Bale's Relay Overrides


Active member
What Razor said ^^

Seriously, I understand the debate about Comic MS in regards to typography, but that's a closed group in and of itself. To the public in general, they don't care. Can they read it? It passes the test.

It's the same thing with code-style. I've seen Veracity and other devs comment about the layout of code and make adjustments so it blends in to the rest of Mafia's code, making it easier to read. My Java professor stresses the importance of readable code as well. For most people, however, they just care if the code works; indentation and naming patterns are irrelevant to them.

It's important to the people who have to care about it, but everyone else just want it to work. Otherwise, they don't give two flying bats.

Except for zarqon. He catches the bats ^^


Active member
Comic Sans has a seriousness problem, i.e. it works great in light-hearted messages and texts but I wouldn't write a scientific article with it because it wouldn't fit the style of the text. Other than that it is a perfect font to use for birthday cards and similar :)


yeah, you should switch to papyrus

I had edited my script to use Papyrus. My little sister came in and she thought it was wonderful. (She uses my manor script.) Her opinion was that it totally fits the moody tone of the manor and wanted me to shift over tothat for the script, so it might actually happen. Thanks for the suggestion.


Active member
Comic Sans has a seriousness problem, i.e. it works great in light-hearted messages and texts but I wouldn't write a scientific article with it because it wouldn't fit the style of the text. Other than that it is a perfect font to use for birthday cards and similar :)
Heh, just suddenly reminded me of the old saying, "Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive."


Staff member
Comic Sans has a seriousness problem, i.e. it works great in light-hearted messages and texts but I wouldn't write a scientific article with it because it wouldn't fit the style of the text. Other than that it is a perfect font to use for birthday cards and similar :)
I remember my statistical mechanics professor used Comic Sans for his slides, coupled with color-coding that really just made the whole thing look garish.

Incidentally, since I don't have that font in Linux, my browser just renders it as an ugly serif font.


I just made a really nice update to the campground script for users of the DNA Laboratory.

Now when you check the workshop with a sample in your syringe it will tell you exactly what it does, in the same words used by KoL.


Active member
Been having an issue with the topmenu. From character to messag, I can't click any links. At the es in messages, it works properly and sends me to the "Send Message" screen. I don't know what going on with it. This is the HTML it outputs vai Chrome 41.0.2224.3 dev-m:
<title>The Kingdom of Loathing</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/images/scripts/jquery-1.3.1.min.js"></script>

<style type="text/css">
font-family: arial;
.tiny { font-size: 9px; }
	border: 0px;
	height: 45px;
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	min-width: 200px;
	overflow: hidden;

<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/core.js"></script>
<script language=Javascript>
function skillson()
	skillpane.location.href = 'skillz.php?tiny=1';
function showskills()
	$('#menus, .hidemenu').hide();

function skillsoff()
	$('#menus, .hidemenu').show();
	skillpane.location.href = "blank.html";

<script language="Javascript" src="/basics.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="/basics.1.css" /></head>

