New Content - Implemented Avatar of Sneaky Pete

Correct, it's noremove (I don't think hottub works, but can't test, since my spademulti doesn't have a VIP key; SGEEA and all-purpose cleaner definitely don't). At 15 love, I still got a 30-turn banish; I think my previous trials were at 30. I'll try jumping shark down to -30 and see what happens there.
I think you misunderstood my question, I was more wondering about your comment that the banish lasted longer if Bored with Explosions was extended, which would mean adding a new type of banish to the BanishManager that tracks turns remaining on an effect. Which is very doable if needed. Though I guess you are correct that it could vary with hate/love.
r13740 adds autocreation for Blackbird (and Crow) if you have the parts, lack the familiar or hatchling, or lack the hatchling and are in an Avatar path. Hopefully the map link will then work.

Autocreation means that you don't actually have the blackbird parts in your inventory when it's time to add links, so the link to use the map isn't added. That probably isn't too hard to fix.
A really minor thing, but could the carrot nose (and probably other familiar equip drops) not show in the Daily Deeds panel when an avatar?
_peteJukeboxFixed will not be updated some of the time, probably due to needing more messages to match against?
Here's the fix jukebox in-combat messages I've seen:

You accidentally bang your elbow against a nearby jukebox, and music begins to play as it springs to life, drowning out your swearing.
You accidentally bump into a broken jukebox nearby, causing it to rock back and forth. Then it starts playing some rock music.
You back up and butt-bump a broken jukebox. It springs to life, playing a rockin' tune while you say, "Ayyyy."
You hip-check a broken jukebox, and it starts playing lively music.
You see a broken jukebox nearby, and spend a few minutes trying to repair it by tightening screws and connecting wires. Then you just bop it with your fist, and it starts playing music.

There's also a "The audience roars their approval!" message after that, but I'm not sure if that's always present. (i.e., when at full love? didn't remember to check, sorry)
There's also a "The audience roars their approval!" message after that, but I'm not sure if that's always present. (i.e., when at full love? didn't remember to check, sorry)

Just tested this for you at audience level 30. That message was present.

You see a broken jukebox nearby, and spend a few minutes trying to repair it by tightening screws and connecting wires. Then you just bop it with your fist, and it starts playing music.<p>The audience roars their approval!<center>
With a cowling set to Rocket Launcher, the battlefield end-of-combat message is apparently
Motorcycle rocket launcher blasts 3 extra hippies
instead of something that says how many enemies were killed. I filed a KoL bug report about that.
Ok, so here's a bit of weirdness, after unlocking the island as Pete (using the extra-bouyant tank motorcycle upgrade) and getting the hippy outfit, the food manager and drink manager still act as if I don't have hippy stand access. ("Possible" totals do not include the possiblity of buying ingredients from the hippy stand, despite my having plenty of meat, and items that I don't have any fruit for in inventory don't appear at all unless I buy the fruit manually.) I have buying from NPC stores turned on, and crafting involving other NPC stores, such as the bakery, work fine.

If I type "strawberry" into the purchase tab, the line that shows up in the results is greyed out, and reads, "strawberry (unlimited @ 70): Hippy Store (Fratboy)", even though I am only L8.

I'd think this was because mafia somehow didn't realize I had the island unlocked at all, however, in the CLI, this happens:
> ash hippy_store_available()

Returned: true

So I'm not sure where the issue is. As it might be related (but also might be an unrelated script error), Adventure Advisor also continues to insist that I still need to get island access.
I believe it's also unshruggable? I think for now til there is public spading otherwise, I'll put it at 30 turns. Seems narratively wrong as well as complex that TPTB would change the duration of a banish based on what Pete does later. As well as more complex to support!

I think you misunderstood my question, I was more wondering about your comment that the banish lasted longer if Bored with Explosions was extended, which would mean adding a new type of banish to the BanishManager that tracks turns remaining on an effect. Which is very doable if needed. Though I guess you are correct that it could vary with hate/love.

Oh, for what it's worth, when testing banish duration, I use GameInform 2/3 or Oil Peak, since in either of those zones, any banish will result in tumbleweeds until the banish wears off. Slime Tube would probably also work. So yes, I'm 100% confident that extending Bored with Explosions extends the banish duration.
Female Avatar of Sneaky Pete characters have slightly different council text (dudette versus dude); this affects src/data/questscouncil.txt. Here's the starter text for quests KoLmafia doesn't seem to match at the moment. There may be more, this is all I've noticed:

Level 2:

Uh, hey, dudette, we could use some help if you're not mad busy. We need a mosquito larva. We won't bore you with our totes lame reasons why. You can find them in the Spooky Forest, in the Distant Woods. We'd be hella salty grateful if you could snag us one, yo.

Level 3:

S'up, righteous dudette. I know this isn't really worthy of your mad skills, but the owner of the Typical Tavern in the Distant Woods is trippin' about some rodent problem. I'm sure he'd give you mad props if you totes knocked 'em out.

Level 10:

S'up, dudette. The Nearby Plains are filling up with these totally unhip and wack piles of garbage. If you've got time, could you see where it's coming from and put a stop to it? That'd be tight.
Has anyone noticed that Pete doesn't have access to the Barrel full of Barrels?

Edit: I have been informed that Barrel access is dependent on guild membership, so feel free to ignore this.
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Hey, gang. I was trying to parse this and other threads for a counter to keep track of the Peel Out skill (with and without tires). I cannot seem to find one, or I am looking with my male eyes. Is there one, and is there a way to get it to show up on the character pane? TIA
Hey, gang. I was trying to parse this and other threads for a counter to keep track of the Peel Out skill (with and without tires). I cannot seem to find one, or I am looking with my male eyes. Is there one, and is there a way to get it to show up on the character pane? TIA

It's _petePeeledOut. You could add it as a Daily Deed, but otherwise your only option is "get _petePeeledOut" to see it, or a relay override that displays that value somewhere.
Okay, so again, not a programmer. Obvisouly, a very long time ago, I had asked about making an alias for The Way of the Surprising Fist skills, and it looked like this:

alias fisting => ashq int fistSkillsKnown = get_property("fistSkillsKnown").to_int();if(my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist")

Would there be a way to run a command called PEELED (or whatever) that works in a similar way? It's Monday for sure...
alias peeled => ashq int _petePeeledOut = get_property("_petePeeledOut").to_int();if(my_path() != "Age of Sneaky Pete")

Doesn't work, and that was my attempt.
Well, you never actually told it to display anything... that's just one of the multiple lines of your alias. The lazy way to do it would be something like:

alias peeled => ash if(my_path () != "Avatar of Sneaky Pete") return false; get_property("_petePeeledOut").to_int();

Returns false if you aren't AoSP and the number if you are, to differentiate between 0 because you haven't peeled out and 0 because you aren't AoSP. Also, AVATAR, not Age. :)