Okay, I might be a total idiot here, but how would I go about downloading the latest KoLmafia code from the SVN and building it? I have the JDK and basic computer skills, although no java knowledge. Thanks![br]Posted on: August 24, 2006, 04:56:28 PM
I figured it out! Ahh, that feels good.
Anyway, for other aspiring devel noobs like myself, here's a quick intro on what to do running under WinXP/2k. If I made any mistakes, feel free to correct me.
First, grab a copy of the following software:
Apache Ant (http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi)
SVN Client (Windows: https://subversion.apache.org/)
JDK 1.4 or later (1.5.0 is the latest) (http://java.sun.com/ , you can find it)
Next, find a directory where you want the builds to go. SVN will create a subdirectory. Open command prompt ("cmd" for XP/2k users) and type:
svn co https://kolmafia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kolmafia kolmafia
Once it finishes, go to the subdirectory and type:
Then look under the dist folder for the .jar file.
Note: Ant can be a bit tricky to install. There's a guide at the ant website though. If you're having problems with that step, post here and I'll explain more in detail.
EDIT: Edited address for Java and made it clicky -Daychilde
Edited to update to the correct url for svn, the previous one quit working. -efilnikufecin
I figured it out! Ahh, that feels good.

First, grab a copy of the following software:
Apache Ant (http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi)
SVN Client (Windows: https://subversion.apache.org/)
JDK 1.4 or later (1.5.0 is the latest) (http://java.sun.com/ , you can find it)
Next, find a directory where you want the builds to go. SVN will create a subdirectory. Open command prompt ("cmd" for XP/2k users) and type:
svn co https://kolmafia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kolmafia kolmafia
Once it finishes, go to the subdirectory and type:
Then look under the dist folder for the .jar file.
Note: Ant can be a bit tricky to install. There's a guide at the ant website though. If you're having problems with that step, post here and I'll explain more in detail.
EDIT: Edited address for Java and made it clicky -Daychilde
Edited to update to the correct url for svn, the previous one quit working. -efilnikufecin
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