Castle "That Area is Not Available"

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I know this has been addressed before, but I am in territories I cannot find an answer to after searching threads for awhile. Every time I try to use mafia in the castle, I get the "That Area is Not Available" message. I am using v. 12.9. I still have v. 10.8 since it is the old version I never got rid of that still works for me in the castle. I have the intragalactic rowboat and am aware that mafia probably isn't seeing the rowboat in my inventory. Relogging doesn't help since this has been going on for months. I have a multi that also cannot access the castle and has the S.O.C.K after trying to see if it was only the one character I had problems with. Do I need to delete/uninstall both versions of mafia I have and re-download and install? Any help would be appreciated.
Probably the best bet is to get the latest daily build from here:

The stickied version number is the latest and greatest.

Though 13.0 will likely be out in the near future so you could also wait for that.

You may have old files lurking in some of your mafia folders that could be contributing to the issue. Consider deleting the Images, Data and Relay folder. Some people go so far as to run the new version from an entirely new place to make sure that some old setting file or other add-on isn't causing the problem.

Additionally, if you are having issues with this in a script you might try calling it "Giant's Castle" instead of just "Castle".
Not good

I deleted all the Kolmafia folders including both versions and am still getting "That Area is Not Available" after using that link. Grrr
And you can get there from the Relay Browser? You have opened up the area, right? Silly question, I know but I don't want to miss the obvious.
Yup, I have the intragalactic rowboat. Level 24 disco bandit hitting the castle while going for level 30 trophy. I know it's not the fastest way to get to 30, but there are some items in the mall I still need to make ronin go faster. I even double-checked my inventory with a standard login to make sure the rowboat was still there. I redownloaded v. 12.9 and same thing. This is getting frustrating to say the least.
Okay. Let's go back to basics: How are you adventuring in the castle.

If you're using a script, please post the script here. And please copy/paste the CLI output. Perhaps there's a subtle clue there that someone may spot.
Some other questions that might shed light on the problem:
* Does typing inv rowboat in mafia's gCLI show that it thinks you have the rowboat?
* Does adventuring in the Fantasy Airship from mafia work?
* Does adventuring in the Hole in the Sky from mafia work?
In answer to Bale, here is the CLI from just queuing up for one adventure in the Castle using autoattack (I haven't done any adventures since rollover):

Validating login server (
1,158 players online.
Sending login request...
Initializing session for frostee...
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Session data refreshed.
5 days until St. Sneaky Pete's Day, 2 days until Moxie.
Validating adventure sequence...
Requests complete.

Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...
That area is not available.
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Some other questions that might shed light on the problem:
* Does typing inv rowboat in mafia's gCLI show that it thinks you have the rowboat?
* Does adventuring in the Fantasy Airship from mafia work?
* Does adventuring in the Hole in the Sky from mafia work?
* typing "inv rowboat" into the entryspace at the bottom of the gCLI and hitting "exec" just gets me a greenish tinted text in gCLI reading "> inv rowboat"

Just using an autoattack my gCLI log reads:

*Visit to Beanstalk: Hole in the Sky in progress...
Verifying ingredients for intragalactic rowboat (1)...
Creating 1 meat paste...
You acquire an item: meat paste
You lose 10 Meat
Successfully created meat paste (1)
You need 1 more S.O.C.K. to continue.
You need 1 more quantum egg to continue.
That area is not available.

*Visit to Beanstalk: Fantasy Airship in progress...

[8368] Fantasy Airship
Encounter: Irritating Series of Random Encounters
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: frostee wins initiative!
Round 1: frostee tries to steal an item!
Round 2: frostee attacks!
You gain 580 Meat
You acquire an item: soft green echo eyedrop antidote
You gain 8 Fortitude
You gain 10 Mysteriousness
You gain 21 Roguishness

Requests complete.

*Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...
That area is not available.

Council Quests remaining:
Council Quests:
The Final Ultimate Epic Final Conflict
You've solved many puzzles, and now are confronted with the most frustrating puzzle yet. Can you figure out the code to get through the heavy door?

