventory page as well?
	This may be out of scope for this plugin.).
	There's not currently a way to identify that the outfit has changed,
	aside from possibly appending a querystring to the charpane url to
	indicate this. I'm not sure how often that pane is refreshed in other
	ways though, which may blow away the current selection.	

Known issues:
	Note that manually refreshing the charpane tends to wipe away the
	querystring, meaning that the drop list will lose its selection.
	using visit_url in GetInventoryPage() for some reason prevents 2-page 
	skills (e.g. lure minions) from working. Don't know why this is, but
	caching was introduced to alleviate this; when the charpane uses the
	cache, the skills work. While it's loading the skills won't; the
	charpane should autorefresh when using the 'during-caching' part, which
	should allow the skills to always work now.
	Now driven by config files where:		
		standard outfits also defined in code here; this may not yet
		be a complete list of outfits.

script "ChIT Brick Outfit Selector";
notify "Infinius";
import <ChitBrick.Outfits.Shared.ash>
import <ChitBrick.Outfits.Caching.ash>
string chitBrickOutfitsVersion = "";

OutfitList standardOutfitMap;
OutfitList customOutfitMap;
boolean doForceCharPaneRefresh = false;

debug=false; //defined in shared

	defaultCacheRefreshMS = 60000 is 60 seconds; 
	how often to update custom outfits; if the charpane is refreshed
	prior to this, it will use the disk-cached custom outfits.
int defaultCacheRefreshMS = 60000; 

//communicate the selected outfit AFTER applying it...

//The idea behind this was to store the most recently equipped outfit.
// TODO: explore feasibility of this.
//FUTURE: boolean AllowCachedCurrentOutfit = true;

string OutfitBrickConfigurationFile = "CustomOutfitBrickConfiguration.txt";
string CachedMapFile = "CustomOutfitCache.txt";

int [ string ] brickConfigurationMap;

/////////////////////////////////////////////////METHODS TO GET OUTFITS
void InitializeBrickConfiguration() {
	debug("initializing configuration");
	if (!file_to_map(OutfitBrickConfigurationFile, brickConfigurationMap)){	
		//we don't have config settings; initialize with force-refresh:
		debug("has never been initialized.");
		brickConfigurationMap["LastCustomOutfitRetrievedGameDay"] = -1;
		brickConfigurationMap["LastCustomOutfitRetrievedGameTime"] = 0 - defaultCacheRefreshMS;
	} else {		
		debug("loaded configuration from cache.");	}	

void RefreshBrickConfiguration(){
	debug("saving last poll time.");
	brickConfigurationMap["LastCustomOutfitRetrievedGameDay"] = gameday_to_int();
	brickConfigurationMap["LastCustomOutfitRetrievedGameTime"] = gametime_to_int();
	map_to_file(brickConfigurationMap, OutfitBrickConfigurationFile);
	debug("refreshed configuration map");

boolean ShouldRefreshCache(){
	boolean shouldRefresh = false;
	int currentDay = gameday_to_int();
	int currentTime = gametime_to_int();
	int lastUpdatedDay = brickConfigurationMap["LastCustomOutfitRetrievedGameDay"];
	int lastUpdatedTime = brickConfigurationMap["LastCustomOutfitRetrievedGameTime"];
	debug("checking if should refresh.");
	debug("current day, time: "+currentDay+" ; "+currentTime);
	debug("lastUpdated day, time: "+lastUpdatedDay+" ; "+lastUpdatedTime);
	if (lastUpdatedDay != currentDay ||	(currentTime - lastUpdatedTime) > defaultCacheRefreshMS){
		debug("should be updated");
		shouldRefresh = true;
	} else {
		debug("should not be updated");
	return shouldRefresh;

