So... umm... set a consultMyst script? Or is that not what it's trying to do?
What's your line 1075? Mine is the one where it sets float myst to buffed myst stat.
My 1075 is:
float myst = my_buffedstat($stat[Mysticality]);
The whole section is this block of code:
float wtfpwnageExpected(skill s) {
float bAbs = numeric_modifier("Spell Damage");
float bPer = numeric_modifier("Spell Damage Percent")/100 + 1;
//Should multiply the bonuses below by bonus spell damage.
float bCol = numeric_modifier("Cold Spell Damage");
float bHot = numeric_modifier("Hot Spell Damage");
float bSte = numeric_modifier("Stench Spell Damage");
float bSle = numeric_modifier("Sleaze Spell Damage");
float bSpo = numeric_modifier("Spooky Spell Damage");
float bElm = bCol+bHot+bSte+bSle+bSpo;
float myst = my_buffedstat($stat[Mysticality]);
print("BCC: These are the figures for "+to_string(s)+": Bonus: "+bAbs+" and "+bPer+"%//"+bCol+"/"+bHot+"/"+bSte+"/"+bSle+"/"+bSPo+"/El: "+bElm+"/Myst: "+myst, "purple");
//Uses the above three functions to estimate the wtfpwnage from a given skill.
switch (s) {
case $skill[Spaghetti Spear] :
return (2.5*bPer + min(5, bAbs))*isWeak();
case $skill[Ravioli Shurikens] :
return (5.5*bPer + 0.07*myst*bPer + min(25, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak();
case $skill[Cannelloni Cannon] :
return (12*bPer + 0.15*myst*bPer + min(40, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak();
case $skill[Stuffed Mortar Shell] :
return (40*bPer + 0.35*myst*bPer + min(55, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak();
case $skill[Weapon of the Pastalord] :
float weak = isWeak();
if (weak == 2) weak = 1.5;
return (48*bPer + 0.35*myst*bPer + bAbs + bElm)*weak;
case $skill[Fearful Fettucini] :
return (48*bPer + 0.35*myst*bPer + bAbs + bElm)*isWeak($element[spooky]);
case $skill[Salsaball] :
return (2.5*bPer + min(5, bAbs))*isWeak($element[hot]);
case $skill[Stream of Sauce] :
return (3.5*bPer + 0.10*myst*bPer + min(10, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak("");
case $skill[Saucestorm] :
return (16*bPer + 0.20*myst*bPer + min(15, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak("");
case $skill[Wave of Sauce] :
return (22*bPer + 0.30*myst*bPer + min(25, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak("");
case $skill[Saucegeyser] :
return (40*bPer + 0.35*myst*bPer + min(10, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak("");
case $skill[Käsesoßesturm] :
return (16*bPer + 0.20*myst*bPer + min(15, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak($element[stench]);
case $skill[Surge of Icing] :
//Sugar Rush has an effect on this skill.
return (16*bPer + 0.20*myst*bPer + min(15, bAbs) + bElm);
return 0;
I don't have my own combat script set to handle combat in mystic runs. I ended up making one that is jiggle (I am using the pumpkin staff), entangling, then cannon. I set that as my CCS and fired up bumcheekascend again and then it dropped out of the loop again in the HITS but this time instead of attack it used spells to kill the mobs.
I'm not sure why it was having problems figuring how to combat them, because I was one-shotting them with cold tuned cannons. I ended up manually running the HITS until I had the star items and key, then fired up the script again and had no problems up through the whole island war. So far only the HITS mobs caused problems with the combat portion.