Bug - Fixed Baby Bugged Bugbear's cleesh message isn't logged


New member
I've been trying to spade the BBB, and I've found that the message given when it cleeshes, "<name> glares at your oppError: currMonster unreadable varRenum332|333|334", isn't written to session logs. Additionally the name of the monster doesn't change, mafia records the old monster even once it has been changed.
Not having a BBB myself, I can't do anything about this without the actual HTML of the event. I need to match both the cleesh message, and the name of the amphibian the monster turns into, including any HTML tags that might be present; text copied off of the browser page doesn't contain sufficient detail to do this.
Here's what I think is the relevant text:

<table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Combat: Round 13!</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><table><tr><td><img id='monpic' src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/adventureimages/beanbat.gif" width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'>a beanbat</span><font size=2 color=gray><br />HP: 37, Atk: 51, Def: 51<br />Drops: enchanted bean (50)</font></td></tr></table><br><table><tr><td valign=center><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/spice.gif" width=30 height=30 alt="spices" title="spices"></td><td valign=center><p>You shake some spices into your opponent's eyes, doing 1 damage. It winces.</td></tr></table><script>newpic("http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/adventureimages/salamander.gif", "a salamander");</script>Buggy glares at your oppError: currMonster unreadable varRenum332|333|334<div id='fightform' class='hideform'><p><center><table><form name=attack action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="attack">

I've attached the whole page as well.


Thanks; that did contain the info I need.

Actually, it looks like both normal CLEESHing and the BBB's equivalent can be detected generically, along with any future variations, by looking for the script call to change the monster's image and name (rather than the text displayed to the player). However, that may or may not also trigger when a Boba Fettucini changes a monster into a sandworm - and I don't currently have a PM character to check. Could someone who has a 10 lb. Fettucini please post the raw HTML page source from a summoning that results in a sandworm?
I've never used that particular PM entity, but I'm currently in a lazy PM run that is near its end, so I can get that for you in the next day or two if no one beats me to it.
Except for the getting to level 10 part. I have a Pasta alt that's been sitting around in aftercore for an eternity; I should be able to get that... within a week... =P
It would take you more than a day or two to get a Fettucini leveled up to 10 lbs., if you don't have one already - the test would require 6 days without Nemesis rewards, 4 days with.
Actually, 11 without, I think - the first possible sandworm event would be the first summoning on the 11th day (was mistakenly counting 50 summons). 4 with, because the Bandolier gives you +1 pasta guardian exp, so 50 summons @ 15 per day.
Would it be possible to get the ability to record this message specifically before then? I'd ideally like to spade this cleeshing mechanism some time tonight.
You can determine the number of CLEESHes that occurred by counting the eye of newt, etc. drops, can't you? They're all 100% drops, and presumably the newts won't be killing you...
Not really, because if you don't know what combat round it happened in your estimate for the odds will be slightly off.
FWIW, regarding the Boba / Sandworm thing, I'm about 2-3 days off of this; unless someone else is ahead of me on this, don't worry 'bout it.
My alt's at 70 experience (as of post-rollover), so it'll be close (I'll be one summon short after tomorrow -- gah!). So yeah, it'll be close.
And... whaddaya know? Turns out I missed yesterday (stupid stupid stupid). So one more summon 'til we have the HTML (after next rollover, fo sho'). Unless StD's Boba Fettucini is close enough.
My ghost is at 78 experience, so two more days for me. However, I'll be in aftercore a little bit to work on my script anyway, so it's not a problem if heeheehee forgets again. Either way.
Ok, I'm able to summon a sandworm with my PM ghost... problem is, I'm not sure how to get the "raw" html requested. I have the results of viewing the frame source (w/o GM) saved, but was hoping to have a consult script set to automatically save the results of visit_url(), which should be the "raw" html. Problem is, that would mean being able to summon my ghost from a consult script, which I have no idea how to do... help?
For such a one-time thing, why isn't the raw HTML you have saved already enough?

To summon the ghost from a consult script, I guess the easiest way would be to look at First Things First: