r13727 - Sneaky Pete can make Advanced and Superhuman Cocktails with Mixologist.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
You have no idea how much I've been missing the booze manager's ability to tell me what I can make.
r13727 - Sneaky Pete can make Advanced and Superhuman Cocktails with Mixologist.
r13725 - Track Audience (add my_audience() ash command).
Can you tell hate from love? Is hate negative?
Why does KoLmafia not have an absolute value function? Could I have one please? I feel a little weird needing to use...
<p><center>You win the fight!<!--WINWINWIN--><p><p>Your Evilometer emits a single beep. The air in this part of the crypt smells slightly less evil...<p><p>Rainbow Dash's ghost vacuum sucks up some extra evil!<p>
Edit : r13737 - Don't show use map link for black market map as Pete unless you have bird parts.
Taking Spinel Sun the Reassembled Blackbird out of terrarium...
Familiar request unsuccessful.
You need a guide.
The effect "Muffled" has been confirmed as Combat -15, not Combat -10 as KoLmafia currently believes.