boolean InitializeCustomOutfitList(){	
	OutfitList outfits;
	outfits.ListType = "Custom";
	outfits.OutfitCount = 0;
	boolean canLoad = true;
	Outfit [ int ] cachedOutfits;
	if (!file_to_map(CachedMapFile, cachedOutfits)) {
		debug("no custom outfit cache found; loading");
		boolean canLoad = DoCacheCustomOutfits();
		if (!canLoad){
			print("Cannot load initial outfit list at this time.", "red");
		file_to_map(CachedMapFile, cachedOutfits);
	} else {
		debug("custom outfit cache found");
		//invalidate the cache here; it'll go stale eventually.
		if (ShouldRefreshCache()){
			debug("cache is stale; try to refresh."); 
			/*note; should also force charpane to rerender so 
			  skills aren't broken. */			
			canLoad = DoCacheCustomOutfits();
			debug("can load:"+canLoad);
			if (canLoad){
				doForceCharPaneRefresh = true;
			} else {
				//during battle you cannot go to the inventory page.
				print("Cannot update cache at this time.", "blue");
		debug("found and loaded cached outfits.");		
	debug("completed trying to get custom outfits");
	//outfits = AddOutfitTo(outfits, "(select a custom outfit)", 0); no need; already in list.
	for i from 1 to count(cachedOutfits) by 1 {
		outfits = AddOutfitTo(outfits, cachedOutfits[i].Name, cachedOutfits[i].OutfitId);			
	customOutfitMap = outfits;
	return canLoad;

boolean InitializeStandardOutfitList(){
	OutfitList outfits;
	outfits.ListType = "Standard";
	outfits.OutfitCount = 0;		
	outfits = AddOutfitTo(outfits, "(select a standard outfit)", 0);	
	//outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits, "Outfit Name", integerOfOutfitOnEquipmentPage);	
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Antique Arms And Armor",29);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Black Armaments",35);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Bugbear Costume",1 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Cold Comforts",80);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear",7 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Filthy Hippy Disguise",2 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Frat Boy Ensemble",3 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Frat Warrior Fatigues",33);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Glad Bag Glad Rags",28);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Hot and Cold Running Ninja Suit",6 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Hot Daub Ensemble",86);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Knob Goblin Elite Guard Uniform",5 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Knob Goblin Harem Girl Disguise",4 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Mining Gear",8 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Swashbuckling Getup",9 );
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"War Hippy Fatigues",32);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Wax Wardrobe",85);
	outfits = AddOutfitIfExistsTo(outfits,"Yendorian Finery",16);	
	standardOutfitMap = outfits;
	return true;

boolean GetOutfitLists(){
	boolean isSuccessful = true;	
	isSuccessful = InitializeCustomOutfitList();	
	isSuccessful = isSuccessful && InitializeStandardOutfitList(); 
	return isSuccessful;

/////////////////////////////////////////////////List Rendering
void RenderOutfit(buffer result, Outfit outfitMap){
	result.append("<option value="+outfitMap.OutfitId+">");

void RenderOutfitList(buffer result, OutfitList outfitListMap){
	string selectId=outfitListMap.ListType+"OutfitSelector";
	result.append("<select id='"+selectId+"' style='width:100%;' onchange=\"onOutfitSelected(this, '"+selectId+"')\">");
	if (outfitListMap.OutfitCount > 0){
		for i from 1 to outfitListMap.OutfitCount by 1 {
			RenderOutfit(result, outfitListMap.Outfits[i]);