<body bgcolor=white link=black alink=black vlink=black text=black><center><div id="yep" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; text-align: center; width: 100%;"><center><center><table style="margin-right:100px" cellpadding=0><td><div style="height: 45px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 0 0 0; border:0; bottom: 0px;"><a href="place.php?whichplace=forestvillage&action=fv_friar" target="mainpane"><img src="/images/otherimages/forestvillage/friarcottage.gif" height=61 alt="Florist Friars" title="Florist Friars" style="margin-top:-16px; border:0" /></a></div></td><td><a href="clan_raidlogs.php" target="mainpane"><img src="/images/adventureimages/hobofort.gif" height=45 alt="Clan Raidlog" title="Clan Raidlog" style="margin:0 0 0 0; border: 0" /></a></td><td align=center valign=center><a target=mainpane href="showplayer.php?who=2014321"><img title="View Public Charsheet" style="border:0" src="/images/otherimages/smallleftswordguy.gif" width=33 height=40></a></td><td valign=center align=center class=tiny><div id='menus' style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline'><a target=mainpane href="charsheet.php">character</a> <a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=1">inv</a><a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=2"><span style="font-weight:normal;color:#1975FF">ent</span></a><a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=3">ory</a> <a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=f-1">recent</a> <a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=f0">fav</a> <a target=mainpane href="skillz.php">skills</a> <a target=mainpane href="questlog.php?which=1">qu</a><a target=mainpane href="questlog.php?which=4"><span style="font-weight:normal;color:#1975FF">es</span></a><a target=mainpane href="questlog.php?which=6">ts</a> <a target=mainpane href="craft.php">craft</a><a target=mainpane href="craft.php?mode=discoveries"><span style="font-weight:normal;color:#1975FF">ing</span></a> <a target=mainpane href="mall.php">mall</a> <a target=mainpane href="clan_hall.php">clan</a> <a target=mainpane href="clan_viplounge.php">VIP</a> <a target=mainpane href="messages.php?box=Inbox">mes</a><a target=mainpane href="messages.php?box=Outbox"><span style="font-weight:normal;color:#1975FF">sag</span></a><a target=mainpane href="sendmessage.php">es</a> <a target=mainpane href="account.php">options</a> <a href="/KoLmafia/logout?pwd=xxx" target="_top">log out</a> <br> <a target=mainpane href="main.php">main</a> <a target=mainpane href="campground.php?action=bookshelf">camp</a> <a target=mainpane href="mountains.php">mountains</a> <a target=mainpane href="da.php">dungeon</a> <a target=mainpane href="seafloor.php">sea</a> <a target=mainpane href="plains.php">plains</a> <a target=mainpane href="cobbsknob.php">knob</a> <a target=mainpane href="beanstalk.php">bean</a> <a target=mainpane href="place.php?whichplace=knoll_friendly">knoll</a> <a target=mainpane href="ascend.php">lair</a> <a target=mainpane href="beach.php">beach</a> <a target=mainpane href="woods.php">woods</a> <a target=mainpane href="island.php">island</a><br><a target=mainpane href="town.php">town</a> <a target=mainpane href="town_wrong.php"><span style="font-weight:normal;color:#1975FF">(W </span></a>/<a target=mainpane href="town_right.php"> R)</a> <a target=mainpane href="place.php?whichplace=manor1">manor</a> <a target=mainpane href="guild.php?guild=t">guild</a> <a target=mainpane href="bordertown.php">border</a> <a target=mainpane href="forestvillage.php">village</a> <a target=mainpane href="place.php?whichplace=airport">airport</a> <a target=mainpane href="adminmail.php">report bug</a> <a target=_blank href="">forums</a> <a href="#" onClick='"donatepopup.php","");'>donate</a> <a target=_blank href="">wiki</a> <a target=mainpane href="community.php">community</a> <a target=mainpane href=peevpee.php>PvP</a> </div></td><td><a target=_blank href=""><table cellpadding=0 id="themoons"><tr><td width=15></td><td align=center valign=top align=right class=tiny><img src="/images/itemimages/moon1.gif"  alt="Ronald, New" title="Ronald, New" ><td width=20></td><td align=center valign=top align=left class=tiny><img src="/images/itemimages/moon1a.gif" alt="Grimace, New, with a small bright moon passing in front on the left" title="Grimace, New, with a small bright moon passing in front on the left" ><td width=15></td></tr><tr><td></td><td align=center class=tiny>Ronald</td><td></td><td align=center class=tiny>Grimace</td><td></td></tr></table></a><!--<td width=15></td>-->
<!--<td width=20 align=center valign=center><img src="/images/otherimages/newmoonpad.gif"></td>-->

<td width=20></td>
<td class=tiny align=center valign=center>
All material Copyright © 2010,<br><a target="_blank" href="">Asymmetric Publications, LLC</a>
<td valign=center align=center class=tiny><div id='kolmafia' style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline'><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=left valign=center class=tiny><form name="gcli" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline"><select id="scriptbar"><option value="restore hp">1: restore hp</option><option value="restore mp">2: restore mp</option></select> <input type="button" value="exec" onClick="var script = document.getElementById( 'scriptbar' ).value; parent.charpane.location = '/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=' + escape(script) + '&pwd=xxx'; void(0);"></form></td></tr><tr><td align=left valign=center class=tiny><select onchange='if (this.selectedIndex>0) { top.mainpane.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; this.options[0].selected=true;}'><option>-run script-</option><option value='relay_AdventureAdvisor.ash'>AdventureAdvisor</option><option value='relay_bumcheekascend.ash'>bumcheekascend</option><option value='relay_Factroid.ash'>Factroid</option><option value='relay_Guide.ash'>Guide</option><option value='relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash'>OCD dB Manager</option><option value='relay_OmniQuest.ash'>OmniQuest</option><option value='relay_PotionChecker.ash'>PotionChecker</option><option value='relay_Psychose-a-Matic.ash'>Psychose-a-Matic</option><option value='relay_pyromania.ash'>pyromania</option><option value='relay_Sera.ash'>Sera</option><option value='relay_TaskList.ash'>TaskList</option><option value='relay_Universal_Recovery.ash'>Universal Recovery</option><option value='relay_WHAM_dontuse.ash'>WHAM dontuse</option><option value='relay_WOSSMAN.ash'>WOSSMAN</option></select></td><td align=left valign=center>[<a href="topmenu.php">re</a>]</td></tr></table></div></td></tr>
<div style='position:absolute; top:0px; left: 0px;'><font size=-1><select style='max-width:104px;' onchange='if (this.selectedIndex>0) { top.mainpane.document.location.href="showclan.php?pwd=xxx&action=joinclan&confirm=on&whichclan=" + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; this.options[0].selected=true;}'><option>-change clan-</option><option value=85635>El Chupacabra</option><option value=2046977864>El Chupacabra Contest Clan</option><option value=56330>The I-need-a-gym Clan</option></select> </div></body>
If there's nothing wrong in the HTML, then I have no idea what's with my system. It's extra weird that it cuts out at one spot each time.


