Feature - Implemented Auto-equip mafia pinky ring when appropriate


How about an option to auto-equip the mafia pinky ring when drinking wines (a la the existing option to auto-equip the tuxedo shirt when drinking martinis).
r18596 - Lightly tested.

I suggest there are a few wines to verify that have been added later (I used http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Category:Wine) and might need to be added: (Or reported as bugs, as normally wines and meads should count)

ice wine
iced plum wine
chakra-mental wine
mentholated wine
Centauri fish wine
stale cheer wine
nega-mushroom wine
mime army wine
mulled hobo wine
mourning wine
FantasyRealm mead
Worked for drinking through the item manager, but not when drinking through the CLI.

 > drink sacramento wine

Drinking 1 Sacramento wine...
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 12 Fortitude
You gain 28 Magicalness
You gain 47 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Sacré Mental (50)
Finished drinking 1 Sacramento wine.

In item manager:
Putting on mafia pinky ring...
Equipment changed.
Drinking 1 Sacramento wine...
You gain 7 Adventures
You gain 21 Beefiness
You gain 22 Magicalness
You gain 30 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Sacré Mental (50)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-1)
Finished drinking 1 Sacramento wine.
Putting on Sasq™ watch...
Equipment changed.
It only suppressed Ode warnings, not Tuxedo, PVP or Pinky Ring. Now suppresses all to match "eatsilent" - r18599
Hmm...I guess my rollover script never collided with the others. I was mainly thinking of the "Are you sure you want to overdrink?" prompt and the Ode one, I guess. Thanks for doing that! Looks like it was more complicated than it sounded.
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It wasn't that complex in itself, but it made more sense to simplify and harmonise code and terms rather than add more complexity by adding checks to many commands.

I also suspect that the spading is not accurate.
For gingerbread wine (base 8-10 adv), with Refined Palate and mafia pinky ring, I got 11, 12 and 14 adventures, rather than expected 12, 13 and 14. With just mafia pinky ring I got 9, 10 and 11, rather than expected 10, 11 and 12.
For overpowered mushroom wine (base 22-24 adv), with both, I got 32 and 34 adventures, expected being 32, 33 and 36.

We need more work on that.
I got access to some spading accounts.

Pinky ring is +12.5% adventures, rounded to nearest integer, and this is applied after refined palate.
Oh, it seems it was not the drinking from the CLI that was the issue, but that the mime army shotglass was active for that one booze. As far as I can tell, the bonus is still applied despite being 0 effective drunkenness, so ring needs to be equipped.
Hmm, when I do "drink bucket of wine" for the nightcap, with autoequipping enabled, I equip the ring and of course get the warning prompt.
But when using "overdrink bucket of wine", to avoid the prompt, the ring isn't equipped either.
Put it in display case, or storage, or closet (if you can't use closet) to avoid any prompts, and don't set autoPinkyRing to avoid putting it on automatically.

Also, not sure they will, as we've had no such request regarding Tuxedo or Gar-Ish.