bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

A slight oddity:
In the bumadv-function you set the MCD for the Knob king and the Boss bat which is fine (also I notice that that function is prepared for myst classes), however you also set the MCD to 7 just before killing the knob king and then call bumadv which will change that setting as well leading to an increase in server hits (by a whooping amount of 1 per run of the script before you kill the boss...).
Hmm... crashed within about 5 seconds for me. Seems it doesn't have a backup plan to pay for the Detuned Radio and initial chewing gums if you leave the pork gems selling box as false.

Went and sold mine manually however and it is working nicely :D

Edit: ...or not. MP woes. Will try to jump start it with a few hits of the campground. For the record, Im running it with a pet rock type active, so I wonder if it's expecting you to be using one of the better MP granting familiars?

Aaaaaand, initial hurdles aside, and the odd bit of campgrounding to restore MP later, it finished Day 1 midway through Level 4 and the Bat Cave. Awesome work BCC. Cheers!
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It should work without it. You might need to farm some meat to keep up with the restoring at times though (and that is with letting the script do all the deciding for you, which generally means no MP restoring familiar unless you have a Rogue Program).
V0.17 - Bug: for the ancient city unlock in the Temple; keeps switching between the spleen familiar and Hipster (but adventures with the Spleener)

[679] Desert (Unhydrated)
Encounter: Let's Make a Deal!

Let's     Make a Deal!

Conditions satisfied after 3 adventures.
Putting     Muadib the Baby Sandworm back into terrarium...
Taking KnivesChau the     Mini-Hipster out of terrarium...
Resetting mind control device...
Mind     control device reset.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added:     Choices Left: 1
Choices Left: 1
BCC: Getting     another ChoiceAdv to open the Temple

When I run low on     Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use     5 hair spray
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious     Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I     run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low     on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
Mood swing     complete.
138 combinations checked, best score 132.0
BCC:     Switching Familiar for General Use
BCC:     Going to try to use some spleen items if you have them.
Spleen:     8 Agua: 0 Stick: 0 Token: 0
Total Spleen: 8
Putting     KnivesChau the Mini-Hipster back into terrarium...
Taking Muadib the     Baby Sandworm out of terrarium...
Mood swing complete.
BCC:     We should set the MCD if we can.
BCC: We     CAN set the MCD.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind     control device reset.

Request 1 of 47 (Woods: Hidden Temple) in     progress...

[680] Hidden Temple
Encounter: At Least It's Not     Full Of Trash

Conditions satisfied after 1 adventures.
Putting     Muadib the Baby Sandworm back into terrarium...
Taking KnivesChau the     Mini-Hipster out of terrarium...
Resetting mind control device...
Mind     control device reset.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added:     Choices Left: 1
Choices Left: 1
BCC: Getting     another ChoiceAdv to open the Temple

When I run low on     Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use     5 hair spray
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious     Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I     run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low     on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
Mood swing     complete.
138 combinations checked, best score 132.0
BCC:     Switching Familiar for General Use
BCC:     Going to try to use some spleen items if you have them.
Spleen:     8 Agua: 0 Stick: 0 Token: 0
Total Spleen: 8
Putting     KnivesChau the Mini-Hipster back into terrarium...
Taking Muadib the     Baby Sandworm out of terrarium...
Mood swing complete.
BCC:     We should set the MCD if we can.
BCC: We     CAN set the MCD.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind     control device reset.

Request 1 of 46 (Woods: Hidden Temple) in     progress...

[681] Hidden Temple
Encounter: Lightning Trap
You     lose 88 Mojo Points

If i mentioned this already just ignore it: City Unlock should probably come after yellow-raying Bob.
A slight oddity:
In the bumadv-function you set the MCD for the Knob king and the Boss bat which is fine (also I notice that that function is prepared for myst classes), however you also set the MCD to 7 just before killing the knob king and then call bumadv which will change that setting as well leading to an increase in server hits (by a whooping amount of 1 per run of the script before you kill the boss...).

I noticed that too. Also it doesn't set MCD for the bonerdagon (I like to use 10 for moxie/muscle classes and 5 for myst.)

Also, all the places that call cli_execute("mcd " + num) could instead call the ash method change_mcd(num).
v0.18. During the Nuns quest my Sugar Shield broke. Afterwards the script stopped doing the Nuns quest and started killing hippies instead.
KoLmafia is set to break when sugar stuff breaks.

I suggest changing the war code to something like the following (using nuns as an example).

while (bcasc_doSideQuestNuns && get_property("sidequestNunsCompleted") == "none") doSideQuest("nuns");
Simply add it to your CCS. I guess that goes for most of the monsters you should olfact.
I know this is quite offtopic for the thread, but how much of the Special Actions that I can set do Mafia and the script use if I use Custom Combat Scripts?

