You mangled the preference...
I'm pretty sure quest properties are also not updated on login, whereas inventory and level are.
It should also set most legacy preferences based on this.Mafia checks the quest log when logging in. If a quest property isn't being updated, then that should be reported.
string[string] post; // provide hook for relay scripts to Ajax zone availability
post = form_fields();
if (post contains "where") {
location w = to_location(post["where"]);
int postverb = (post contains "verb" && is_integer(post["verb"])) ? post["verb"].to_int() : 9;
if (w == $location[none] || !can_adv(w, postverb)) write("unavailable");
else write("available");
Bad location value: "The Road to the White Citadel" (canadv.ash, line 549)
Unknown location: The Road to White Citadel (zone: Woods)
> call scripts/Harvest.ash
Bad location value: "Sorceress' Hedge Maze" (canadv.ash, line 553)