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SERVER COMMUNICATION:
void RenderJavascriptSelectionHandlers(buffer result){
	result.append("<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
	result.append("function onOutfitSelected(list, listId){ \n");
	//don't know why the next line doesn't work (at least in firefox... need to check
	//   this out either in isolation, or with FireBug.
	//List is fine, list.options is fine, and even list.selectedIndex is fine, but
	//   the iterator for options given selected index seems to fail.
	//result.append(" var chosenOption = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value; \n");
	//HACK: use getElementById instead; passed in listId as well. 
	//result.append("    alert(document.getElementById(listId).value); \n");	
	//would it be really bad here to import/use jquery? 
	//  do I have to worry about cross-site scripting issues if loading it directly from google?
	result.append("    var outfitId = document.getElementById(listId).value; "+NEWLINE);
	//Figure out out to post an equipment change with a given index. Sample packet from Fiddler2:
	//	GET HTTP/1.1
	//	Host:
	//	User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
	//	Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
	//	Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
	//	Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
	//	Connection: keep-alive
	//	Referer:
	//	Cookie: charpwd=[redacted 3-digit int]; chatpwd=[redacted 3-digit int]
	result.append("   var url = 'inv_equip.php?action=outfit&which=2&whichoutfit='+outfitId; "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   var resultHtml = httpGet(url); "+NEWLINE);
	//Tell the next load of the character pane which outfit id to select.
	//TODO: grab the outfitid from the url, and replace any existing value.
	//      bug: if another brick tries to do this as is, the line below
	//           would wipe out their querystring!
	result.append("   window.location = 'charpane.php?"+OUTFIT_QUERY_PARAMETER+"='+outfitId; "+NEWLINE);	
	//TODO: parse last outfit set & save it in a file for easy refreshing to current outfit.
	//  problems with this? What if they used the vanilla interface?
	result.append(" } \n");	

void RenderApplyCurrentSelectedOutfit(buffer result){
	result.append("<script type='text/javascript'> " +NEWLINE);
	//getParameterByName TAKEN FROM UserId 999 at:
	result.append("function getParameterByName(name) " +NEWLINE);	
	result.append("{ "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("   var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)') " +NEWLINE);
    result.append("      .exec(; " +NEWLINE);
    result.append("   return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\\+/g, ' ')); " +NEWLINE);
	result.append("} " +NEWLINE);
	result.append("function selectByOptionValue(aList, anOptionValue) "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("{ "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   console.log('looking for:'+anOptionValue); "+NEWLINE);	
	result.append("   for (var curOption = 0; curOption< aList.options.length; curOption++) "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   { "+NEWLINE);	
	result.append("		console.log(aList.options[curOption]); "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("      if (aList.options[curOption].value === anOptionValue) "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("      { "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   		console.log('value found:'+anOptionValue); "+NEWLINE);	
    result.append("         aList.options[curOption].selected = true; "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("         break; "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("      } "+NEWLINE);	
	result.append("   } "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("} "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("function selectOutfit(outfitId) "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("{ "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   if (outfitId) "+NEWLINE); //null if none previously selected.
	result.append("   { "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("      var listS = document.getElementById('StandardOutfitSelector'); "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("      var listC = document.getElementById('CustomOutfitSelector'); "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("      selectByOptionValue(listS,outfitId); "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("      selectByOptionValue(listC,outfitId); "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   } "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("} "+NEWLINE);	

	result.append("function getCurrentSelectedOutfit() "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("{ "+NEWLINE);	
	result.append("   var whichOutfit = getParameterByName('"+OUTFIT_QUERY_PARAMETER+"'); "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   return whichOutfit; "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("} "+NEWLINE);
	//execute the selection.
	result.append("selectOutfit(getCurrentSelectedOutfit()); "+NEWLINE);	

void RenderInstructionToImmediatelyRefresh(buffer result) {
	result.append("<script type='text/javascript'> " +NEWLINE);
	result.append("   window.location.reload(); "+NEWLINE);

/////////////////////////////////////////////////Constructor Method:
buffer pluginoutfits() {		
	buffer result;	//return value
	InitializeBrickConfiguration(); //needed to poll if we've scraped custom outfits recently.
	boolean hasOutfitsNow = GetOutfitLists(); //false if in battle, for example.
	result.append("<table id='chit_outfits' class='chit_brick nospace'>");
	result.append("<tr><th colspan='2'>Outfits ("+chitBrickOutfitsVersion+")</th></tr>");
	if (hasOutfitsNow && doForceCharPaneRefresh){
		debug("need to refresh pane so skills are not broken");
	} else if (!hasOutfitsNow){		
		debug("during battle; cannot display outfits");
		result.append("<tr><td colspan='2'>Outfits cannot be changed now.</td></tr>");
	else {
		debug("standard rendering");
		result.append("<tr><td width='5%'>S</td><td width='95%'>");		
		RenderOutfitList(result, standardOutfitMap);	
		result.append("<tr><td width='5%'>C</td><td width='95%'>");		
		RenderOutfitList(result, customOutfitMap);	
		//ApplyCurrentSelectedOutfit(GetCurrentSelectedOutfit()); //not implemented server-side.
	return result;
print("Imported Brick Plugin: Infinius' Chit Brick Outfits (pluginOutfits)");