For example, my Cure Poison setting and the 'Discover !-potions and Stone Spheres' setting?
Because they dont seem to fire if I use CCS but just if I attack.
If you include the line "special action" in your CCS, any and all of such info from the Special Actions box on the adventure tab will automatically be included as appropriate. If you don't include that line in a CCS, mafia will assume that you want to override those settings for that portion of your CCS.
If you include the line "special action" in your CCS, any and all of such info from the Special Actions box on the adventure tab will automatically be included as appropriate. If you don't include that line in a CCS, mafia will assume that you want to override those settings for that portion of your CCS.
I need to do it for every special part of it? Once for Default and once in each special case I want to make?
Will it cast Noodles and / or pickpocket as well if set in Special Action or do I need to add that aswell?
Yes and no. The way a CCS works is that you specify your combat settings by location and / or monster. The "[ default ]" section is used for every fight that doesn't match against one of those. However, you also have a special section you can use: "[ global prefix ]" which is added to the beginning of every section. Also, putting "special action" in a CCS (either by using the global prefix to add it everywhere, or adding that line on just the location / monster sections you desire) will call all of your appropriate special actions. Keep in mind, though, that mafia sometimes ignores special actions if it doesn't think they are "safe" and "useful." I honestly don't know the exact details on these, but I think the former is generally "will doing this special action mean I'm almost sure to get beaten up, where I otherwise wouldn't?" and the second I believe affects things like using pickpocket against monsters that don't have pickpocket-able ascension relevant items, or something. (If anyone wants to chime in with more specifics on this part it would be greatly appreciated.)
v0.18. During the Nuns quest my Sugar Shield broke. Afterwards the script stopped doing the Nuns quest and started killing hippies instead.
KoLmafia is set to break when sugar stuff breaks.

In the choice adventures tab, under the item tab, you can set KoLmafia to not abort when equipment breaks and you can't replace it. This probably should be an FAQ-recommended setting for using this script.
Ok, a lil something happening atm.

I'm doing a SC run, and just went to the Guild to see if I cant do the Nemesis items now (plan to smash the nemesis later for some speedy leveling from hellseals and this way I encounter the mobs during normal adventuring) but when I go to the Guild, I see Hunther standing at the door and ask to me to carry the beans as first test.
I have Bjorns hammer and I have access to the Beach and a meatcar, but I got all this without a single guildtest being completed?
Level 1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
Level 2 Starting
BCC: We have not completed the stage [guild1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
Level 3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [tavern].
Level 4 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [8bit].
Level 5 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorbilliards].
Level 6 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
Is there a reason it have not opened the Guild? I was low on funds at the start after missing to disable the Restore MP-tickbox in the breakfast setting so mafia burnt loads of MP to summon reagents and noodles and other stuff, but the tests do not require meat in anyway so I doubt that's that.

I also encountered a Loop just now. I wanted to get this list above here to see if it had set the Guildtests to Completed or not, after overdrinking, and was not sure how it would behave, so I babysat it for a bit. This is what I got:
> call scripts\bumcheekascend v0.18.ash

Ascending Starting
Doing a check for Telescope Items
BCC: You haven't completed the stage 'macguffinprelim' for the adder bladder for telescope part 1
Level 1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
Level 2 Starting
BCC: We have not completed the stage [guild1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
Level 3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [tavern].
Level 4 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [8bit].
Level 5 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorbilliards].
Level 6 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition set: eyepatch
Condition set: swashbuckling pants
Condition set: stuffed shoulder parrot
swashbuckling pants
stuffed shoulder parrot
BCC: Getting the Swashbuckling Kit

When I run low on Go Get 'Em, Tiger!, use 5 Ben-Gal™ Balm
When I run low on Go Get 'Em, Tiger!, use 5 Ben-Gal™ Balm
When I run low on Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith, cast 1 The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
Mood swing complete.
24 combinations checked, best score 93.0
Checking for familiar 'slimeling' where x=1
Checking for familiar 'Dandy Lion' where x=2
Putting Gon the Jumpsuited Hound Dog back into terrarium...
Taking Aslan the Dandy Lion out of terrarium...
Mood swing complete.
BCC: We should set the MCD if we can.
You are too drunk to continue.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition set: eyepatch
Condition set: swashbuckling pants
Condition set: stuffed shoulder parrot
swashbuckling pants
stuffed shoulder parrot
BCC: Getting the Swashbuckling Kit

