Well-known member
Aha, yes I see that now as well.
Even back before mafia handily ambiguated basement monsters, BatBrain included this check when building skills:
So if it is casting spells against said golem then I'd have to guess that something is wrong with one of those checks. My first thought was that something was wrong with the first check, but Veracity has shown that to be unlikely. So perhaps something is up with the second check. Which spells is it casting? The is_spell() check looks like this:
I had thought that to be comprehensive. More details, please. We can't exorcise the devil until we know them, because of course, that's where he is. In.
Even back before mafia handily ambiguated basement monsters, BatBrain included this check when building skills:
if (m == $monster[n bottles of beer on a golem] && is_spell(to_skill(sk))) continue; // this dude blocks spells
So if it is casting spells against said golem then I'd have to guess that something is wrong with one of those checks. My first thought was that something was wrong with the first check, but Veracity has shown that to be unlikely. So perhaps something is up with the second check. Which spells is it casting? The is_spell() check looks like this:
boolean is_spell(skill s) {
if ($classes[pastamancer,sauceror] contains s.class) return true;
if (s.to_int() > 27 && s.to_int() < 44) return true; // hobopolis spells
return ($skills[noodles of fire,saucemageddon,volcanometeor showeruption] contains s);
I had thought that to be comprehensive. More details, please. We can't exorcise the devil until we know them, because of course, that's where he is. In.