File ChitBrick.Outfits.Shared.ash:
	Script to house data types & methods shared across scripts
//used for writing javascript
string NEWLINE = "\n";

/////////////////////////////////////////////////DATA TYPES
record Outfit {
	string Name;
	string OutfitId;	

record OutfitList {
	int Index;   //0 or 1
	string ListType; //Standard or Custom
	Outfit [ int ] Outfits;
	int OutfitCount;

Outfit OutfitFactory(string name, string outfitId){
	Outfit anOutfit;
	anOutfit.Name = name;
	anOutfit.OutfitId = outfitId;	
	return anOutfit;

boolean debug;
void debug(string s)
	if (debug) { print(s, "blue"); }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////DATA TYPE METHODS
OutfitList AddOutfitTo(OutfitList aList, string name, string outfitId){
	Outfit anOutfit = OutfitFactory(name, outfitId);
	aList.OutfitCount = aList.OutfitCount + 1;
	aList.Outfits[aList.OutfitCount] = anOutfit;	
	return aList;

OutfitList AddOutfitIfExistsTo(OutfitList aList, string name, string outfitId){
	if (have_outfit(name)){
		aList = AddOutfitTo(aList, name, outfitId);
	} else {
		print("You do not have outfit: "+name, "red");
	return aList;

//////////////////////////////////STANDARD JAVASCRIPT HELPER METHODS
void AddHttpGetHelperTo(buffer result){
	//function below taken from:
	//	stack overflow username: Pistos
	result.append("function httpGet(theUrl) "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("{ "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("   var xmlHttp = null; "+NEWLINE);
	result.append("   "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("   xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "+NEWLINE);
    result.append(" 'GET', theUrl, false ); "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("   xmlHttp.send( null ); "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("   return xmlHttp.responseText; "+NEWLINE);
    result.append("} "+NEWLINE);


File ChitBrick.Outfits.Caching.ash:
	Script to cache custom outfits from inventory page
	The reason for doing this is that there is a bug in KOL where
	the skills page can break if visit_url is made to any of the
	relay browser's pages.
	The only way to get custom outfits is to scrape the inventory
	page. The ID's change every time a custom outfit is re-saved
	which would make modifying the script tedious, if they
	were hard-coded. This script file handles the work of the
	scraping and saving to a map file (the "cache" of
	custom outfits on disk).

record OutfitsCacheCustom {
	OutfitList StandardOutfitMap;
	OutfitList CustomOutfitMap;
	string CustomOutfitListCache;	
OutfitsCacheCustom this; //sort of support for 'this'.
this.CustomOutfitListCache = "CustomOutfitCache.txt";

/////////////////////////////////////////////////METHODS TO GET OUTFITS

string GetInventoryPage(){
	//NOTE: this will break the skills page from working for certian skills.
	string result = visit_url("inventory.php?which="+EQUIPMENT_PAGE_INDEX);		
	return result;

OutfitList ParseCustomOutfitsFrom(string optionsHtml){	
	//<option value=0>(select an outfit)</option>
	//debug(optionsHtml); //see the html that's being scraped.
	matcher outfitMatcher = create_matcher("option value\=(.*?)>(.*?)</option>",optionsHtml);
	OutfitList parsedList;	
	parsedList.ListType = "Custom";	
	int currentOutfitCount = 0;
	while (outfitMatcher.find()){
		currentOutfitCount = currentOutfitCount + 1;
		Outfit currentOutfit = OutfitFactory(,;
		parsedList.Outfits[currentOutfitCount] = currentOutfit;			
		debug("added ";
	parsedList.OutfitCount = currentOutfitCount;
	debug("total count:"+parsedList.OutfitCount);
	return parsedList;

boolean GetOutfitListsFromPage(){	
	boolean isSuccessful = true;

