Cargo Shorts GUI


Staff member
As far as I know I am running the latest update from via SVN (which is something that will need to be addressed but not now). At one point the GUI would show me buffs or effects that I could get. They are not all there for me now. It could be because I am out of ronin but still in an AOSOL run (even thought I can get the buff anyway using another interface) or it could be that the script has changed (and I need to make a Feature Request to have something restored) or it could be that a preference got clobbered and I just can't figure out which one.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


As far as I know, the modded cargo shorts have a different page for being either in or out of ronin, so I think this is intended.


Staff member
As far as I know, the modded cargo shorts have a different page for being either in or out of ronin, so I think this is intended.
Thank you, in which case this is a feature request to add a toggle so that the in ronin page can be forced to be available when out of ronin.