Feature - Implemented Bugged Beanie/Balaclava/Bonnet Squezing


With the new familiar comes a new squeezable, sort of. You can squeeze a beanie and a balaclava into each other. However, you can also squeeze a Bonnet into either, but you may well not want to. I'm not sure how this should be supported in the Squeeze command - maybe nornal support for squeezing a beanie into a balaclava and vice-versa, with a nag if you only have a bonnet to squeeze?

The temptation to tag this thread as "bug" was pretty high.
I think that this would be bad to implement as a squeezable. Better just to use the equipment to change it. After all, unless you're using the bonnet, it just swaps forms.
I can see adding beanie <=> balaclava as a fold group. I didn't even implement usability for the bonnet, because it doesn't seem like you'd ever want to do that - if you actually want to go back to a beanie or balaclava, I believe you can just visit the Arena and get one for free (without wasting the zap(s) it took to acquire the bonnet).
Apologies for the epic bump...

Is there any reason we can't add ( beanie <=> balaclava ) as a fold group?