	/* From the relay browser, this is what custom outfits look like; this matches
	   source running through relay, and viewing frame source.
		<form name=outfit2 action=inv_equip.php><input type=hidden name=action value="outfit"><input type=hidden name=which value=2><b>Custom:</b> </td><td><select style="width: 250px" name=whichoutfit><option value=0>(select a custom outfit)</option><option value=-457>Backup</option><option value=-495>Best Fighter</option><option value=-20>Item Drop</option><option value=-503>OldOutfit</option><option value=-497>Scaling</option></select></td><td> <input class=button type=submit value="Dress Up!"><br></form
	string inventoryPageHtml = GetInventoryPage();	//THIS PREVENTS 2-page skills!!
	matcher outfitSelectMatcher = create_matcher("name=outfit2 action=inv_equip.php(.*?)</select>", inventoryPageHtml);
	if (outfitSelectMatcher.find()){
		this.CustomOutfitMap = ParseCustomOutfitsFrom(;
	if (this.CustomOutfitMap.OutfitCount == 0) {
		debug("no outfits at this time.");
		isSuccessful = false;

	return isSuccessful;

/////////////////////////////////////////////////Constructor Method:
boolean DoCacheCustomOutfits() {				
	boolean isSuccessful = false;
	boolean hasOutfitsNow = GetOutfitListsFromPage(); //false if in battle, for example.
	if (hasOutfitsNow) {		
		debug("saving custom outfits to disk");
		debug("count of custom outfits:"+this.CustomOutfitMap.OutfitCount);		
		map_to_file(this.CustomOutfitMap.Outfits, this.CustomOutfitListCache, true); //save list to disk, in compact mode.
		isSuccessful = true;	
	} else {
		debug("unable to find custom outifts");

	debug("completed caching custom outfits");	
	return isSuccessful;

//DoCacheCustomOutfits(); //entry point for this script;

Changes to charpane.ash to support plugins:

BELOW IS THE CHANGED bakeBricks function as per:


void bakeBricks() {


	if (inValhalla) {
	} else {
		foreach layout in $strings[roof, walls, floor, toolbar] {

			string prefname = "chit." + layout + ".layout";
			layout = vars[prefname].to_lower_case().replace_string(" ", "");
			string [int] bricks = split_string(layout,",");
			string brick;
			for i from 0 to (bricks.count()-1) {
				brick = bricks[i];
				if (!(chitBricks contains brick)) {
					switch (brick) {
						//if they were cased the same as the method, we could just rely on 
						//purely dynamic calls.
						case "character":	bakeCharacter();	break;
						case "stats":		bakeStats();		break;
						case "familiar":	bakeFamiliar();		break;
						case "trail":		bakeTrail();		break;
						case "quests":		bakeQuests();		break;
						case "effects":		bakeEffects();		break;
						case "mcd":			bakeMCD();			break;
						case "substats":	bakeSubstats();		break;
						case "organs":		bakeOrgans();		break;
						case "modifiers":	bakeModifiers();	break;
						case "elements":	bakeElements();		break;
						//we really don't know about the brick; try to dynamically load it.
						//note: casing MUST match between brickname and bakebrickname function.
							if (index_of(brick,"plugin")==0) {																			
								chitBricks[brick] = call buffer brick(); //e.g. pluginoutfits();


Add the string ",pluginOutfits" to the vars_yourcharactername.txt in the data folder for "chit.walls.layout", e.g.: "chit.walls.layout helpers,effects,pluginOutfits"
Last edited:


New member
For some reason, I can't click on my HP/MP bars for autorecovery. "Add HP/MP restore links to the left side pane" is checked in mafia's preferences, but I can't find a CHiT var that might enable this feature. Doesn't work in Chrome 22.0.1229.94 m or Firefox 15.0.1.

