I think that's the one that you need to trade a gloomy black to the suspicious looking guy to obtain?
Yes - THat is the one. Sorry to bother y'all.
I think that's the one that you need to trade a gloomy black to the suspicious looking guy to obtain?
Function 'string_to_int( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (auto_mushroom.ash, line 482)
It ribond86 still around? Nobody with that name in KoL.
There are 3 lines in planting/auto_mushroom.ash that need to be changed to have "to_int()" rather than "string_to_int()".
Just to make it super easy, I attach that file with the appropriate edits.
Hopefully ribond86 will update the script in his/her repository so that svn update will update it for people.
Edit: That would be "rlbond86", not "ribond86". There is a user with that name on KoL. He last logged in two years ago - March 17, 2018.
Last few days I've been seeing this message at the end of planting:
Checking for updates (running auto_mushroom ver. 2.2)...
Server returned response code 404 (Not Found) for https://kolmafia.us/showthread.php
Unable to load current version info.
And the beginning of every day begins with the "You have missed a day ...etc.
svn update doesn't change anything, and if I try to run the original script I get a message:
svn: E155000: 'C:\my-\folder\svn\rlbond86-mafia-scripts-auto_mushroom-trunk' is already a working copy for a different URL; perform update to complete it
SVN ERROR during checkout operation. Aborting...
This is a nice quality of life script. Any ideas?