New Content - Implemented Box of Gratitude chocolates


Active member
Jick seems to be giving out thanks to subscribers. I couldn't find the box of Gratitude chocolates item in the log, but I did find this after using a box of Gratitude chocolates:
Using it gave these goodies:
8765	Gratitude chocolate (thyme-filled)	158122731	gratchoc1.gif	usable	t	0	Gratitude chocolates (thyme-filled)
# Item Gratitude chocolate (thyme-filled): Grants 10 Adventures
8766	Gratitude chocolate (bourbon-filled)	376915396	gratchoc2.gif	drink	t	0	Gratitude chocolates (bourbon-filled)
Gratitude chocolate (bourbon-filled)	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item Gratitude chocolate (bourbon-filled)
8767	Gratitude chocolate (Meat-filled)	755340868	gratchoc3.gif	usable	t	0	Gratitude chocolates (Meat-filled)
# Item Gratitude chocolate (Meat-filled): Contains 10,000 Meat
8768	Gratitude chocolate (octopus-filled)	167557279	gratchoc4.gif	grow	t	0
# Item Gratitude chocolate (octopus-filled)
Currently, the octopus one doesn't give a familiar yet. Trying to grow it only gives "Huh?"
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Active member
Ah, here we go, new familiar from the octopus chocolate:
New familiar: "Choctopus" (200) @ choctopus.gif

Using 1 box of Familiar Jacks...
Unknown item found: [choctopus gear] (8769, 950198120)
You acquire an item: [choctopus gear]
And the equipment's not implemented yet... Getting there.

Description indicates a Fairy/Ghuol.
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Staff member
Not me. I have donated far more monthly than I would have if I made merely "subscribed" - donating $50 at a time, for example, allowing KoL to gain the interest on my donation up front. But, nothing new about the admins not understanding how that works - by giving me "nags" if I have not donated $10 within the last 3 months, even though I donated $50 3 months and 1 day ago.

I sent kmail commenting about this and was told "the code is behaving exactly the way it was coded to behave. Not a bug."

So, this is just more of the same. It's a big fucking slap in the face of people who give MORE than they would have than if they'd subscribed, but didn't do it via a subscription.

But, we expect that.


Staff member
Additional consequence: for the first time in my life, I just bought the IOTM with a Mr. Accessory that I bought in the mall, rather than getting via donation. Not that that really matters to TPTB, since SOMEBODY had to donate to get the Mr. A. But, henceforth, the money will be flowing out of somebody else's wallet, rather than my own.


It should matter somewhat, as when you donate for it you give them money now, when you buy from the mall someone else gave them money in the past they may have already spent. Using a Mr A from the Mall is only donation if it is replaced by another.

This is not an argument either way. Personally I donate when I feel like it, other times I spend meat. I may well spend too much if I get a decent bonus next year!