Also, playing this on a ridiculously small netbook, I've noticed that if your Roof and Floor are too long, you don't get any Wall. Easily fixed, of course, by moving stuff from the Roof to the top of the Wall (or Floor to the bottom), just throwing it out there.


Staff member
For some reason, I can't click on my HP/MP bars for autorecovery. "Add HP/MP restore links to the left side pane" is checked in mafia's preferences, but I can't find a CHiT var that might enable this feature.

That was an unintentional mafia change to make the link have "restore+HP" instead of "restore+hp", and the same for MP.


That was an unintentional mafia change to make the link have "restore+HP" instead of "restore+hp", and the same for MP.
If it was "unintentional" does that mean it should be fixed in the new builds?

I also noticed on my last ascension that I no longer see the "Extreme Meter", even though I have the coolimages setting on. It isn't a big deal, but I do miss it.


Staff member
I don't plan to change it back. I might have switched it back if I hadn't made a new point release shortly before seeing that post.


Oh... I must have misunderstood what you meant by "unintentional". I thought you meant "a mistake" when it now seems that you meant it was an unintended consequence. I think I can probably fix my local copy of CHIT, so no problem. Thanks anyway, Lost.


The fix did indeed prove to be as trivial as a search-and-replace on charpane.ash, so I'm no longer unhappy.
Last edited:
So I am sad to say that your last fix to CHIT did not fix the extreme meter for Skyelf. Here is her latest html for the frame. Hope it helps.


  • extreme.txt
    11.1 KB · Views: 124


So I am sad to say that your last fix to CHIT did not fix the extreme meter for Skyelf. Here is her latest html for the frame. Hope it helps.

Is it too late for her to try the attached build? 'Cause I've changed a lot of parsing since my last release. Though I find her continuing problem completely baffling. Do you have a clue why her charpane is somehow different from everyone's else? I cannot even find a valid difference to explain the failure.

If anyone can look over the problem I would be very happy if they could explain why it doesn't work for Skyelf.
Last edited:
Is it too late for her to try the attached build? 'Cause I've changed a lot of parsing since my last release. Though I find her continuing problem completely baffling. Do you have a clue why her charpane is somehow different from everyone's else? I cannot even find a valid difference to explain the failure.

If anyone can look over the problem I would be very happy if they could explain why it doesn't work for Skyelf.

So this version was much closer. There is a space where the extreme meter should be, but then there is a broken image. Here is a screenshot so you can see.


  • Screen shot 2012-10-23 at 8.08.03 PM.png
    Screen shot 2012-10-23 at 8.08.03 PM.png
    348.3 KB · Views: 70


So this version was much closer. There is a space where the extreme meter should be, but then there is a broken image. Here is a screenshot so you can see.

What about this build?

If it doesn't work, please give me the html of the altered charpane as well as the screenshot. (I'd have liked that html from the previous screenshot as well, but if this works then that doesn't matter.)
Last edited:


For some reason, only the effects are showing up for me - see screenshot. I've got the latest script, latest mafia daily and the latest zlib. Help?

As I tell everyone with a problem, I can't do anything with that.

If you copy/paste the raw html without ChiT it would be helpful. Possibly even more useful is to make sure that ChIT is not mis-configured (which is most likely). Enter zlib in the gCLI to see how it is configured and copy/paste it here. It would also be helpful if you posted the html of the screwed up page.

Finally, since you're using Firefox I need to point out that it could be a greasemonkey problem.