I didn't see anything wrong with your HTML so I decided to start up Chrome and try it out myself. Still no problem. Perhaps you have an extension that causes a problem? Try disabling them and then verifying that it doesn't work. Maybe that would tell you something?


Active member
I did some tinkering around and found the problem, thanks to my brother who's taking Web Development this semester.
<div id="menus" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline">
When "display: inline" is disabled, it works properly. From what I can tell, your script isn't inserting that. It's in vanilla KoL and it works fine. That's why I thought it might be your override. But it's not.

So, what is the difference? Gonna investigate. Later and thanks :)

Side note: Here's a diff between Vanilla KoL's topmenu (left) and Bale's override (right):
Last edited:


I'm not sure I understand. How could that solve the problem? Also, since that css is in both vanilla KoL and my script, why doesn't it cause a problem in vanilla KoL.


Active member
To quote Gir: I don't know.

My best guess is KoL made a change that mafia is not aware of yet. Maybe a CSS or a .js file? I don't know how to properly investigate that. :(


New member
1. Thanks a lot Bale, for Your clever and convenient scripts, all the work! <3<3<3
2. great idea (at least for me): Saved Mall searches, lets me save and then click to search, placed under "my store" on the mall main page; wht Do You think about it? Is this easy?


I've got a new relay script

NS Tower Scroller: You know how the new NS Tower is this ridiculously long page that you have to keep scrolling down to reach the bottom? Install this script to do it for you. It is in the Script Manager. Or if you want to install it manually, the command is:

svn checkout


Added another relay script:

Spelunky Reference: The most confusing thing about playing the Spelunkin' minigame is keeping track of the non-combats. This adds helpful information about all the Spelunkin' non-combat information to the Spelunky map as well as information about which non-combat to expect next. This script is now in the Script Manager. Or if you want to install it manually, the command is:

svn checkout


Staff member
Spelunky Reference: The most confusing thing about playing the Spelunkin' minigame is keeping track of the non-combats. This adds helpful information about all the Spelunkin' non-combat information to the Spelunky map as well as information about which non-combat to expect next.
I waited until yesterday to start Spelunky and decided that I'd certainly want this, so I installed it before I did a series of 9 Tales to get my perks. It was exactly what I wanted & needed. Thank you!

There were, however, a few glitches. At least one may be an issue in KoLmafia, but the others would not be.

1) The Ice Caves phase two - 1 = 50-60 gold. 2 = gain a buddy. Actually, option 2 is only available if you have a torch equipped, according to the Wiki. I went there repeatedly without a torch, hoping for a buddy, and was repeatedly disappointed.
2) I might be wrong about this, but my understanding about the top three levels is that you can have one side area or the other open, but not both. Again, I was repeatedly fooled when I attempted to open the Crashed U.F.O. - with 3 ropes available - and I wasn't offered the opportunity. I guess I had the Altar open. It would be nice if it told me if particular options were simply no longer available in this Tale.
3) There were several places where the wrong phase was highlighted. The script told me it was phase 1, I went to the Ice Caves to get the shop, and I was given A Big Block of Ice, for example. I'd take the only option and then phase 3 would be highlighted. Perhaps this is KoLmafia getting out of phase. Looking at your code, it would have to be "spelunkyNextNoncombat".

Anyway, thanks for the script!


Staff member
3) There were several places where the wrong phase was highlighted. The script told me it was phase 1, I went to the Ice Caves to get the shop, and I was given A Big Block of Ice, for example. I'd take the only option and then phase 3 would be highlighted. Perhaps this is KoLmafia getting out of phase. Looking at your code, it would have to be "spelunkyNextNoncombat".

KoLmafia has a hardcoded list of choices that do not advance that counter, and after adding one to the list it seems likely that others are missing.