bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

In the hopes that no one else gets screwed out of an ungodly amount of adventures, for some reason BCA fails to recognize that Below Decks is open if you have to stop before getting the Talisman. Or something. I have no idea.
Ha! I wrote a long paragraph describing this bug, then looked at the code and found it in 10 seconds.

Near the end of bcascMacguffinPrelim(), "cove.php" is checked to see if Below Decks is visible, but no effort is made to put on a pirate outfit. So if you abort after the below decks is open (but before the talisman is created), then switch out of pirate form and restart BCA, you'll hit this bug and burn all your turns if you aren't paying attention. A buMax(maxstring); inserted before the cove.php check should fix that.
Revision 188 should a) not bail out if you restart the pirate quest by doing that change, b) try to handle the trapper quest slightly better (less vist_url at least) and c) allow people to not open the temple until level 11 by setting bcasc_openTempleLater to true (for now a hidden preference), this was already the case if you disallowed the script to do levelling for you but is now instead covered by this setting.
c) allow people to not open the temple until level 11 by setting bcasc_openTempleLater to true (for now a hidden preference), this was already the case if you disallowed the script to do levelling for you but is now instead covered by this setting.
I'm pretty sure the level check on that line is wrong. It should be "my_level() < 11", not "my_level() >= 11". I'd be more sure, but I'm having trouble merging your change with my code.
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I'm guessing the problem in merging is around line 3247 where I used a slightly modifed version of the script that was in the SVN (forgot to update before I changed it again).

            if (get_campground()[$item[pumpkin]] > 0) {
                //Hit the pumpkin patch, but only pick pumpkins if we have pumpkins to pick

That's what it should look like now.

Also, that level check has been that way for I don't know how long so it's possible you're correct but it's also very possible that with the new setting it's actually not needed at all any more :)
Also, that level check has been that way for I don't know how long so it's possible you're correct but it's also very possible that with the new setting it's actually not needed at all any more :)
I changed my version ages ago, when it did fix something, but yes, it might not be needed anymore.
The script is rather verbose for a reason, so most of the interesting things may be in your session logs. See if you can find anything around where it started going wrong?

Sorry, just saw this. No, absolutely nothing of note whatsoever. Day X ends with 1 guady key, next day begins with, oddly enough, the trapper, then an assload of wasted advs in the poop deck. No mention of anything out of the ordinary that I can see.
Sorry, just saw this. No, absolutely nothing of note whatsoever. Day X ends with 1 guady key, next day begins with, oddly enough, the trapper, then an assload of wasted advs in the poop deck. No mention of anything out of the ordinary that I can see.

I think it should've been solved in the latest svn-version. There was a miss in that it didn't make sure you had the outfit/fledges on before checking if belowdecks was available.
Because I'm guessing that it was spending turns in the pirate cove instead of the correct place?
No, poop deck...it spent the advs at the poop deck, not the cove. I don't know how it checks for below decks being open, but since it went to the poop deck and not the cove I'm guessing the failure is in how it checks for talisman, gaudy key(s), or below decks being open. It'll be a day or two before I ascend any account again, but, if I can manage it I'll see if I can get it to repeat the error. If it was solved in the most recent svn it shouldn't be an issue in the future. Hopefully.
No, poop deck...it spent the advs at the poop deck, not the cove. I don't know how it checks for below decks being open, but since it went to the poop deck and not the cove I'm guessing the failure is in how it checks for talisman, gaudy key(s), or below decks being open. It'll be a day or two before I ascend any account again, but, if I can manage it I'll see if I can get it to repeat the error. If it was solved in the most recent svn it shouldn't be an issue in the future. Hopefully.
Winterbay just misspoke. What you describe is what was fixed. In the older version, if the below decks is open and you're not in pirate gear, then BCA will try to open them and loop forever in the poop deck. Normally, BCA will already have pirate gear on at that stage, so it has to be interrupted, like when you ran out of adventures.
Because I am the gift that just keeps on giving...I can't grab the most recent SVN version of BCA, it stalls mid download. Everything else works fine for me, so, it can't be my connection. If someone could *please* post an alternate download link I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
I've had a couple of problems with v.52. When it gets to the spooky forest, it just keeps getting mushrooms instead of trying to open the temple early like usual. And in the extreme slope, it will just keep adventuring there without equipping the outfit once it gets it and going back for the 3 non-combats. I'm not sure if this is something that has been fixed or not. But I'd appreciate any help at all. Thanks.

One more question: When I open up the relay browser to change the setting in the relay part, it just says "bcasc_100familiar.....with an empty box beside it". It has that on all of them, where there used to be a description before. I just got a new computer and I'm using Firefox, I wondered if maybe there was a setting or something that isn't the same? I'm not really computer savvy at all and I have no idea how to fix it.
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Level 11 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinprelim].
BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinpalin].
BCC: We have completed the stage [hits].
BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinspooky].
BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinpyramid].
BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinhiddencity].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [macguffinfinal].
You need 11 more tomb ratchet to continue.

No clue what the issue here is (as usual), it doesn't even try to adv in the upper chamber for the wooden wheel.

Jaylee, if you look back a page or two the forest issue can be avoided by typing set bcasc_openTempleLater = true in the gCLI. I go back later and do it manually, doesn't take that long. Can't help with the rest but I'm sure someone will be along shortly :)
Are you in a casual/out of ronin softcore run? That's the only place it should end up with that error.

When out of ronin/in a casual run the script assumes you want to get through things as fast as possible and as such either have rachets in your inventory/storage or to buy them from the mall.
Heh, can we have a setting for that too? Personally I don't care about speed. So, yes, soft core/out of ronin, not casual.
Since I'm tired of the script picking Victor, the insult comic hellhound puppet for my offhand item, I added these lines to buMax after the Way of the Surprising Fist lines:

	//  added by Chef_Rannos for Zombie Slayer runs
	if (my_path() == "Zombie Slayer" && !contains_text(maxme, "outfit")) {
	  if (i_a("right bear arm") > 0) maxme += " +equip right bear arm";
	  if (i_a("left bear arm") > 0) maxme += " +equip left bear arm";

This has really helped me push more ML after getting the steel lasagna (because I'm using WHAM for combat).
I'm really thankful for the script.

One minor naggle: it seems to have issues planting the bean to open the beanstalk areas. Not a huge deal to click and open it, but I thought I should mention it so it is on your radar.