Yeah, as I said... the .72 official patch didn't replace any of the "Knob Goblin" zone names, just the King's Chamber, so mine replaced all of those. Also, it checked "knob.php" for the adventuring locations, and that url changed to "cobbsknob.php" so that's in the change above...
As well, someone managed to break their unlockedLocations a week or two back by removing the ascension count from it, making indexof -- equal -1, making the substring check at the start fail, which make the whole script crash out. I put a check to make sure that if unlockedLocations is not set to "", indexof -- must be >0. If not, unlockedLocations has been improperly set, so reinitialize it.
Basically, it changed the line with theprop to this:
if (theprop == "" || index_of(theprop,"--") < 0 || substring(theprop,0,index_of(theprop,"--")) != to_string(my_ascensions()))
Anyways, I'll remove my patch from the post above now though, since .73 is out.
Edit: The "theprop" change isn't in main, but it's only needed if someone sets unlockedLocations improperly. I like it as a paranoia thing though... never can tell when someone will screw it up themselves again and blame the script or a script that uses it for not working.
Also, I may give a few more added zones... if you remember there was a "goget" alias that you (zarqon) made more efficient (mainly in that it used has_goal instead of just taking the first location). I got tired of it trying to use dark heart and other zones like that when I needed something post-level 6, so I made "cangoget" which does the same, but imports canadv instead of zlib, and runs a canadv (false prep) check on the locations to see what's actually available. Because of that, it highlights some of the holiday zones that mafia still contains, but aren't in canadv yet, like the elf alley, the new knob barracks, etc. I'll try to pay attention on the next run or three and actually update my script with the screaming zones and post here. Make it a quieter script for weird people who call it against the full location list.