Building from the SVN?

OK. Netbeans is behaving. Netbeans 7.0 with Tortoise SVN on the system. Used Tortoise to Check Out into C:/KoLmafia (on Windows 7). New free form project in NetBeans with existing sources and the build file from SVN. Wizard didn't get everything right but with manual corrections the Project and Contents were C:\KoLmafia, build file was C:\KoLmafia\build.xml, sources were lib and src, separate source classpaths with lib being the classpath for src, output C:\, Build maps to daily; Clean maps to clean, and Run maps to exec. Running in the debugger got a prompt to create a Netbeans task which worked.
The previous post in this thread is over 3 years old. I didn't check the edit dates on all the posts, but it seems to me that much has changed and it could stand some tender loving care. With the change to java 1.7 as the required build system, I had to move my build process to a different computer because my old MacPro is still running Mac OSX 10.6.8 and there doesn't seem to be an "official" (i.e from Oracle or Apple) java 1.7 for that OS version. The upgrade process took me a few days because I barely understand what I'm doing. One of the things I noticed was that the check-out path in the first post of this thread is out of date. I finally managed to find a working patch and checked-out the source. Then I had to find and install ant on the new computer. Finally, I could build a new version. Then came the ordeal of finding all my local patches on the old system and incorporating them into the new system. That actually went faily smoothly. I was able to build a patch file using svn diff on the old system and patch on the new one without screwing anything up. I've only found one problem, which I will request help with in the Community Support thread, but I think it would a big help if this thread could be brought up to date.

Thanks, in advance.
Do the wiki directions no longer work?

To my chagrin, I must admit it didn't even occur to me to look at the wiki. Having done so, I see a nice succint summary of what to do. My only suggestion would be to make the linkified URL in step 3 of the Mac OSX directions plain text for easy copying and pasting since most browsers don't know how to handle svn as a protocol anyway.
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I have to admit I have no idea how to make step 3 of the MacOS instructions cease its linking behavior.
Thank you, Winterbay. I was such there was such a method, but I was hoping someone would figure it out before I started to beg Google for information.
mafia build script [Bash]

Easy-to-use script to build from SVN. Written for Bash, may work in other shells. Stick it in your path as "mafia" or whatever other name you prefer, possibly modify values for BUILDDIR and JAVA_HOME. Invoke as "mafia" to build and launch KoLmafia, "mafia -f" to skip the build process, "mafia -h" to see a list of all the options. Like so:

$ mafia -h
mafia:  build KoLmafia from SVN and launch from command line

Usage:  mafia [options]
  -b    unconditionally build
  -c    check out new version from SVN
  -f    fast launch; skip build process
  -n    do not launch KoLmafia when finished
  -h    show this help
View attachment mafia.txt