New member
Tried disabling Greasemonkey (nothing in there but the Raid Manager)

zlib: > zlib

Copy/paste/modify/enter any of the following lines in the CLI to edit settings:

zlib autoBasement_break_on_combat = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_element = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_floor = 500
zlib autoBasement_break_on_hp = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_level = 30
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mox = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mp = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mp_amount = 2000
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mus = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mys = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_reward = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_stat = false
zlib autoBasement_combat_equipment = navel ring of navel gazing
zlib autoBasement_combat_stat = Muscle
zlib autoBasement_get_familiar_drops = false
zlib autoBasement_max_potion_price = 2000
zlib autoBasement_use_absolute_potions = false
zlib autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer = false
zlib autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer_amount = 1000
zlib autoBasement_use_percentage_potions = true
zlib automcd = true
zlib chit.character.avatar = true
zlib chit.character.title = true
zlib chit.checkversion = true
zlib chit.disable = false
zlib chit.effects.classicons = none
zlib chit.effects.layout = buffs,intrinsics
zlib chit.effects.showicons = true
zlib chit.effects.usermap = false
zlib chit.familiar.hats = spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau
zlib chit.familiar.pants = spangly mariachi pants,double-ice britches,BRICKO pants,pin-stripe slacks,Studded leather boxer shorts,Monster pants,Sugar shorts
zlib chit.familiar.protect = false
zlib chit.familiar.weapons = time sword
zlib chit.floor.layout = update
zlib chit.helpers.dancecard = true
zlib chit.helpers.semirare = true
zlib chit.helpers.wormwood = stats,spleen
zlib chit.kol.coolimages = true
zlib chit.quests.hide = false
zlib chit.roof.layout = false
zlib chit.stats.layout = muscle,myst,moxie|stomach,liver,spleen|hp,mp,axel|mcd
zlib chit.stats.showbars = true
zlib chit.toolbar.layout = quests,modifiers
zlib chit.toolbar.moods = true
zlib chit.walls.layout = helpers,effects
zlib defaultoutfit = current
zlib is_100_run = none
zlib threshold = 4
zlib unknown_ml = 170
zlib verbosity = 0

