I think it's just going to be buggy without any skills for, well, anything. No healing, no buffing, when you run out of meat it won't know what to do.
Echo Eyedrops are 236 meat and my character had 4,066. That's what made it totally strange. If I actually had no meat then I would understand it giving up and failing maybe (though perhaps it should just farm some meat in a zone that's safe even when beaten up, or cook for 3 adventures, or something). In the case of the Beaten Up condition, it seems like the script should maybe consider the idea of just resting at the campground for an adventure. And perhaps it would have done that if I'd been in Hardcore?
Although it is true than one of the endearing features of the script is that it sometimes gets distracted and what it tries to do when you restart may not be what it was doing when it previously stopped.
That is my favorite part of this script, yes. It makes it feel like a 10 year old is playing for you.
I'm not sure that Beaten Up should be a halting condition though, because there's ways to fix it that the script had available, so shouldn't the script be using them too?
The other minor problem, that I suppose I neglected to specifically bring up until now, is that it got itself beaten up at all. The Beefy Bodyguard Bat needs 35 moxie for no-hit, but the script keeps trying to adventure there when my Moxie is 20. So maybe it should be leveling more elsewhere until safe moxie is attained?
I mean I'm not too concerned about it getting into a loop exactly, because I watch the script as it goes about its work anyway, so I can just see that happening and then stop it and "debug" the situation. However, it's still best to report bugs and edge cases when they show up, you know? I'd like to see the script eventually be able to totally complete an ascension without needing any human intervention at all, but until I have a moment to sit down and familiarize myself with .ash and expand it myself and submit patches and such, the best I can do is report potential bugs and oversights.