case 7415: case 7416: case 7417: case 7421: if (get_property("sweat").to_int() < 80 - 25 * get_property("_sweatOutSomeBoozeUsed").to_int()) return; break;
How would I make batbrain ignore my sweatpants entirely? I only ever use them to sweat out booze anyway.Thanks for the update, and sorry for putting you on the spot. The update actually ended up being too effective for me. It's now using all the skills from my designer sweatpants, leaving me unable to cast Sweat Out Some Booze. I added this line to my BatBrain.ash to address this:
Code:case 7415: case 7416: case 7417: case 7421: if (get_property("sweat").to_int() < 80 - 25 * get_property("_sweatOutSomeBoozeUsed").to_int()) return; break;
(Technically, that 80 could be lower based on which skill it is in particular, and by factoring in the sweat gained as a result of that combat, but I chose to err on the side of caution and simplicity.)
skill 7415 0
skill 7416 0
skill 7417 0
skill 7421 0
Warning: image 'adventureimages/bond_minion1.gif' does not match monster 'Villainous Minion' (bond_minion1.gif).
import zlib
string page = "adventureimages/bond_minion1.gif";
matcher imgm = create_matcher("adventureimages\\/([^ ]+\\.gif)",page);
monster m = $monster[Villainous Minion];
if (imgm.find() && !(m.images contains vprint("Warning: image '""' does not match monster '"+m+"' ("+m.image+").","#8585FF",3);
I tried to create a test case using that section of BatBrain, but it didn't recreate the problem. Might need to capture the actual page.
Code:import zlib string page = "adventureimages/bond_minion1.gif"; matcher imgm = create_matcher("adventureimages\\/([^ ]+\\.gif)",page); monster m = $monster[Villainous Minion]; if (imgm.find() && !(m.images contains vprint("Warning: image '""' does not match monster '"+m+"' ("+m.image+").","#8585FF",3);
Unreliable problems are always the biggest pain.And having asserted its expected repeatability it hasn't happened the two most recent times.
Expression evaluation error: null (zlib.ash, line 201)
at eval (zlib.ash:201)
at to_event (BatBrain.ash:286)
at build_items (BatBrain.ash:1233)
at build_options (BatBrain.ash:1545)
at act (BatBrain.ash:2295)
at main (wham.ash:1415)
I noticed that too.@zarqon - if you're still out there... r28432 seems to have made "rng" a reserved word and that breaks BatBrain.