Feature - Rejected Avoid equipping sugar shield with modifier maximizer


I understand why this happens, but it's very annoying that the modifier maximizer ALWAYS equips a sugar shield on my familiar. I keep a sugar shield around in SC to make the tower easier, but any time I use the maximizer I need to switch the equipment back. It'd be nice if there were a way to prevent sugar shield equipment in this circumstance.

I've listed this as a feature request, not a bug, since the maximizer is following the "correct" procedure, even if that procedure is annoying.
It'd be nice if there were a way to prevent sugar shield equipment in this circumstance.

It's awesome that we have so many different ways to prevent sugar shield from being equipped.

So use -tie?

That one sometimes will not work. For instance, if I equip a fairy and maximize for item (which I do often) those +10 lbs will be better than anything else I have.