If I go to the relay hit "inventory" and then tab over to "miscellaneous" ans scroll down I can see the rowboat

If I use the relay browser I can adventure in both the castle and the hole in the sky. Just kinda defeats the purpose of setting up mafia to run.
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Ok, mafia is somehow not seeing the rowboat in your inventory. Try inv to display your entire inventory. If nothing shows up, try refresh inv and then inv again, does that fix things?

If other things are showing up in your mafia inventory, please compare against the relay browser inventory to see what else is missing besides the rowboat - hopefully there will be some pattern that will help identify the problem.
Here is my gCLI from my login to my attempts to get the inventory up:

Validating login server (
1,218 players online.
Sending login request...
Initializing session for frostee...
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Session data refreshed.
4 days until St. Sneaky Pete's Day, Moxie bonus tomorrow (not today).

> inv

> inv

Retrieving character data...
Requests complete.

> refresh inv

Refreshing closet...
Requests complete.

> inv

Attempts to do 1 adventure in both the Castle and Hole in the Sky are giving the same gCLI as before.
This is bizarre - mafia isn't even trying to read your inventory, there should be several more lines after "Refreshing closet..." during both login and the inventory refresh. So, more commands for you to try:

debug on
refresh inv
debug off

Paste the CLI output as before. Also, this will produce a file called DEBUG_<today's date>.txt in KoLmafia's data directory - please attach that to your reply ("Manage Attachments" in the Additional Options section, under the advanced message editor).
Now you know why I am so confused as to why mafia isn't working for me. For the record I was wearing pith helmet, meatspout staff, duct tape shirt, stainless steel slacks, natty blue ascot x 2, Baron von Ratsworth's money clip, and plastic pumpkin bucket at the time.

> equip

Hat: (none)
Weapon: (none)
Off-hand: (none)
Shirt: (none)
Pants: (none)

Acc. 1: (none)
Acc. 2: (none)
Acc. 3: (none)

Pet: Hunchbacked Minion (40 lbs)
Item: plastic pumpkin bucket

> closet

> debug on

> refresh inv

Refreshing closet...
Requests complete.

> debug off


Oh, this is even more bizarre - KoL's response to mafia's attempt to read your closet was completely blank. Everything else you're seeing is a direct consequence of that: all of the other inventory processing happens during the parsing of the closet response, and in your case there's nothing to parse.

What sort of Internet connection are you using? The only possibility that comes to mind is that you're going through some sort of content filter that is being tripped by some item in this character's inventory. It's not a quest item (since such items aren't listed in the "add to closet" popup), but I can't otherwise narrow it down with the information I have.

If you are on a filtered connection, and have any idea as to what the problem item might be, you could try putting it in your display case and logging back in. This would presumably make your display case unreadable to mafia, but that would certainly be easier to live with than an unreadable inventory!
Turned off my firewall and...

> closet

> equip

Hat: plexiglass pith helmet
Weapon: meatspout staff
Off-hand: (none)
Shirt: duct tape shirt
Pants: stainless steel slacks

Acc. 1: natty blue ascot
Acc. 2: natty blue ascot
Acc. 3: Baron von Ratsworth's money clip

Pet: Hunchbacked Minion (45 lbs)
Item: plastic pumpkin bucket

> debug on

> refresh inv

Refreshing closet...
Updating consumable items...
Updating miscellaneous items...
Refreshing stickers...
Requests complete.

> debug off

> closet

> inv rowboat

intragalactic rowboat

Your clue about the filter gave me an idea, Jason. Time to try and see if it works now.

UPDATE: It works. Apparently my filter is set too high in my firewall for mafia to get through. I'll need to turn it down before using mafia. Thanks all for the ideas. WHEWWW
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Having the same problem

>debug on

Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Updating consumable items...
Updating miscellaneous items...
Refreshing stickers...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Session data refreshed.

> inv rowboat

[79271] Giant's Castle
Encounter: In a Black Room, with Black Curtains
You acquire an item: thin black candle
You acquire an item: Warm Subject gift certificate
Validating adventure sequence...
Requests complete.

Request 1 of 126 (Beanstalk: Giant's Castle) in progress...
That area is not available.

> debug off

I can use the browser to go the the castle but I can't use mafia.
I tried disabling my firewall and that didn't change anything.
It was working before todays rollover.
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