When I run low on Go Get 'Em, Tiger!, use 5 Ben-Gal™ Balm
When I run low on Go Get 'Em, Tiger!, use 5 Ben-Gal™ Balm
When I run low on Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith, cast 1 The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
Mood swing complete.
24 combinations checked, best score 93.0
Stealing sugar shield from Gon the Jumpsuited Hound Dog...
Putting on sugar shield...
Equipment changed.
Checking for familiar 'slimeling' where x=1
Checking for familiar 'Dandy Lion' where x=2
Mood swing complete.
BCC: We should set the MCD if we can.
You are too drunk to continue.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition set: eyepatch
Condition set: swashbuckling pants
Condition set: stuffed shoulder parrot
swashbuckling pants
stuffed shoulder parrot
BCC: Getting the Swashbuckling Kit
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In the choice adventures tab, under the item tab, you can set KoLmafia to not abort when equipment breaks and you can't replace it. This probably should be an FAQ-recommended setting for using this script.

This is strange, as I have Mafia set to re-equip my sugar shirts, and abort when I'm out, and it's never caused a similar malfunction.
Well, after 8-9 days of RL hell, i'm back ascending...and found version 0.18!! Excellent!

Started my new life as AT, and noticed that this time, my mood does not seem to include hair spray until about level 5...feature or bug?

Also, today was the knob, friars, with the digital kingdom and pool room thrown in. All good. It finishes the friars and levels me to 77 moxie for the steel organ. I stop it to make some sugar shorts for the moxie boost, restart it, and it goes for the goblin king. All good. But then, it doesn't try to maximize my outfit, says i need to level to 77 buffed moxie, and takes me back to the temple.

Also also, i made the dingy manually again, but it doesn't recognize that step is done.

Still, looking good! Thanks BCC!
Also, putting "special action" in a CCS (either by using the global prefix to add it everywhere, or adding that line on just the location / monster sections you desire) will call all of your appropriate special actions.

I'm afraid it's not that simple. Only one "special action" line in your CCS will be processed, that part is right. If autoOlfact is triggered and the skill is available, it will cast it and stop processing other special actions. If you can't cast Olfaction but have an odor extractor, a list of items to use for special actions is created.

Then other special actions are considered, and items are added to that list: putty/camera/photocopier if autoPutty is triggered, a sphere if autoSphereID is triggered, and a DoD potion if autoPotionID is triggered.

The first two items on that list are then thrown.

This means that:
1) if you cast Olfaction, no other special action is processed
2) only 2 items are thrown out of 4 possible special actions

This generally won't be a problem though, but since the way special actions work in a CCS are generally not well known, I just thought I would go through the code and post what I understood.

In any case, with bumcheeckascend.ash you can forget about autoPutty (unless you farm lenses for a 4d-camera yourself), and BCC doesn't use the autoOlfact property, so all olfaction has to be explicitly written in your CCS. So it's just a matter of turning on autoSphereID and autoPotionID, and adding a "special action" line in the [ global prefix ] section of your CCS.
In the choice adventures tab, under the item tab, you can set KoLmafia to not abort when equipment breaks and you can't replace it. This probably should be an FAQ-recommended setting for using this script.

I know, but thank you.
I would prefer a solution where users don't have to change a multitude of settings before (and after) running the script.

This is strange, as I have Mafia set to re-equip my sugar shirts, and abort when I'm out, and it's never caused a similar malfunction.

It probably does not happen in all areas. I will try to investigate after I get the last telescope piece.
It will happen everytime the script uses an abort/error state to classify something as done or not so I'm going to guess that the Cyrpt areas will have the same type of problem.
Also, today was the knob, friars, with the digital kingdom and pool room thrown in. All good. It finishes the friars and levels me to 77 moxie for the steel organ. I stop it to make some sugar shorts for the moxie boost, restart it, and it goes for the goblin king. All good. But then, it doesn't try to maximize my outfit, says i need to level to 77 buffed moxie, and takes me back to the temple.
I got the same thing today as a SC. It did not try to maximize the gear after the Goblin King but rather went to the Hidden temple to grind Muscle stats. Aborting the script and restarting it made it maximize gear and equip the Goblin King crown and it have no issues from the on.
Slightly strange behavior to me...

When I run the script, it checks the telescope and all (I've got full scope) and tries to farm up the missing items even when I'm at (for example) the shadow already.

It happened twice, once after it failed at level 2 (needed to go farm a black pepper manually), and once after it failed at the shadow (I had forgotten to get garters to heal with this time around). Both times when I fixed the problem and tried to run the script again, it immediately started to farm up tower items instead of actually finishing the quest.