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<center id='rollover' class=tiny style='color: red; cursor: pointer;' onClick='doc("maintenance");'></center><div id="chit_house"><div id="chit_roof" class="chit_chamber"></div><div id="chit_walls" class="chit_chamber"><table id="chit_effects" class="chit_brick nospace"><thead><tr><th colspan="4">Effects</th></tr></thead><tbody class="buffs"><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("2d6d3ab04b40e1523aa9c716a04b3aab");'></td><td class="info">Leash of Linguini</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Leash+of+Linguini&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Leash of Linguini effect">1</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+Leash+of+Linguini&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Leash of Linguini"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/upred.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("5e788aac76c7451c42ce19d2acf6de18");'></td><td class="info">Musk of the Moose</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Musk+of+the+Moose&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Musk of the Moose effect">1</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+Musk+of+the+Moose&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Musk of the Moose"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/upred.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("c9cd2df50d6fb5a9d8d7544892c7e5b2");'></td><td class="info">Wasabi Sinuses</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Wasabi+Sinuses&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Wasabi Sinuses effect">1</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=use+1+Knob+Goblin+nasal+spray&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Wasabi Sinuses"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/upred.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("626c8ef76cfc003c6ac2e65e9af5fd7a");' oncontextmenu='return shrug(71, "Ode to Booze");'></td><td class="info">Ode to Booze</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Ode+to+Booze&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Shrug off the Ode to Booze effect">9</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+The+Ode+to+Booze&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Ode to Booze"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("c45d2469bf8cfd8c9bbc953e2a44f3c4");'></td><td class="info">Starry-Eyed</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Starry-Eyed&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Starry-Eyed effect">10</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=telescope+look+high&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Starry-Eyed"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("b806c288732675bf60db7b948d748320");'></td><td class="info">Having a Ball!</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Having+a+Ball%21&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Having a Ball! effect">20</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=ballpit&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Having a Ball!"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("d75aaa2cc6a8dcfa7cdddef658968e26");'></td><td class="info">Brother Smothers's Blessing</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Brother+Smothers%27s+Blessing&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Brother Smothers's Blessing effect">20</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=friars+booze&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Brother Smothers's Blessing"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style="font-weight:bold"><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("91635be2834f8a07c8ff9e3b47d2e43a");'></td><td class="info">goth giant</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+On+the+Trail&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the On the Trail effect">29</a></td><td class="powerup"> </td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("df5ed605feb8ac254669bbb54b9c22f1");'></td><td class="info">Thaumodynamic</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Thaumodynamic&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Use a remedy to remove the Thaumodynamic effect">50</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=shower+lukewarm&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Thaumodynamic"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("c26a911b8ec2c57f7eef57f9ff5fdc24");' oncontextmenu='return shrug(63, "Polka of Plenty");'></td><td class="info">Polka of Plenty</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Polka+of+Plenty&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Shrug off the Polka of Plenty effect">12746</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+The+Polka+of+Plenty&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Polka of Plenty"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr><tr class="effect" style=""><td class="icon"><img src="" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("63e73adb3ecfb0cbf544db435eeeaf00");' oncontextmenu='return shrug(67, "Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric");'></td><td class="info">Phat Loot</td><td class="shrug"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Fat+Leon%27s+Phat+Loot+Lyric&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Shrug off the Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric effect">12922</a></td><td class="powerup"><a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+Fat+Leon%27s+Phat+Loot+Lyric&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3" title="Increase rounds of Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/up.png" border=0></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div id="chit_floor" class="chit_chamber"><table id="chit_toolbar"><tr><th><ul style="float:left"><li><a href="charpane.php" title="Reload"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/refresh.png"></a></li></ul><ul style="float:right"><li><a title="Save as Mood" href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=save+as+mood&pwd=6385f5dd2aef25cc1eb6f124330877d3"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/moodsave.png"></a></li></ul><ul><li><a class="tool_launcher" title="Current Quests" href="#" rel="quests"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/quests.png"></a></li><li><a class="tool_launcher" title="Modifiers" href="#" rel="modifiers"><img src="/images/relayimages/chit/modifiers.png"></a></li></ul></th></tr></table></div><div id="chit_closet"><div id="chit_toolquests" class="chit_skeleton" style="display:none"><table id="nudges" class="chit_brick nospace"><tr><th><a target="mainpane" href="questlog.php">Current Quests</a></th></tr><tr rel="qn_ec6e995648e06ab63a9efcba0f475798"><td class="small" colspan="2"><div>(This Quest Tracker is a work in progress.  Check your <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=questlog.php><b>Quest Log</b></a> for quests in the meantime.)</div></td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript">hide_nudges = false;</script></div><div id="chit_toolmodifiers" class="chit_skeleton" style="display:none"><table id="chit_modifiers" class="chit_brick nospace"><thead><tr><th colspan="2">Modifiers</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td class="label">Meat Drop</td><td class="info">+130.0%</td></tr><tr><td class="label">Item Drop</td><td class="info">+45.0%</td></tr><tr><td class="label">    Booze Drop</td><td class="info">(+30.0%)</td></tr><tr><td class="label">    Candy Drop</td><td class="info">(+100.0%)</td></tr><tr><td class="label">  Forced Drop @</td><td class="info">69%</td></tr><tr><td class="label">    Forced Booze Drop</td><td class="info">58%</td></tr><tr><td class="label">    Forced Candy Drop</td><td class="info">41%</td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><td class="label">Monster Level</td><td class="info">+15</td></tr><tr><td class="label">Initiative</td><td class="info">+40%</td></tr><tr><td class="label">Modified Init</td><td class="info">+40%</tr><tr><td class="label">Combat Rate</td><td class="info">+5%</td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><td class="label">Damage Absorp</td><td class="info">66% (590)</td></tr><tr><td class="label">Damage Red</td><td class="info">14</td></tr></tbody><tbody><tr><td class="label">Spell Damage</td><td class="info">+10 / +20%</td></tr><tr><td class="label">Weapon Damage</td><td class="info">+37 </td></tr><tr><td class="label">Ranged Damage</td><td class="info">+15 </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></body></html>


New member
"If you copy/paste the raw html without ChiT it would be helpful." Is there an easy way to do this, or is it a matter of removing all ChiT files?