bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Yeah, because "meatboss" is the thing I originally did for the boss bat, and you actually wanted meat there. I only noticed it was a problem since I started running things on bumcheekcity2, who doesn't have a zillion IOTMs etc. Sourceforge and it'll change.


Active member
Winterbay, wouldn't your "in BHY" bit of the bats1() function be better as:

while (contains_text(visit_url("bathole.php"), "action=rubble")) {
				bumminiAdv(1, $location[Guano Junction], "");


Active member
Possibly, but my way you get to fight monsters with slightly higher stats (the juncion has lower stats than the other two areas) and you get a chance to get enchanted beans for the airship as well.


New member
The script is acting up when I try to farm meat at the nuns. It keeps looping. Encounter: Nothing more to do here. I think it's looping because it's trying to maximize meat gain but in doing so gets rid of my fatigues.


New member
The script is acting up when I try to farm meat at the nuns. It keeps looping. Encounter: Nothing more to do here. I think it's looping because it's trying to maximize meat gain but in doing so gets rid of my fatigues.

I am guessing you have some scratch 'n' sniff stickers.
I had the same problem and have already created a bug report with a possible fix.

If you are moxie then try searching for scratch and change the code to:
if (i_a("scratch n sniff crossbow") > 0) {
cli_execute("equip scratch n sniff crossbow");
return "-weapon";

If you are muscle then you need to replace crossbow with sword.


New member
I wish there would be an option for the script to stop before the war starts, so we could buy fruit. Something similar to what happens before the war finishes. Would that make sense?
Is there any way to prioritize familiars differently than the default script would? For example, when running +items I'd rather have a Slimeling than my Jumpsuited. I know that's not optimal, but I can benefit from the Slimeling's MP regeneration.


New member
Is there any way to prioritize familiars differently than the default script would? For example, when running +items I'd rather have a Slimeling than my Jumpsuited. I know that's not optimal, but I can benefit from the Slimeling's MP regeneration.

You can edit the bcs_fam_xxx.txt files in your KoL data folder.
In your example it would be the bcs_fam_items.txt file.


Active member
I *think* I've checked this thread and the KoL forum thread and the SourceForge tracking site well enough, but it seems to me this bug:


has not been entirely fixed, but I can't reopen it. Namely, the He-Boulder has an uppercase B and version 0.28 only looks for lowercase b at line 1533. I noticed this when the script tried to switch to a meatboss familiar and never got past He-Boulder, so I ended up fighting with my previous familiar.

I'm not exactly sure how my familiar lists are updated, so it's possible that they all are lowercase now. Anyway, I fixed my version, I just wanted to pass on the info, because I love this script. Thanks so much.


Active member
I believe that most checks were turned from case sensitive to insensitive through a mafia change a few months back... to validate, you are using the latest daily version of mafia, Crowther?


Active member
I believe that most checks were turned from case sensitive to insensitive through a mafia change a few months back... to validate, you are using the latest daily version of mafia, Crowther?

contains_text() is apparently still case sensitive, I did not think it was which is why that fix didn't work for the He-Boulder. The fact that I do not have one made it certain I could not test it :)


Active member
Right... contains_text is the only one remaining that's still case sensitive. And yep, if you're using that to check, you do need to be careful with cases. :) Makes sense that it had that bug then.


Staff member

So, if you do if ( "abc" == "ABC" )" (or the equivalent in a switch statement), it will succeed. Comparing string values for equality using == is now case insensitive.

That is the beginning and end of that change. Absolutely none of the string comparison functions - index_of, contains_text, starts_with, whatever - has changed in any way.


I've got a strange problem with the script
Several times I get this message while adventruing:
[1203] Sorceress' Hedge Maze
Encounter: topiary golem
Round 0: Asturia wins initiative!
 > BCC: Run away, Brave Sir Robin!
Round 1: Asturia casts RETURN!
This not only happens when adventuring at the maze but also when I adventured doing the gremlin quest during the war. Also during the Orchard quest.

Increasing the verbosity to 9 doesn't give more information.
I'm using the latest version of bcc and KoLmafia.


Active member
The script somehow thinks you are in casual/softcore. Are you? Allthough I guess you actually need to fight the topiary golems since the maps are questitems so that would be wrong anyway.


At that moment I was in softcore.
It happened after I came out of ronin.
But I had a ccs active at that moment: Smartstasis.
Shouldn't BCC detect that I want to use a ccs and just use that?