Can you designate a store to sell through in ASH?


Is there a way to designate certain items to place for sale in the clan store or another characters/players store in a script?

Say you knew someone that specialized in selling certain things - can you "mallsell()" certain items in that store via an ASH script (not your own store)? I imagine that you would have to designate the store in the parameters, the number of items to send, ID the item to send, etc. You could leave the price at max or the same as what is in the store if any exist. The limit would be what exists or unlimited if max price.

Can you use the same technique to place certain other things for sale in the clan store to get your clan karma?
Mafia cannot place items in another player's store, of course - no such capability exists in the game. (That would be amazingly exploitable!)

There is a put_stash(count, item) function to put items in the clan stash.
So you can send it to the stash and then let the clan do with it what it will. Cool. Works for me. Easier actually. Thanks.

Yes, the only way to actually get clan karma is to donate to the clan stash ;) Clan stores are generally run by someone with a rank that has no karma penalties and can take things from the stash at will in bulk, then when things sell, they can return the funding to the clan stash via raw meat or in meat stack form for withdrawal later. Then again, this is just how the clans I've been in operate, I can't speak for other clans ;) But to gain karma, you have to donate to the stash for sure.