Character Info Toolbox


Character Info Toolbox

CHIT is a charpane relay override that allows you to customize the layout and content displayed in your character pane. It also adds some extra functionality, like the ability to quickly change your familiar equipment. And progress bars. Lots and lots of progress bars. And cute little icons.

The script itself contains detailed instructions for setting up and customizing your charpane, so take a couple of minutes, read it, and play around.

CHIT does not currently support compact charpanes.

You will need the latest version of zlib, and a recent mafia daily build for everything to work.

Once you've downloaded the zip file in the following post, extract all the files to the following folders in your mafia directory:
  • charpane.ash: /relay
  • chit.js: /relay
  • chit.css: /relay
  • chit_effects.txt: /data
  • images: /images/relayimages/chit/
Note that the directory structure in the zip file is the same as this, so if you feel confident you can simply extract it to your mafia directory and let everything unzip into the proper places.

This is my first serious attempt at an ash script, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

2011/08/15 - Version 0.1 Initial Release
2011/08/16 - Version 0.2 Fixed bug with Kung-Fu Hustler (and probably other) intrinsic effects. Enabled daily version checking.
2011/08/19 - Version 0.3 Fixed some parsing errors when in Valhalla. Added Ronin information with a link to Hagnk's. Recognize Way of the Fist paths correctly. MCD changer now checks if the Gnomads camp is available. Changed the order of organs in the consumption toolbar popup. Added the "elements" tool (Displays the Elements chart fom the wiki)
Fixed a custom title parsing bug. Fixed some documentation errors. Added chit.stats.showbars preference. Added chit.effects.usermap preference

2011/08/25 - Version 0.4 Fixed a typo in 0.3 that prevented the semirare helper from popping up. Added "updates" brick. Quests brick now recognizes the new "This quest tracker is a work in progress" message. Fixed various bugs related to moods, effects and intrinsics. Added a "Burn extra MP" toolbar icon. Made layout changes so that the charpane doesn't look horrible when updated via AJAX. Various other small code and styling tweaks
2011/09/03 - Version 0.5 Fixed more documentation errors (update vs. updates, spelling mistakes). When no MCD is available (unascended characters), show only ML info. Add link to Hey Deze for characters in Bad Moon (untested)

DOWNLOAD Instructions
  • ChIT will download and install itself (33 files in 3 directories) if you copy/paste the following line into the CLI (and then press enter):
    svn checkout
  • Once it is installed, to update or even just check for updates you can use the following command in the CLI:
    svn update


  • chitpanels.png
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latest version of this script

Character Info Toolbox 0.8.5

To install or update ChIT you need to use a daily build of mafia. ChIT will download and install itself (33+ files in 4 different directories) if you copy/paste the following line into the CLI
[SIZE=3][COLOR="blue"]svn checkout[/COLOR][/SIZE]

  • After svn installation, to update ChIT (and other svn installed scripts), use the command:
    svn update

  • To delete ChIT, use the following command:
    svn delete mafiachit

  • If you want to temporarily disable ChIT (without uninstalling), then use the following command:
    zlib chit.disable = true

Click for sample of what ChIT can look like.
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Could you add a screenshot to that post? That's a lot of files to put in various folders, and the number of files makes it more daunting to go ahead and try it.

Not that it matters in my case since I'm attached to my compact charpane.
Original post updated with screenshot. I've included 3 panels in the screenshot for comparison. The first is the vanilla kol charpane, the 2nd shows the override charpane with mostly default settings.

The 3rd panel moves a lot of information to the toolbar, where it can be accessed by clicking on various icons. It also illustrates some other settings that can be applied, and is probably as close as you're going to get to a "compact" look.
Yeah... the addition of the screenshots moved this from "Meh, that looks like a lot of work" to the "but it might be worth it." area. :)
looks fantastic! looking forward to getting used to it. my gcli keeps printing out the following after everything i do though..

The string "∞" is not an integer; returning 0 (charpane.ash, line 629)
Thanks! :)

I'll have a look at that error. Can you tell me which effects (specifically intrinsic effects) you have active when getting that message? And if the error goes away if you don't have any intrinsic effects?
my intrinsics are the 4 kung fu hustler skills, but i cant get rid of them because im doing a surprising fist run and cant equip any weapons

edit: i know you have axel for the little girl in space, are you able to put something in for the crypt evil counter?
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Fixed bug with intrinsic effects (charred assured me it's working fine now, since I can't test the Kung-Fu skills myself). Also added daily version checking, now that I actually have a thread to check against.
I can't seem to get the consumption information to show up on the toolbar.
What's the value of your chit.toolbar.layout preference? (Typing 'zlib vars' in the cli should tell you)

Edit: Ugh, nevermind. The correct value to use should be "organs", not "consumption" as stated in the documentation.
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That did it! Thanks!

I really like the looks and functionality of this relay script. The only thing that is missing (from my own custom charpane relay) is the element chart ( Any chance you could add this as an option for the toolbar?

edit: Also, Mafia's defaults are for Full, Drunk, Spleen in that order, but you put spleen first. I know I can change that for the stats.layout, but is there a way to change the order in the toolbar organs list?
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Also, Mafia's defaults are for Full, Drunk, Spleen in that order, but you put spleen first. I know I can change that for the stats.layout, but is there a way to change the order in the toolbar organs list?
I think adding an option to sort organs in the toolbar list will be overkill...I'm just going to change it to be consistent with mafia. And I like the idea of the element chart. Should be fairly straightforward to implement, so I'll add that in an upcoming release.
I think I'll be heavily modifying the Modifiers section to make it fit my needs (having things disappear once the value is high enough, removing some parts of it that just aren't useful (like DR with high DA)).

I have a custom title that includes my level, so the script thinks I don't have one.

I might be the only person, that thinks this, but progress bars generally seem useless to me (including the ones that KoL provides). Some of them from this script have identical information to the text right by them (and interfere with my desire to have things be compact). Others have information that I would prefer in text form. If it's just me then I'll figure out how to change it in my copy.

I think I would like a chit.effects.showname setting.
I love progress bars. They show me how close I am to something and I have activated all of the ones in KoL :)
If the exact same information is given in text I think I'd rather have the bar and have the text as a mouseover than just the text.
I love progress bars. They show me how close I am to something and I have activated all of the ones in KoL :)
If the exact same information is given in text I think I'd rather have the bar and have the text as a mouseover than just the text.
Even for your HP and MP, and for organ usage? Knowing that I have 1 liver left instead of 2 is something that I don't want mouseover text to read.

I realize I might be the only person that sees "1203 needed" (substats to next level), looks at the 32 turn counter until my semi-rare, and determines in my head that 38 mainstat/turn is enough to reach the next level in time for ASCII.